AP World History Period 1 Flashcards
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4548021441 | Migration | Movement from one part of something to another | 0 | |
4548021442 | Centralized | Concentrate under a single authority | 1 | |
4548022527 | Bantu | Collective name of a large group of sub-Saharan African languages and of the peoples speaking these languages | 2 | |
4548023062 | Shang | The dominant people in the earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records (ca. 1750-1027 B.C.E.). Ancestor worship, divination by means of oracle bones, and the use of bronze vessels for ritual purposes were major elements of Shang culture. | 3 | |
4548024764 | Phoenicians | Semitic-speaking Canaanites living on the coast of modern Lebanon and Syria in the first millennium B.C.E. From major cities such as Tyre and Sidon, Phoenician merchants and sailors explored the Mediterranean, and engaged in widespread commerce | 4 | |
4548025809 | Harrappa/Mohenjo Daro | Civilizations along the Indus River valley | 5 | |
4548025810 | Nile River Valley | fertile land in North Africa near the Nile River | 6 | |
4548026224 | Forage | Search widely for food or provisions | 7 | |
4548026225 | Commodities | a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold | 8 | |
4548026867 | Neolithic Revolution | the origin and consequences the introduction of agriculture, domestication of animals, and a more sedentary life during the later part of the Stone Age | 9 | |
4548026868 | Climate | the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period | 10 | |
4548029422 | Domesticated | an animal that is tame and kept as a pet or on a farm. | 11 | |
4548029911 | Pastorialism | A type of agriculture activity based on nomadic animal husbandry or the raising of livestock to provide food, clothing, and shelter. (Domesticating Livestock for agricultural purposes) | 12 | |
4548029912 | Hierarchy | a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. | 13 | |
4548030421 | Specialization | the process of concentrating on and becoming expert in a particular subject or skill. | 14 | |
7348846225 | Paleolithic | The period of the Stone Age associated with the evolution of humans. It predates the Neolithic period | 15 | |
7348847646 | Governance | the action or manner of governing. | 16 | |
7348849663 | Divine | of, from, or like God or a god. | 17 | |
7348852158 | Emergence | the process of coming into being, or of becoming important or prominent. | 18 | |
7348857990 | Patriarchy | a form of social organization in which a male is the family head and title is traced through the male line. | 19 | |
7348859897 | Commercial | making or intended to make a profit | 20 | |
7348862419 | Artisan | a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand | 21 | |
7348864768 | Diffusion | the spreading of something more widely. | 22 | |
7348866790 | Agrarian | relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land | 23 | |
7348925653 | Surplus | an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand. | 24 | |
7348927169 | External | belonging to or forming the outer surface or structure of something | 25 | |
7348929031 | Internal | of or situated on the inside | 26 | |
7348930815 | Mobilize | make (something) movable or capable of movement | 27 | |
7348933307 | Disseminate | spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely | 28 | |
7348935481 | Dissolution | the closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body. | 29 | |
7348940616 | Alliance | a state of being joined or associated | 30 | |
7348942284 | Monumental | great in importance, extent, or size | 31 | |
7348945251 | Subsequent | coming after something in time; following | 32 | |
7348947535 | Vedic | records of Aryans describe deities - one was the war leader and strongest on Indra, destroyer of cities and god of thunder and storm. rituals for the gods is found in the vedas = 4 books of sacred knowledge originally recited orally in Sanskrit. the oldest - Rig Veda = collection of hyms from 1800 to 1300. by late Vedic period, Hindu gods were Shiva and Vishnu - examples of Brahma = universal, eternal force | 33 | |
7348950260 | Hebrew Monotheism | Definition: The Hebrew idea of there being only one God and none other. This God is not anthropomorphic but is omnipotent Cause: Diffusion of Zoroastrianism ; nature gods; the need to bring together a people Consequence: Has influenced countless religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. Unification of peoples' through religion; no individual gods to blame for ex. Losing a war or no rainfall for crops | 34 | |
7348960028 | Facilitate | make (an action or process) easy or easier | 35 | |
7348961253 | Interregional | relatinɡ to or occurring between different regions. | 36 | |
7348964904 | Zoroastrianism | dual gods of equal power to form early monotheism; Persian; cosmic struggle over good and bad; those that do good go to heaven and bad go to hell; influenced Judaism and Christianity | 37 | |
7348966009 | Transregional | Across regions | 38 | |
7348969975 | Oceania | the islands of the central and S Pacific, including Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and traditionally Australasia | 39 | |
7348973453 | Olmec | They were the first major civilization in Mexico | 40 | |
7348979950 | Mesopotamia | an ancient region in west Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers: now part of Iraq | 41 | |
7348986539 | Chavin | First major urban civilization in South America (900-250 B.C.E.) . It's capital, Chavín de Huantar, was located in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Chavín became politically and economically dominant in a densely populated region that included two distinct ecological zones, the Peruvian Costal Plain and the Andean Foothills | 42 | |
7348990117 | B.C.E | Before Common Era | 43 | |
7348991289 | C.E. | Common Era | 44 |