AP Literature Vocabulary 7 Flashcards
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4005928722 | Obsolete | (adj) no longer produced or used; out of date | 0 | |
4005930080 | Dogged | (adj) having or showing tenacity and grim persistence | 1 | |
4005931344 | sanctimonious | (adj) making a hypocritical show of religious devotion; preachy | 2 | |
4005933314 | arrogate | (v) to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right | 3 | |
4005934320 | Prostrated | (V) to reduce to extreme physical weakness | 4 | |
4005937136 | Capricious | (Adj) Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour. | 5 | |
4005939222 | Mountebank | (n) a person who deceives others, especially in order to trick them out of their money; a charlatan | 6 | |
4005941148 | Esplanade | (N) a level, open area for walking or driving along a shore | 7 | |
4005966840 | indignities | (n) treatment or circumstances that cause one to feel shame or to lose one's dignity; to cause humiliation | 8 | |
4005967374 | draught | (n) beer, wine, etc, stored in bulk; a portion of liquid to be drunk | 9 | |
4005968071 | croon | (v) to hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner | 10 | |
4005969285 | suave | (adj) (especially of a man) charming, confident, and elegant | 11 | |
4005969958 | felicity | (n) Intense happiness | 12 | |
4005970946 | Contrariety | (noun): Opposition or inconsistency between two or more things | 13 | |
4005971735 | Nebular | (adj)- cloudy, misty, hazy | 14 | |
4005971988 | anarchic | (adj) lawless | 15 | |
4005973372 | Ineffable | (adj) too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words | 16 | |
4005974566 | Squelchy | (adj)- squishing sound | 17 | |
4005975852 | Vacillating | (adj) wavering between different opinions or actions; indecisive | 18 | |
4005976816 | Noisome | (adj) having an extremely offensive smell | 19 | |
4005977748 | Renunciation | (noun): the formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action | 20 | |
4005978416 | Fictitious | (adjective): not real or true | 21 | |
4005979463 | Titillate | (v): to interest or excite (someone) in an enjoyable and often sexual way | 22 | |
4005980051 | Fluted | (adj):decorated with a series of long, rounded lines that are cut into the surface | 23 | |
4005980933 | Mezzanine | (n): a low story between two others in a building, typically between the ground and first floors. | 24 | |
4005981448 | Extricate | (v): to free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficult | 25 | |
4005982466 | Gregarious | (adj.): fond of company; sociable | 26 | |
4005983200 | Disjunct | adj.): disjoined and distinct from one another. | 27 | |
4005984370 | quagmire | (n): a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot | 28 | |
4005985581 | half-caste | (adj; now considered offensive): a person whose parents are of different races, in particular, with a European father and an Indian mother. | 29 | |
4005986433 | Solicitude | (noun) care or concern for someone or something | 30 | |
4005987166 | Indolently | (adj) wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy | 31 | |
4005987805 | decorum | (n): propriety; appropriateness in behavior | 32 | |
4005988492 | garrote | (n): a wire, cord, or apparatus used to strangle someone | 33 | |
4005989356 | Inextricably | (adv) incapable of being undone | 34 | |
4005989911 | Implored | (verb) to beg urgently or piteously | 35 |