AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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5819944739 | Flippancy | (N) casualness; without respect or seriousness; frivolousness | 0 | |
5819952611 | Bucolic | (Adj) rustic and pastoral; characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants | 1 | |
5819952612 | Exuberant | (Adj) High-spirited, enthusiastic, unrestrained; excessive, abundant | 2 | |
5819954527 | Desultory | (Adj) Lacking consistency or order, disconnected, sporadic; going off topic | 3 | |
5819976573 | Bourgeois | (Adj) a middle-class person, capitalist (negative connotations when used as an adjective; synonymous with conventional and conformist) | 4 | |
5819984147 | Bourgeoisie | (N) The middle class | 5 | |
5820002037 | Garish | (Adj) Glaring; tastelessly showy or overdecorated in a vulgar or offensive way | 6 | |
5820008737 | Deplore | (V) To feel or express regret or disapproval | 7 | |
5820014426 | Precariously | (Adv) Unsteadily; insecurely; dangerously (exposed) | 8 | |
5820031785 | Immutable | (Adj) Not subject to change, constant | 9 | |
5820036352 | Impecunious | (Adj) Having little or no money; penniless; poor. | 10 | |
5820042509 | Impious | (Adj) Not religious, lacking reverence, or ungodly; wicked; profane | 11 | |
5820049764 | Raucously | (Adv)Boisterously and disorderly; loudly and recklessly | 12 | |
5820060634 | Redolent | (Adj) Tending to arouse memories or create an aura | 13 | |
5820063915 | Facetiousness | (N) Not meant to be taken seriously or literally; amusing; witty levity | 14 | |
5820069859 | Deferred | (V)Postponed or delayed | 15 | |
5820093818 | Fester | (V) To grow embittered over time; to rot; produce irritation or resentment | 16 | |
5820101565 | Indictment | (N) The act of accusing; a formal accusation | 17 | |
5820109705 | Assimilationist | (N) A person who advocates or participates in racial or cultural integration | 18 | |
5820116911 | Looming | (Adj) Ominous and awe-inspiring; imminent | 19 | |
5820132029 | Prometheus | (N) Creator or mankind; stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind; forethought | 20 | |
5820164344 | Coo | (V) Make a soft murmuring sound | 21 | |
5820203826 | Melodrama | (N) A literary form in which events are exaggerated in order to create an extreme emotional response | 22 | |
5820209499 | Nonplussed | (V) Puzzled, not knowing what to do, at a loss; bewildered | 23 | |
5820213864 | Eccentricity | (N) Oddity; idiosyncrasy | 24 | |
5820218108 | Martyrdom | (N) Death or intense suffering experienced due to one's beliefs | 25 | |
5820222702 | Monologue | (N) A long speech made by one performer or by one person in a group | 26 | |
5820225568 | Idiom | (N) A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words | 27 | |
5881837022 | Sanguine | (Adj) optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation; bloody | 28 | |
5881849978 | Protuberant | (Adj) bulging out beyond the surrounding surface; projecting | 29 | |
5881852327 | Irrepressible | (Adj) not able to be controlled or restrained | 30 | |
5881946514 | Sinecures | (N) a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit | 31 | |
5881947442 | Fatuous | (Adj) silly and pointless | 32 | |
5881949668 | Perilously | (Adv) in a way that is full of danger or risk | 33 | |
5881953356 | Ruminant | (Adj) contemplative; meditative; (N) a person who contemplates or reflects | 34 | |
5881966888 | Solipsism | (N) the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist | 35 | |
5881970998 | Perfidy | (N) deceitfulness; untrustworthiness; treachery | 36 | |
5881971716 | Scrutinize | (V) examine or inspect closely and thoroughly | 37 | |
5881973673 | Fulminating | (V) express vehement protest; explode violently or flash like lightning | 38 | |
5881977447 | Edified | (V) instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually | 39 | |
5881978867 | Axiom | (N) a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true Ex. Gravity | 40 | |
5881979496 | Effigies | (N) a sculpture or model of a person (to be damaged or destroyed as a protest or expression of anger) | 41 | |
5881982012 | Credulous | (Adj) having or showing too great a readiness to believe things | 42 | |
5881984836 | Oligarchies | (N) a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution | 43 | |
5881987513 | Obliquely | (Adv) not in a direct way; indirectly | 44 | |
5881987514 | Dalliance | (N) a casual romantic or sexual relationship | 45 | |
5881988671 | Labyrinthine | (Adj) irregular and twisting; intricate and confusing | 46 | |
5881992733 | Orthodoxy | (N) authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice | 47 | |
5881994258 | Proliferated | (V) increase rapidly in numbers; multiply | 48 | |
5881996063 | Niggling | (V or Adj) cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety | 49 | |
5881997662 | Febrile | (Adj) having or showing the symptoms of a fever; avid; fervent | 50 | |
5882001370 | Execrate | (V) feel or express great loathing for | 51 | |
5882002996 | Ossified | (V) turn into bone or bony tissue; cease developing; be stagnant or rigid | 52 | |
5882004829 | Panegyric | (N) a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something | 53 | |
5882005903 | Valorize | (V) give or ascribe value or validity to (something) | 54 | |
5933781178 | Euphonic | (Adj) pleasing to the ear; characterized by pleasing sound | 55 | |
5933786763 | Litotes | (N) ironic understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary Ex: you won't be sorry | 56 | |
5933791186 | Auspicious | (Adj) conducive to success; favorable, fortunate | 57 | |
5933795520 | Impotent | (Adj) unable to take effective action; helpless or powerless | 58 | |
5933801613 | Obsequious | (Adj) obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree* | 59 | |
5933804006 | Credent | (Adj) believing (confiding) or believable; credible | 60 | |
5933813705 | Enmity | (N) the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something; hatred or ill will | 61 | |
5933818337 | Expostulate | (V) express strong disapproval or disagreement; reason with someone against something destructive | 62 | |
5933829525 | Offal | (N) the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food; trash or rubbish (non-nutritious) | 63 | |
5933833276 | Cuckold | (N) the husband of an adulteress (everyone know it but the husband), often regarded as an object of derision | 64 | |
5933842601 | Archaic | (Adj) very old or old-fashioned (no longer in everyday use) | 65 | |
5933846489 | Usurp | (V) to take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force | 66 | |
5933848666 | Mirth | (N) amusement, especially as expressed in laughter | 67 | |
5933851181 | Visage | (N) a person's face, with reference to the form or proportions of the features | 68 | |
5933853788 | Jocund | (Adj) cheerful and lighthearted | 69 | |
5933857467 | Libertine | (N) a person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters | 70 | |
5933860027 | Pernicious | (Adj) having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way | 71 | |
5933862692 | Pastoral | (Adj) used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle; pertaining to rural life, the countryside and ideal quaintness | 72 | |
5933865569 | Orison | (N) a prayer | 73 | |
5933867900 | Circumvent | (V) find a way around (an obstacle) | 74 | |
5933872761 | Cacophonous | (Adj) involving or producing a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds | 75 | |
5933873793 | Harbingers | (N) a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another | 76 | |
5933881768 | Dirge | (N) a lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite | 77 | |
5933886167 | Filial | (Adj) of or due from a son or daughter | 78 | |
5933889225 | Countenance | (N) a person's face or facial expression | 79 | |
5933892456 | Beguile | (V) charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way | 80 | |
5933894372 | Ambiguous | (Adj) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning | 81 | |
5933898634 | Diadem | (N) a jeweled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty | 82 | |
5933901704 | Termagent | (N) a harsh-tempered or overbearing woman; violent, turbulent, shrewd woman | 83 | |
5933904753 | Sexton | (N) a person who looks after a church and churchyard, sometimes acting as bell-ringer and formerly as a gravedigger | 84 | |
6056795072 | Fastidious | (Adj) difficult to please* | 85 | |
6056804218 | Indefatigable | (Adj) (of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly | 86 | |
6056817741 | Sublime | (Adj) of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe; (N) surreal-ness, wonderful in an odd way | 87 | |
6056822683 | Predilection | (N) a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something | 88 | |
6056828377 | Averred | (V) state or assert to be the case | 89 | |
6056831451 | Folly | (N) lack of good sense; foolishness | 90 | |
6056837461 | Palpable | (Adj) (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible | 91 | |
6056841041 | Zeal | (N) great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective | 92 | |
6056846053 | Paroxysm | (N) a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity; erratic behavior | 93 | |
6056852456 | Ameliorate | (V) make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better | 94 | |
6056854697 | Pittance | (N) a very small or inadequate amount of money paid to someone as an allowance or wage | 95 | |
6056867586 | Fervently | (Adv) very enthusiastically or passionately | 96 | |
6056875625 | Chimerical | (Adj) existing only as the product of unchecked imagination; fantastically visionary or improbable | 97 | |
6056880467 | Galvanism | (N) electricity produced by chemical action (therapeutically used on the body) | 98 | |
6056883678 | Imbibed | (V) drink (alcohol) | 99 | |
6056913634 | Turmoil | (N) a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty | 100 | |
6056917812 | Erroneously | (Adv) in a mistaken way; incorrectly* | 101 | |
6056923430 | Repose | (N) a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility | 102 | |
6056926972 | Adversity | (N) difficulties; misfortune | 103 | |
6056931285 | Penury | (N) extreme poverty; destitution | 104 | |
6056935401 | Ignoble | (Adj) not honorable in character or purpose | 105 | |
6056938331 | Repined | (V) feel or express discontent; fret (lost love) | 106 | |
6056946010 | Ardently | (Adv) very enthusiastically or passionately | 107 | |
6056949402 | Benevolence | (N) the quality of being well meaning; kindness | 108 | |
6056951733 | Mien | (N) a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood | 109 | |
6056954382 | Pedantry | (N) excessive concern with minor details and rules | 110 | |
6056791844 | Capacious | (Adj) having a lot of space inside; roomy* | 111 | |
6112596781 | Dogmatism | (N) the tendency to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others | 112 | |
6112614124 | Odious | (Adj) unpleasant; repulsive | 113 | |
6112615594 | Diffident | (Adj) modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence | 114 | |
6112619256 | Verdant | (Adj) green with grass or other rich vegetation; young | 115 | |
6112629346 | Placid | (Adj ) not easily upset or excited | 116 | |
6112631404 | Bauble | (N) a small, showy trinket or decoration | 117 | |
6112636288 | Lamentation | (N) the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping | 118 | |
6112639450 | Minute | (Adj) extremely small; (N) a period of time equal to sixty seconds or a sixtieth of an hour | 119 | |
6112649797 | Convalescence | (N) time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation | 120 | |
6112652441 | Antipathy | (N) a deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion | 121 | |
6112655306 | Brooding | (Adj) showing deep unhappiness of thought | 122 | |
6112659481 | Ignominious | (Adj) deserving or causing public disgrace or shame | 123 | |
6112665519 | Obdurate | (Adj) stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action | 124 | |
6112667981 | Malice | (N) the intention or desire to do evil; ill will | 125 | |
6112673221 | Pertinacity | (N) the quality of holding tenaciously to a purpose, course of action, or opinion; persistence* | 126 | |
6112694615 | Writhe | (V) make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body | 127 | |
6112696520 | Salubrious | (Adj) health-giving; healthy | 128 | |
6112698953 | Melancholy | (N) a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause | 129 | |
6112703298 | Timorous | (Adj) showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence | 130 | |
6112704555 | Perdition | (N) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death | 131 | |
6112707286 | Abhorrence | (N) a feeling of repulsion; disgusted loathing | 132 | |
6166835432 | Dun | (Adj/N) of a dull grayish-brown color | 133 | |
6166835433 | Docile | (Adj) ready to accept control or instruction; submissive. | 134 | |
6166860316 | Prognosticate | (V) foretell or prophesy (an event in the future), predicct, forecast | 135 | |
6166860317 | Acquit | (V) free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty | 136 | |
6166860318 | Complacency | (N) a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements | 137 | |
6166875361 | Omnipotence | (N) the quality of having unlimited or very great power | 138 | |
6166897928 | Precipitous | (Adj) dangerously high or steep | 139 | |
6166897929 | Vivacity | (N) (especially in a woman) the quality of being attractively lively and animated | 140 | |
6166897930 | Callous | (Adj) showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others, emotional insensitive | 141 | |
6166897931 | Tedious | (Adj) too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous | 142 | |
6166907302 | Tremulous | (Adj) shaking or quivering slightly | 143 | |
6168902212 | Efface | (V) erase (a mark) from a surface; make oneself appear insignificant or inconspicuous, obliterate, expunge | 144 | |
6168904332 | Impetuous | (Adj) acting or done quickly and without thought or care | 145 | |
6168905104 | Satiated | (V) satisfy (a desire or an appetite) to the full | 146 | |
6168908120 | Vacillating | (V) alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive | 147 | |
6168910365 | Conjecture | (N) an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information | 148 | |
6168911279 | Protestation | (N) an emphatic declaration that something is or is not the case | 149 | |
6168913699 | Unhallowed | (Adj) not formally consecrated, wicked | 150 | |
6168915611 | Ephemeral | (Adj) lasting for a very short time | 151 | |
6168916331 | Augmented | (Adj) having been made greater in size or value | 152 | |
6168917347 | Clemency | (N) mercy; lenience | 153 | |
6223434829 | Antithesis | (N) an opposition or contrast of ideas is expressed by parallelism of words that are the opposites of, or strongly contrasted with, each other | 154 | |
6223439471 | Caesura | (N) a break between words within a metrical foot | 155 | |
6223445774 | End-stop line | A pause comes at the end of a syntactic unit (sentence, clause or phrase); this pause can be expressed in writing as a punctuation mark such as a colon, semi-colon, period or full stop | 156 | |
6223449011 | Feminine rhyme | A rhyme between stressed syllables followed by one or more unstressed syllables (e.g., stocking / shocking, glamorous / amorous) | 157 | |
6223457857 | Metonymy | (N) the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing | 158 | |
6223465464 | Synecdoche | (N) a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs (meaning "Cleveland's baseball team") | 159 | |
6223473981 | Assonance | (N) in poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in non-rhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible (e.g., penitence, reticence ) | 160 | |
6223481578 | Consonance | The recurrence of similar sounds, especially consonants, in close proximity (Example: pitter, patter) | 161 | |
6223492719 | Enjambment | The continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza | 162 | |
6223497453 | Internal rhyme | (N) a rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next (I went to town to buy a gown) | 163 | |
6223506820 | Meter | (N) the rhythm of a piece of poetry, determined by the number and length of feet in a line | 164 | |
6223514475 | Apostrophe | An exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person (typically one who is dead or absent) or thing (typically one that is personified): "Is this a dagger which I see before me,/The handle toward my hand?/Come, let me clutch thee!/I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." | 165 | |
6223530750 | Couplet | Two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit | 166 | |
6223533207 | Slant Rhyme | Rhyme in which the stressed syllables of ending consonants match, however the preceding vowel sounds do not match (shape/keep, bold/bald) | 167 | |
6223548849 | Masculine rhyme | A rhyme of final stressed syllables (e.g., blow / flow, confess / redress ) | 168 | |
6223555375 | Scansion | The action of scanning a line of verse to determine its rhythm | 169 | |
6285280195 | Triplets (tercets) | a set or group of three lines of verse rhyming together or connected by rhyme with an adjacent tercet. | 170 | |
6285340673 | Tropes | a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression; archetype (archetypical pattern, cliche) | 171 | |
6285340674 | Narrative poem | a form of poetry that tells a story, often making use of the voices of a narrator and characters as well; the entire story is usually written in metered verse (epics, ballads, idylls, and lays) | 172 | |
6285340675 | Villanelle | a nineteen-line poem with two rhymes throughout, consisting of five tercets and a quatrain, with the first and third lines of the opening tercet recurring alternately at the end of the other tercets and with both repeated at the close of the concluding quatrain | 173 | |
6285340676 | Ode | a lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter | 174 | |
6285340677 | Dramatic monologue | a poem in the form of a speech or narrative by an imagined person, in which the speaker inadvertently reveals aspects of their character while describing a particular situation or series of events | 175 | |
6285340678 | Blank verse | verse without rhyme, especially that which uses iambic pentameter | 176 | |
6285340679 | Mixed metaphor | a combination of two or more incompatible metaphors, which produces a ridiculous effect (e.g., this tower of strength will forge ahead ) | 177 | |
6285340680 | Lyric poem | a type of emotional songlike poetry, distinguished from dramatic and narrative poetry | 178 | |
6285340681 | Limerick | a humorous, frequently bawdy, verse of three long and two short lines rhyming aabba | 179 | |
6285340682 | Sonnet | a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line | 180 | |
6285340683 | Ballad | a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas about feeling and love. Traditional ballads are typically of unknown authorship, having been passed on orally from one generation to the next as part of the folk culture | 181 |