AP Language Terms Flashcards
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3750278875 | Elegaic | Expressing sorrow | 0 | |
3750278876 | Perfunctory | Characterized by routine or superficiality; mechanical | 1 | |
3750278877 | Staid | Sedate; somber | 2 | |
3750278878 | Disquiet | To take away peace or tranquility; worry | 3 | |
3750278879 | Incongruity | The quality of disagreeing; out of place | 4 | |
3750278880 | Gregarious | Sociable | 5 | |
3750278881 | Nebulous | Hazy; vague | 6 | |
3750278882 | Laudatory | Expressing praise | 7 | |
3750278883 | Chimerical | Imaginary | 8 | |
3750278884 | Provincial | Concerning a country or empire | 9 | |
3750278885 | Clandestine | Executed with secrecy | 10 | |
3750278886 | Exuberance | Full of energy | 11 | |
3750278887 | Reticent | Not revealing ones thoughts | 12 | |
3750278888 | Assiduous | Showing great care | 13 | |
3750278889 | Vilify | Speaks or write about abusively | 14 | |
3750278890 | Enervate | Causing someone to feel drained of energy | 15 | |
3750278891 | Detritus | Waste | 16 | |
3750278892 | Gustatory | Concerned with taste | 17 | |
3750278893 | Callow | Inexperienced or immature | 18 | |
3750278894 | Panegyric | Formal public speech delivered in high praise of something | 19 | |
3750278895 | Magnanimous | Greatly generous | 20 | |
3750278896 | Disconsolate | Without consolation; unhappy or discomfort | 21 | |
3750278897 | Mendacious | Lying | 22 | |
3750278898 | Timorous | Showing or suffering from nervousness or lack of confidence | 23 | |
3750278899 | Effuse | To give off or to talk in an excited manner | 24 | |
3750278900 | Pugilistic | A boxer | 25 | |
3750278901 | Atoll | A ring shaped reef formed of coral | 26 | |
3750278902 | Iconoclast | Person who attacks religious beliefs | 27 | |
3750278903 | Anomalous | Deviating from the norm | 28 | |
3750278904 | Dilatory | Slow to act; intended to cause delay | 29 | |
3796038089 | Defenstrate | To throw someone out the window | 30 | |
3796038090 | Gauche | Lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward | 31 | |
3796038091 | Diatribe | A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something | 32 | |
3796038092 | Charlatan | A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; fraud | 33 | |
3796038093 | Subterfuge | Deceit used in order to achieve ones goal | 34 | |
3796038094 | Denigrate | Criticize unfairly; disparage | 35 | |
3796038095 | Maelstrom | A powerful whirlpool; or a situation or state of confused movement | 36 | |
3796038096 | Truculent | Eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressive defiant | 37 | |
3796038097 | Specious | Superficially plausible, but actually wrong; misleading in appearance | 38 | |
3796038098 | Dilettante | A person with amateur interest in the arts | 39 | |
3834507806 | Perspicacity | The quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness | 40 | |
3834507807 | Artisan | Skilled craftsmen or workman | 41 | |
3834507808 | Altruistic | Showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well being of others; unselfish | 42 | |
3834507809 | Conciliatory | Intended or likely to placate or pacify | 43 | |
3834507810 | Acerbic | Sharp and forthright; tasting sour or bitter | 44 | |
3834507811 | Indigence | A state of extreme poverty | 45 | |
3834507812 | Extradition | The action of extraditing a person accused or convicted of a crime | 46 | |
3834507813 | Forbearance | Tolerance; self control or the act of refraining from exercising a legal right | 47 | |
3834507814 | Zeitgeist | Spirit of the time; the emotional drive in the culture of people at the time | 48 | |
3834507815 | Deprecate | Expressing disapproval of | 49 | |
3887126367 | Auspicious | Conducive to success; favorable or characterized by success | 50 | |
3887126368 | Arcane | Understood by few; mysterious or secret | 51 | |
3887126369 | Convivial | Friendly, lively, enjoyable, cheerful | 52 | |
3887126370 | Obdurate | Stubbornly refusing to change ones opinion or course of action | 53 | |
3887126371 | Transitory | Not permanent | 54 | |
3887126372 | Imperious | Assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering | 55 | |
3887126373 | Monolithic | Formed of a single block of stone; or a large, powerful, uniform and indivisible organization | 56 | |
3887126374 | Equivocate | Use ambiguous language to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself | 57 | |
3887126375 | Extemporaneous | Spoken or done without preparation | 58 | |
3887126376 | Copacetic | In excellent order | 59 | |
3937601158 | Dint | A force | 60 | |
3937601159 | Vicarious | Taking the place of another person or thing | 61 | |
3937601160 | Lassitude | A state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy | 62 | |
3937601161 | Licentious | Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters; the disregard of rules | 63 | |
3937601162 | Pecuniary | Consisting of or relating to money | 64 | |
3937601163 | Avocation | Hobby or occupation | 65 | |
3937601164 | Efficacy | Ability to produce a desired result | 66 | |
3937601165 | Ubiquitous | Present, appearing, or found everywhere | 67 | |
3937601166 | Moribund | A person at the point of death | 68 | |
3937601167 | Insipid | Lacking flavor or vigor or interest | 69 | |
3989039077 | Suppliant | A person making a humble plea to someone in power or authority | 70 | |
3989039078 | Feckless | Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible | 71 | |
3989039079 | Indolent | Wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy | 72 | |
3989039080 | Lugubrious | Looking or sounding sad and dismal | 73 | |
3989039081 | Ribald | Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way | 74 | |
3989039082 | Dissemble | To conceal ones true motives, feelings, or beliefs | 75 | |
3989039083 | Dissimulation | Concealment of ones thoughts, feelings, or character; pretense | 76 | |
3989039084 | Expectorate | To cough or spit phlegm from throat or lungs | 77 | |
3989039085 | Palpate | To examine a part of the body by touch especially for medical purposes | 78 | |
3989039086 | Peremptory | Insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in an imperious way | 79 | |
4038953141 | Pusillanimous | Showing a lack of courage or determination; timid | 80 | |
4038953142 | Capacious | Having a lot of space inside; roomy | 81 | |
4038953143 | Ignominy | Public shame or disgrace | 82 | |
4038953144 | Phlegmatic | Having an unemotional and calm disposition | 83 | |
4038953145 | Prostrate | Lying stretched out on the ground faced downward | 84 | |
4038953146 | Gestalt | An organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts | 85 | |
4038953147 | Aplomb | Self confidence when in a demanding situation | 86 | |
4038953148 | Cognizance | Knowledge; awareness | 87 | |
4038953149 | Collusion | Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in or to cheat or deceive others | 88 | |
4038953150 | Hegemony | Leadership or dominance especially by a specific group over others | 89 | |
4081851391 | Vapid | Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging | 90 | |
4081851392 | Paradigm | An example or pattern of something; model | 91 | |
4081851393 | Unctuous | Excessively flattering; oily | 92 | |
4081851394 | Urbane | Suave, courteous, and refined in manner | 93 | |
4081851395 | Ambulatory | Relating to walking or a place for walking | 94 | |
4081851396 | Ennui | Feeling of dissatisfaction arising from lack of excitement or occupation (boredom) | 95 | |
4081851397 | Inscrutable | Impossible to understand | 96 | |
4081851398 | Prognosticate | Foretell or predict | 97 | |
4081851399 | Schism | A split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties | 98 | |
4081851400 | Austere | Severe or strict; having an extremely plain lifestyle | 99 | |
4120805569 | Corpulent | Fat | 100 | |
4120805570 | Jocund | Cheerful and lighthearted | 101 | |
4120805571 | Sanguine | Optimistic and positive | 102 | |
4120805572 | Strident | Loud and harsh | 103 | |
4120805573 | Remonstrance | A forcefully reproachful protest | 104 | |
4120805574 | Scintillate | To emit flashes of light; sparkle | 105 | |
4120805575 | Vitiate | To spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of | 106 | |
4120805576 | Brigand | A member of a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests and mountains | 107 | |
4120805577 | Incendiary | Designed to cause fires | 108 | |
4120805578 | Laconic | Using very few words | 109 | |
4155306206 | Discursive | Distressing from subject to subject | 110 | |
4155306207 | Mien | A persons look or manner that may indicate their character or mood | 111 | |
4155306208 | Veracity | Conformity to facts or accuracy | 112 | |
4155306209 | Ethereal | Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems to perfect for this world | 113 | |
4155306210 | Nascent | Just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of potential | 114 | |
4155306211 | Nonplussed | A person that is surprised and confused so much that they don't know how to react; perplexed | 115 | |
4155306212 | Fatuous | Silly and pointless | 116 | |
4155306213 | Pernicious | Having a harmful effect especially in a subtle way | 117 | |
4155306214 | Febrile | Having or showing nervousness, excitement, energy, or symptoms of fever | 118 | |
4155306215 | Obfuscate | To render unclear | 119 |