Week 9: Transfusion Transmitted Diseases Flashcards
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4701026291 | Anyone transfused with blood products must wait _______ before they are eligible to donate blood, to ensure lack of infection via transfusion | 12 months | 0 | |
4701026292 | Required Donor Unit Testing (in addition to ABO, Rh, Antibody Screen) | Syphilis T. cruzi HBsAg (detected before antibody) Anti-HBc Anti-HCV Anti-HIV 1 and 2 Anti-HTLV 1 and 2 HIV/HBV/HCV/WNV NAT | 1 | |
4701026293 | Transmission of viruses can be associated with... | Cellular components or plasma alone | 2 | |
4701026294 | Six major types of viral hepatitis | A, B, C, D, E, G (GB virus-C) | 3 | |
4701026295 | Symptoms of hepatitis | jaundice, dark urine, hepatomegaly, anorexia, malaise, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain | 4 | |
4701026296 | Hepatitis ____ and____ are responsible for most infections | B and C | 5 | |
4701026297 | Hepatitis A (HAV) Family | Picornaviridae, ssRNA | 6 | |
4701026298 | Hepatitis A Transmission | Fecal-oral route; in blood transfusion donor must be in incubation phase (limited to 2-6 weeks) | 7 | |
4701026299 | Hepatitis A Donor Screening | Not routinely performed; most infected are acutely ill and are symptomatic | 8 | |
4701026300 | Hepatitis E (HEV) Family | Calciviridae, RNA | 9 | |
4701026301 | Hepatitis E Transmission | Fecal-oral route | 10 | |
4701026302 | Hepatitis B (HBV) Family | Hepadnaviridae, partially circular DNA | 11 | |
4701026303 | Hepatitis B Transmission | Parenterally, sexual contact, perinatally High incidence in homosexuals, multiple partners, IVDU Remains infective for at least 1 month when stored at RT or frozen | 12 | |
4701026304 | Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG) | Prepared from plasma with high titers of antibody Given to individuals who have not been immunized and have been potentially exposed Does not provide permanent protection Does not always prevent infection | 13 | |
4701026305 | Hepatitis B Vaccine | Recombinant vaccine, gene for HBsAg inserted into yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae Yeast allergy contraindication (contains residual yeast) Given as 3 intramuscular injections | 14 | |
4701026306 | Hepatitis C (HCV) Family | Flaviviridae, RNA Formerly non-A, non-B | 15 | |
4701026307 | Hepatitis C Transmission | Parenterally, sexual contact, perinatally | 16 | |
4701026308 | Hepatits C Disease | CHRONIC liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma Responsible for most liver transplants | 17 | |
4701026309 | Hepatitis D (HDV) is a defective... | ssRNA virus only found with HBV infection | 18 | |
4701026310 | Hepatitis D Transmission | Parenterally (blood) | 19 | |
4701026311 | HDV infection requires ________ to replicate | HBsAg | 20 | |
4701026312 | HBV/HDV coinfection | More severe acute disease than HBV alone Decreased risk of developing chronic hepatitis | 21 | |
4701026313 | Hepatitis G (GVB-C) Family | Flaviviridae | 22 | |
4701026314 | Hepatitis G Transmission | Parenterally (infected blood products) | 23 | |
4701026315 | Retroviruses are characterized by... | Morphology Presence of reverse transcriptase Two identical strands of RNA | 24 | |
4701026316 | Mechanism of retroviruses | RT allows virus to produce DNA complementary to its RNA Proviral DNA is integrated into host DNA | 25 | |
4701026317 | HIV Structure | Retrovirus with envelope of glycoproteins, core proteins, and an inner core of viral RNA and RT | 26 | |
4701026318 | HIV/AIDS Transmission | Blood and Body Fluids | 27 | |
4701026319 | HIV Infects... | Lymphocytes (the immune system) | 28 | |
4701026320 | HIV Screening Test | ELISA Antibody Test | 29 | |
4701026321 | If HIV Screening Test is reactive... | Test should be repeated in duplicate on same specimen | 30 | |
4701026322 | HIV Confirmatory Test (to detect false positives) | Western Blot NAT testing | 31 | |
4701026323 | This test detects HIV infection before tests for antigen/antibody | PCR | 32 | |
4701026324 | First human retroviruses identified | Human T-Lymphotrophic Viruses (HTLV I and II) | 33 | |
4701026325 | HTLV Transmission | Blood cells (NOT plasma) and Body Fluids | 34 | |
4701026326 | HTLV I and II are _____viruses | oncoviruses | 35 | |
4701026327 | HTLV I is associated with... | T-cell lymphoma | 36 | |
4701026328 | HTLV II associated with... | T-cell variant of hairy cell leukemia | 37 | |
4701026329 | Cytomegalovirus Family | Herpesviridae | 38 | |
4701026330 | Hallmark of CMV infections | Period of latency and intermittent reativations | 39 | |
4701026331 | The prevalence of CMV in adults | 50-80% (high) | 40 | |
4701026332 | CMV Transmission | Urine, oropharyngeal secretions, breast milk, blood, semen, cervical secretions | 41 | |
4701026333 | Because of the prevalence of CMV, donors only screened when... | giving blood for neonates or immunocompromised | 42 | |
4701026334 | CMV transmission can be prevented by the use of... | leukocyte-reduced blood components | 43 | |
4701026335 | EBV causes... | Infectious mononucleosis Assc. with Burkitt Lymphoma and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | 44 | |
4701026336 | EBV Transmission | Oropharyngeal secretions In the carrier state, found in B lymphocytes | 45 | |
4701026337 | Because EBV is common, up to 47% of people develop antibodies to it by adulthood; therefore... | Donor blood is not routinely screened for EBV | 46 | |
4701026338 | West Nile Virus Family | Flavivirus, ssRNA with lipid envelope | 47 | |
4701026339 | WNV is a neuropathogen of... | human, avian, and equine species | 48 | |
4701026340 | Transmission of WNV | Mosquito bites | 49 | |
4701026341 | A diagnosed case of WNV is deferred for... | 120 days | 50 | |
4701026342 | Parvovirus B19 Transmission | Transmitted during viremic stage during transfusion | 51 | |
4701026343 | People who lack the ____ antigen are naturally resistant to Parvovirus B19 infection | P | 52 | |
4701026344 | Dengue Virus Family | Flaviviridae, ssRNA | 53 | |
4701026345 | Most common arthropod-borne viral disease | Dengue Virus | 54 | |
4701026346 | Small, proteinaceous, infectious particles that do not invoke immune response | Prions | 55 | |
4701026347 | Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) | A transmissible spongiform encephalopathy associated with Human Growth Hormone | 56 | |
4701026348 | Permanent deferral based on CJD exposure | Past HGH exposure Tissue transplants from sources with increased CJD risk Persons with family history of CJD | 57 | |
4701026349 | Characteristics of Classic CJD | Sporadic, inherited, or iatrogenic | 58 | |
4701026350 | Variant CJD | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in the UK linked to contaminated beef | 59 | |
4701026351 | Deferral to protect against vCJD transmission | 1980-1996 3+ months spent in the UK 6+ months stationed in European base 5+ years living in Europe | 60 | |
4701026352 | The type of organism that most frequently causes transfusion-transmitted infection | Bacteria | 61 | |
4701026353 | The most frequent source of septic (bacterial) transfusion reactions | Platelets (stored at RT) | 62 | |
4701026354 | Blood can become contaminated with bacteria: | At the time of collection When the donor has bacteria within bloodstream | 63 | |
4701026355 | Most bacteria do not survive storage due to... | Cold temperature Citrate in anticoagulants | 64 | |
4701026356 | Bacteria that DO survive storage are primarily... | Gram Negative Bacilli | 65 | |
4701026357 | Gram Negative Bacillus known to flourish in cold stored blood | Yersinia enterocolitica | 66 | |
4701026358 | Vehicles of Transmission of Yersinia enterocolitica | Milk, water, tofu, bean sprouts, turkey chow mein | 67 | |
4701026359 | Prevention of Y. enterocolitica in blood transfusion | Question donors about recent GI disturbances | 68 | |
4701026360 | Cause of Syphilis | Treponema pallidum (spirochete) | 69 | |
4701026361 | T. pallidum storage | Does not survive in blood stored at 4degC for more than 72 hours Remains viable when frozen | 70 | |
4701026362 | Syphilis Donor Screening Test | Nontreponemal Tests | 71 | |
4701026363 | Syphilis Donor Confirmatory Test | Treponemal Tests | 72 | |
4701026364 | Positive Syphilis test deferred for... | 1 year | 73 | |
4701026365 | Controversy over Syphilis testing of donor blood | Does not survive well in refrigerated blood Test dropped by AABB, retained by FDA in 1978 AABB reinstated syphilis testing Those infected with one STD likely to be infected with others | 74 | |
4701026366 | Cause of Lyme Disease | Borrelia burgdoreferi Blacklegged ticks | 75 | |
4701026367 | Donor testing of Lyme Disease | Not recommended at this time Following treatment, those diagnosed may donate | 76 | |
4701026368 | Malarial Species | Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium malariae Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium ovale | 77 | |
4701026369 | Transmission of Malaria | Anopheles mosquito | 78 | |
4701026370 | Malarial resistance conferred by | Fy (a-b-) Absence of Duffy antigen En (a-) | 79 | |
4701026371 | Diagnosis of Malaria | Examination of stained blood smears | 80 | |
4701026372 | Prevention of Malaria | Prophylactic drugs quinine, chloroquine | 81 | |
4701026373 | Deferral: Travel to Malaria endemic area | 1 year | 82 | |
4701026374 | Deferral: Immigrant from endemic country | 3 years | 83 | |
4701026375 | Deferral: Recovered from Malaria | 3 years | 84 | |
4701026376 | Cause of Chaga's Disease | Trypanosoma cruzi Parasitic blood and tissue protozoan | 85 | |
4701026377 | Reservoirs of T. cruzi in the US | Opossums and beavers | 86 | |
4701026378 | Transmission of T. cruzi | Bedbugs, needle sticks, congenitally | 87 | |
4701026379 | Most frequent cause of transfusion-associated tickborne infection | Babesia microti Deer tick | 88 | |
4701026380 | Babesia microti can survive blood bank storage for up to... | 35 days | 89 | |
4701026381 | Deferral for history of babesiosis | Indefinite | 90 | |
4701026382 | Follow-Up after Transfusion-Associated Disease | Donor must be permanently deferred in the development of Hepatitis, HIV, or HTLV in recipient | 91 | |
4701026383 | Look-Back | Mandated by FDA, directs collection facilities to notify donors who test positive for viral markers, to notify prior recipients, and to quarantine/discard implicated components in inventory | 92 |