AP Literature Diction Vocabulary Flashcards
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8053357119 | Allusive | containing or characterized by indirect references | 0 | |
8053357120 | Archaic | dated; old and no longer used | 1 | |
8053357121 | Blunt | abrupt in address or manner | 2 | |
8053357122 | Ceremonial | relating to or characterized by ceremony | 3 | |
8053357123 | Coarse | harsh, obscene; lacking in fineness or delicacy | 4 | |
8053357124 | Colloquial | informal; characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar speech or writing | 5 | |
8053357125 | Concise | expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form | 6 | |
8053357127 | Conversational | of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation | 7 | |
8053357128 | Cultivated | educated; refined; cultured | 8 | |
8053357130 | Dialectical | relating to the logical discussion of ideas and opinions | 9 | |
8053357132 | Ecclesiastical | religious; of or relating to the Christian Church or its clergy | 10 | |
8053357133 | Economical | using no more of something than is necessary; careful not to waste money or resources; using fewer words whenever possible | 11 | |
8053357134 | Elegiac | mournful; having a mournful quality | 12 | |
8053357135 | Elementary | of or relating to the most basic aspects of a subject; easily dealt with; straightforward and uncomplicated | 13 | |
8053357136 | Elevated | exalted or noble; lofty; advanced | 14 | |
8053357137 | Empirical | derived from or guided by experience or experiment; without using scientific method or theory; verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic | 15 | |
8053357138 | Erudite | scholarly; having or showing great knowledge or learning | 16 | |
8053357139 | Evocative | bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind | 17 | |
8053357140 | Explicit | states clearly and in detail; leaving no room for confusion or doubt | 18 | |
8053357143 | Genteel | polite; refined; respectable; often in an affected or ostentatious way | 19 | |
8053357144 | Graphic | of or relating to visual art; giving a clear and effective picture | 20 | |
8053357145 | Idiomatic | using, containing, or denoting expressions that are natural to a native speaker | 21 | |
8053357146 | Implicit | implied though not plainly expressed; with not qualification or question; absolute | 22 | |
8053357148 | Juvenile | of, for, or relating to young people | 23 | |
8053357149 | Lofty | exalted in rank, dignity, or character; eminent; elevated in style, tone, or sentiment, as writing or speech; arrogantly superior in manner; haughty | 24 | |
8053357150 | Panegyric | formal expression of praise; a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something | 25 | |
8053357151 | Pedantic | overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching; meticulous | 26 | |
8053357152 | Plain | not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character; easy to perceive or understand | 27 | |
8053357153 | Polite | having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people | 28 | |
8053357154 | Provocative | causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately, arousing sexual desire or interest | 29 | |
8053357155 | Regal | of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified | 30 | |
8053357156 | Sensory | of or relating to sensation or the physical senses; transmitted or perceived by the senses | 31 | |
8053357158 | Sparse | thinly dispersed or scattered; austere | 32 | |
8053357159 | Suggestive | tending to suggest an idea; indicative or evocative | 33 | |
8053357160 | Trite | overused and consequently of little importance; lacking originality or freshness | 34 | |
8053357161 | Verbose | using or expressed in more words than are needed; wordy | 35 |