AP World History Vocab Flashcards
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4826596503 | Arable | land capable of producing crops; suitable for farming; suited to the plow and for tillage | 0 | |
4826606709 | Coup d'état | a sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force | 1 | |
4826629490 | Circa | approximate dates | 2 | |
4826677751 | Darwinism | the Darwinian theory that species originate by descent, with variation, from parent forms, through the natural selection of those individuals best adapted for the reproductive success of their kind | 3 | |
4826685670 | Edifice | any large, complex system or organization. | 4 | |
4826705122 | Eunuch | a castrated man, especially one formerly employed by rulers in the Middle East and Asia as a harem guard or palace official | 5 | |
4826709030 | Fief/Fiefdom | a fee or feud held of a feudal lord; a tenure of land subject to feudal obligations./the estate or domain of a feudal lord | 6 | |
4826719675 | Filial | of, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter | 7 | |
4826722273 | Forum | the marketplace or public square, the center of judicial and business affairs and a place of assembly for the people | 8 | |
4826730443 | Gall | impudence; effrontery | 9 | |
4826749943 | Manifesto | a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization | 10 | |
4826754282 | Monsoon | the seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and southern Asia, blowing from the southwest in summer and from the northeast in winter | 11 | |
4826762388 | Papacy/Papal | the office, dignity, or jurisdiction of the pope/of or relating to the pope or the papacy | 12 | |
4826844236 | Peccadillo | a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling fault. | 13 | |
4826779439 | Peon/Peonage | any person of low social status, especially one who does work regarded as menial or unskilled; drudge/the condition or service of a peon. | 14 | |
4826790289 | Rimland | a peripheral area of a country or region | 15 | |
4826818941 | Social Darwinism | a 19th-century theory, inspired by Darwinism, by which the social order is accounted as the product of natural selection of those persons best suited to existing living conditions and in accord with which a position of laissez-faire is advocated. | 16 | |
4826824225 | Tenet | any opinion, principle, doctrine, dogma, etc., especially one held as true by members of a profession, group, or movement. | 17 | |
4826831050 | Topography | the detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small area, district, or locality. | 18 | |
4826836319 | Viceroy | a person appointed to rule a country or province as the deputy of the sovereign | 19 |