AP Language Terms Flashcards
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7259805110 | Paradox | a phrase or assertion that contradicts itself (ex: fresh rot, blissful hell, etc.) | 0 | |
7259805111 | Parallelism | Repeated structural elements in a sentence. (ex: She sang; she swam; she ran.) | 1 | |
7259805507 | Personification | Giving human characteristics to nonhuman object or idea. (ex:The sun was shining happily today.) | 2 | |
7259805508 | Sarcasm | Mockingly stating the opposite of what you mean. (ex:Thanks Captain obvious!) not actually thanking someone. | 3 | |
7259806096 | Satire | Genre of humorous and mocking criticism to expose the ignorance and/or ills of society. (ex: Stephen Colbert is a popular;ar modern satirist) | 4 | |
7259806584 | Synecdoche | Referring to one part of something as a way to refer to a whole. (ex: Ask of hand, the hand stands for the whole woman) | 5 | |
7259806585 | Understatement | Purposely minimizing something, usually for humorous effect.(ex:My Mom's a boy irritated I crashed the car--I'm grounded for the next 24 months) | 6 | |
7259807144 | Tone | Use of stylistic devices to reveal their attitude on a subject. | 7 | |
7259807145 | Voice | An author's unique sound. Similar to style.(ex:Think of the way you can recognize a pop singer on the radio without hearing who it is first.) | 8 | |
7259966909 | Alliteration | Using words with the same first letter repeatedly close together in a phrase or sentence.(ex;She purchased the pretty purple parka) | 9 | |
7259966910 | Allusion | Making a brief reference to the cultural canon--the Bible, Shakespeare, mythology, etc. (ex:Like Eve in the garden of Eden, George was not good at resisting temptation.) | 10 | |
7259966911 | Anecdote | Offering a brief narrative episode.Introducing an issue, serving as evidence, to illustrate a point, and so on.(ex:When I went to my morning coffee, I ran into an old friend. He told me he had won the lottery and he was about to buy a yacht. Two months later I heard he had decreed bankruptcy.) | 11 | |
7259967328 | Concession | Agreeing with the opposing viewpoint on a certain smaller point.But not a larger argument(ex:While I understand that hybrid cars have higher carbon production costs than conventional automobiles, this is dramatically offset by the much smaller lifetime carbon footprint the vehicles.) | 12 | |
7259967329 | Didactic | A text with instructive purpose, often moral.(ex:Aesop's fables for example) | 13 | |
7259967868 | Euphemism | referring to something with a veiled phrase instead of saying it directly.(ex:She let Bob go, is a euphemism for She fired Bob.) | 14 | |
7259967872 | Exemplification | Providing examples in service of a point.(ex:The town beautification funds are being sorely misused. The streets are full of litter and the parks are full of broken equipment.) | 15 | |
7259968343 | Hyperbole | Overstating a situation for humorous or dramatic effect. (ex:My backpack weighs tons!) | 16 | |
7259968344 | Idiom | A commonly used phrase that signifies something very different that it's literal meaning.(ex:This costs an arm and a leg! Is an idiom for this is expensive) | 17 | |
7259970340 | Onomatopoeia | Using sound-effect words.(ex:We heard an ominous hiss from the kitchen=hiss) | 18 | |
7262262070 | Analogy | Explaining something complex by comparing it to something more simple. (ex:An amateur playing in a professional game is like an ibex stepping into a lion's den.) | 19 | |
7262262071 | Argument | The combination of reasons, evidence, etc that an author uses to convince an audience of their position.(ex: every phrase serves to build the argument.) | 20 | |
7262262072 | Aristotelian Appeals | Three different methods of appealing to an audience to convince them--pathos, logos, ethos) | 21 | |
7262264417 | Attitude | The writer's personal views or feelings about the subject at hand.(ex: "the deplorable state of this school" implies the author has a negative attitude toward the school.) | 22 | |
7262264418 | Audience | Who the author is directing his or her message towards. (ex:When you create a resume, your audience is potential employers) | 23 | |
7262264419 | Connotation | The implied meaning of a word; words can broadly have positive, negative, or neutral connotations.(Conscientious= positive, Fussy= negative) | 24 | |
7262269614 | Context | The extra-textual environment in which the text is being delivered. (ex:If I'm delivering a congratulatory speech to awards recipients, the immediate context might be the awards presentation ceremony; the broader context might be the purpose of significance of the awards themselves.) | 25 | |
7262282443 | Counterargument | The argument(s) against against the authors position. (ex:Counterargument for the dress code is that students now have to buy new clothes) | 26 | |
7262284712 | Deductive Reasoning | A form of logical reasoning wherein a general principle is applied to a specific case.(ex:If all the planets orbit a star, and Theta II is a planet, then it must orbit a star.) | 27 | |
7262284713 | Denotation | The literal dictionary-definition meaning if a word.(ex:the denotation of a chair is a placed so sit0 | 28 | |
7262284714 | Diction | The style of language used; generally tailored to be appropriate to the audience and situation. (ex: What's up loser might be the appropriate How are you doing today? to your brother) | 29 | |
7262285589 | Ethos | Setting up a source as credible and trustworthy.(ex:Given my PhD and experience in the field- might appeal with ethos) | 30 | |
7262286239 | Evidence | The information presented meant to persuade the audience of the author's position. (ex: Saying that someone is a good student you would use their straight A report card as evidence.) | 31 | |
7262287108 | Figurative Language | The use of language in a non-literal way, metaphor/simile/etc.(ex:Her eyes are like diamonds) | 32 | |
7262287109 | Genre | the specific type of work being presented.(ex: Haiku, fiction, biography, etc) | 33 | |
7262288739 | Imagery | Any descriptive language used to evoke a vivid sense of image of something: includes figurative language) | 34 | |
7262288740 | Implication | When something a suggested without being concretely stated.(ex:Watch your wallet around Paul-implies Paul is a thief without saying it) | 35 | |
7262289550 | Inductive Reasoning | Making a generalization based on specific reasoning at hand.(ex: All the planets in the solar system orbit a star, so all planets probably orbit stars) | 36 | |
7262292014 | Irony | Saying the opposite of what you mean or something dramatically than intended. (ex: I do so hope there are more papers to sign- might be something ironically said) | 37 | |
7262292748 | Juxtaposition | Places two different things together for effect.(ex:There they stood together, the beggars and the lords, the princess and the washwoman, all crowding into the square.) | 38 | |
7262292749 | Logos | Appealing to someones concrete facts and logic.(ex:Citing peer-reviewed scientific studies is an appeal to logos.) | 39 | |
7262293799 | Occassion | The reason or moment for writing or speaking.(When giving a graduation speech, the occasion is graduation.) | 40 | |
7262293800 | Organization | How the different parts of an argument are arranged in a piece of writing or speech. (ex: think the about the outline for an essay) | 41 | |
7262294702 | Pathos | An Aristotelian appeal. Involves appealing to someone's emotions.(ex:Animal shelter ads appeal to pathos) | 42 | |
7262294703 | Purpose | The authors persuasive intention.(ex:the purpose of a persuasive essay might be to let your parents get you a car) | 43 | |
7262295680 | Repetition | Re-usinga word or phrase repeatedly for effect or emphasis.(ex:We run, and run, and we run, like rats on a wheel.) | 44 | |
7262295681 | Rhetoric | The use of spoken or written word(or a visual medium) to convey your ideas and convince an audience. (ex: Almost everything is an example of rhetoric!) | 45 | |
7262296667 | Rhetorical Triangle | The relationship between the author, the audience, the text/message, and the context. (ex:The author author communicates to the reader via the text; and the reader and text are surrounded by context.) | 46 | |
7262299432 | Speaker | The persona adopted by the author to deliver his or her message; may or may not actually be the same person as the author.(ex: similar to the difference between author and the narrator in a work of fiction) | 47 | |
7262299433 | Style | The author's own personal approach to rhetoric in the piece; similar to voice.(ex:something like a songwriters style) | 48 | |
7262299434 | Symbolism | Using a symbol to refer to an idea or concept.(ex:fire being used as anger or passion) | 49 | |
7262300315 | Syntax | The way sentences are grammatically constructed.(There's simple and complicated) | 50 | |
7262300316 | Synthesis | Combining sources or ideas in a coherent way in the purpose of a larger point.(ex:A research paper synthesizes sources to make a broader point about the topic) | 51 | |
7262301136 | Themes | Overarching ideas or driving premises of a work.(ex:Themes you might hear in a high school graduation speech might include legacy, moving forward, becoming an adult, and changing the world.) | 52 |