Harriet Tubman essay
English [1]
Harriet Tubman: The Greatest Achievement ?I grew up like a neglected weed.? was Harriet?s way of saying her life. Harriet Tubman was born as a slave in Dorchester City, Maryland, sometime in the early 1820. She lived until 90 years old. Harriet Tubman worked in the Underground Railroad in risks for ten years. She worked for the North in the Civil War, help nurses and care for soldiers without any pay or pensions. Then, Harriet taking care of poor people in her shelter for the last 48 years of her life. So, consider each undertaking, the risks she took, the time devoted and the people she helped. What was Harriet Tubman?s Greatest Accomplishment? The Underground Railroad is Harriet?s greatest accomplishment but her other accomplishments is also worth honorable mention.