Fallacies - AP Language Flashcards
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5394478908 | Appeal for Sympathy | ignores the real issue by emotional appeal. | 0 | |
5394492281 | Bandwagon | statement is assumed to be logically valid because of popular support. | 1 | |
5394497340 | Appeal to tradition | continue to do things as we have done them in the past. Asserts that a premise must be true because people have always believed in it or have done it. | 2 | |
5394506854 | Slippery Slope | suggests that one step will inevitably lead to more. (weather -> toaster -> plastic surgery -> Joker -> being attacked by batman.) | 3 | |
5394517278 | guilt by association | when a persons guilt or innocence is determined by the company he or she keeps. Ex: You hang around bill and bill skips school so you must skip school. | 4 | |
5394529041 | appeal to authority | committed when the person making the statement is not a legitimate authority on the subject. | 5 | |
5394543194 | Ad hominem | discrediting an argument by attacking the person who makes it. | 6 | |
5394549632 | straw man | misrepresented someones argument to make it easier to attack. | 7 | |
5394556169 | equivocation | Tricks of language that use the same term with different meaning | 8 | |
5394557799 | Non Sequitur | Using a premise to prove a point that is often related by often quite distant. The conclusion doesn't logically follow the explanation. | 9 | |
5394566999 | Post hoc ergo propter hoc | writer/speaker mistakenly assumes that because the first event proceeded the second event, it must mean that the first event caused the later one. | 10 | |
5394573005 | circular reasoning | States that the first claim is initially loaded with the very conclusion one has yet to prove. | 11 | |
5394579059 | Faulty dilemma | All of the options are not taken into account in the solution posed by the major premise. Ex: you can either graduate and go to college or you can work at minimum wage. | 12 | |
5394585228 | Hasty generalization | a conclusion based on an inadequate evidence or a sample that is too small. Ex: Even thought its my first day I can tell this course is going to be boring. | 13 | |
5394607541 | Appeal to ignorance | attempts to use an opponents inability to disapprove a conclusion as proof of the validity. | 14 | |
5394615071 | Broken Window | Destruction will benefit the economy. | 15 | |
5394619157 | Faulty analogy | comparison that is used to demonstrate a point but which is invalid | 16 | |
5394621680 | Red herring | Introducing an unrelated or invalid point to distract the reader/audience from the actual argument. | 17 |