AP Literature Vocabulary 13 Flashcards
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3332374488 | inanimate | not alive; lifeless | 0 | |
3332379055 | assess | evaluate; estimate the nature of | 1 | |
3332380839 | abet | encourage or assist someone to do something wrong | 2 | |
3332389078 | aver | state or assert to be the case | 3 | |
3332393550 | blatant | (of bad behavior) done openly and unashamedly; lacking in subtlety | 4 | |
3332395321 | broach | raise a sensitive subject for discussion; pierce a cask to draw liquor | 5 | |
3332402365 | buttress | provide a building or structure with projecting supports built against its walls; reinforce, strengthen | 6 | |
3332431297 | carousal | revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party | 7 | |
3332434135 | collate | collect and combine texts, information in proper order; compare critically to note differences and similarities | 8 | |
3332441988 | connoisseur | an expert; one who is well qualified to pass critical judgments, especially in fine arts | 9 | |
3332445579 | encumber | restrict or burdened so that free action is difficult; saddle with a debt | 10 | |
3332445580 | disconsolate | without consolation or comfort; unhappy. causing or showing a lack of cheer | 11 | |
3332452313 | foment | instigate or stir up trouble or rebellion | 12 | |
3332456279 | grisly | causing horror or disgust | 13 | |
3332482288 | herculean | requiring great strength or effort | 14 | |
3332483699 | impassive | not feeling or showing emotion | 15 | |
3332485453 | inauspicious | unpromising; unlucky; bad luck in the future | 16 | |
3332488398 | incontrovertible | not able to be denied or disputed | 17 | |
3332490871 | magniloquent | using high-flown or bombastic language | 18 | |
3332495918 | nonplussed | surprised and confused so much they are unsure how to react | 19 | |
3332497681 | opportune | well chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate; well-timed | 20 | |
3332502279 | predilection | preference or liking for something; a bias in favor of something | 21 | |
3332511432 | prolific | present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful | 22 | |
3332514263 | rejoinder | a reply, sharp or witty; defendant's answer to the plantiff's reply or replication | 23 |