AP Literature Devices Flashcards
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4773295672 | Antítesis | contrast or juxtaposition | 0 | |
4773294768 | Anáfora | repetition of words at the beginning of multiple verses | 1 | |
4773300333 | Elipsis | three dots indicating a writer omitting something or pausing | 2 | |
4773315936 | Epíteto | a descriptive title that characterizes something more idealistic than it is | 3 | |
4773331814 | Asíndeton | the absence of conjuctions | 4 | |
4773333074 | Polisíndeton | presence of more conjunctions than necessary | 5 | |
4773351764 | Aliteración | repetition of the first sound/ letter in a phrase | 6 | |
4773353883 | Onomatopeya | the word for a specific sound like crash, boom, etc | 7 | |
4773357007 | Hipérbaton | when an author diverts from the typical structure of a sentence but gives the same meaning | 8 | |
4773365647 | Hipérbole | extreme exaggeration | 9 | |
4773368412 | Personificación | when inanimate objects are given human characteristics | 10 | |
4773369204 | Símil | comparison | 11 | |
4773371055 | Paradoja | contrast that communicates a deep truth | 12 | |
4773373633 | Perífrasis | beating around the bush writing, using a lot of fluff to explain something instead of being concise | 13 | |
4773431240 | Alusión | reference to a person, place, or thing | 14 | |
4773434818 | Eufemismo | polite way of saying something | 15 | |
4773436944 | Ironía | the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite | 16 | |
4773440682 | Sarcasmo | using words that literally mean the opposite of what you are trying to say to communicate the true meaning | 17 | |
4773442812 | Sinestesia | the description of a sensory experience in terms of another | 18 | |
4773448591 | Metáfora | a comparison that doesn't use like or as | 19 | |
4773451679 | Metonimia | calling an object by the name of a closely associated object (saying crown instead of power) | 20 | |
4773459915 | Synécdoque | calling an object by one of its parts instead of its actual name (saying wheel instead of car) | 21 | |
4773463805 | Silabificación/ la métrica | division of words into syllables to help a poem flow better | 22 | |
4773473207 | Apóstrofe | when a passage is addressed to someone who isn't there or who is dead | 23 | |
4773477981 | Gradación | list of something in a climatic or anticlimactic way | 24 | |
4773492099 | Hemistiquio | a caesura or pause in a large verse | 25 | |
4773496247 | In medias res | when something opens in the midst of action | 26 | |
4773498224 | Jitanjáforas | a poem or phrase made up of invented words or meaningless phrases that for a meaning/ connotation together | 27 | |
4773504809 | Hipálage | breaking the logical relationship between a noun and verb or adjective by replacing the noun with another | 28 |