AP Literature-Lesson 2 Flashcards
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4805626834 | Trilogy | (N.) A group of three literary or musical works that have a related theme | 0 | |
4805630296 | Trisect | (V.) To divide into three parts | 1 | |
4805632873 | Triumvirate | (N.) A group of three, especially in authority | 2 | |
4805635805 | Quadrant | (N.) 1. (mathematics) A quarter of a circle or of its circumference 2. An early machine for measuring altitudes 3. Any of the four parts of an area divided by perpendicular lines | 3 | |
4805645789 | Quartet | (N.) 1. A musical composition for four voices or instruments 2. A set of four, especially of four musicians | 4 | |
4805651319 | Quatrain | (N.) A stanza or group of four lines of poetry | 5 | |
4805654751 | Decimate | (V.) 1. To destroy a large part of 2. To kill one in every ten | 6 | |
4805657825 | Decathlon | (N.) An athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in ten events | 7 | |
4805660393 | Bicentennial | (N.) 1. A two-hundredth anniversary (Adj.) 2. Happening every 200 years | 8 | |
4805665552 | Centenary | (Adj.) 1. Pertaining to a 100-year period (N.) 2. A centennial | 9 | |
4805669678 | Centigrade | (Adj.) Referring to a thermometer scale of 100 degrees where water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees | 10 | |
4844633072 | Protean | (Adj.) Changeable in shape/form; variable | 11 | |
4844634527 | Abscond | (V.) To depart in a sudden and secret manner, especially to avoid capture | 12 | |
4844637619 | Wellnigh | (Adverb) Very nearly; almost | 13 |