AP language Vocab Flashcards
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3817283522 | Colloquial | Characteristic of ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing. -source quizlet Example: The teenager wrote an essay in colloquial manner. | 0 | |
3817283523 | Maulin | Overly emotional -source quizlet Example: The mother was very mauling over her last child graduating high school. | 1 | |
3817285289 | Opine | To hold or express an opinion. -source quizlet Example: The teacher opined from telling the student's parent how she really felt about the student. | 2 | |
3817285290 | Surmise | Suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it. -source quizlet Example: The parents surmised that ther child was skipping class ;from the numerous amount of recordings left on the voice-mail machine | 3 | |
3817286195 | Terse | Brief and to the point;sparing in the use of words; abrupt. -source google Example: The teenager answered in terse use of words when confronted about skipping class. | 4 | |
3817293078 | Succinct | Using few words to state or express an idea. -source Merriam- Webster Example: The parents agreed in a succinct manner when deciding the teenagers punishment. | 5 | |
3817293079 | Sycophants | A person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval- source Merriam-Webster Example: The teenager was trying to become sycophants to try to get out of being grounded. | 6 | |
3817293080 | Tenet | A belief or principle held to be true-source quizlet Example: But the parents held the tenet of grounding the teenager. | 7 | |
3817293912 | Urbane | Polite and confident; fashionable and somewhat formal. -source Merriam-Webster Example: The parents answered the teenager in a urbane manner and told him that he was most certainly grounded. | 8 | |
3817295718 | Vapid | Dull, uninteresting, tiresome; lacking in sharpness, flavor, liveliness, or force. source quizlet Example: The teenager tired of this conversation answered in a vapid manner, so the conversation could be over. | 9 |