AP Literature Terms Flashcards
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3705075821 | arete | excellence; moral virtue | 0 | |
3705075822 | allegory | a story with a possible hidden meaning | 1 | |
3705075823 | alliteration | the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words | 2 | |
3705075824 | allusion | an expression designed to call something to mind | 3 | |
3705075825 | ambiguity | uncertainty | 4 | |
3705075826 | anachronism | Something out of place in time | 5 | |
3705075827 | analogy | a comparison between two things with partial similarity | 6 | |
3705075828 | anaphora | the use of a word replacing or referring to a word used earlier | 7 | |
3705075829 | anastrophe | the inversion of the usual order of words or clauses | 8 | |
3705075830 | anthropomorphism | an attribution of human characteristics to anything non human | 9 | |
3705075831 | antithesis | a contrast or opposition between the two things | 10 | |
3705075832 | aphorism | an observation that contains a general truth | 11 | |
3705075833 | aporia | an expression of doubt | 12 | |
3705075834 | apostrophe | when an absent person or concept is directly addressed | 13 | |
3705075835 | archetype | template | 14 | |
3705075836 | assonance | the repetition of vowel sounds | 15 | |
3705075837 | asyndeton | Omission of conjunctions between words or phrases | 16 | |
3705075838 | ballad | a story told in the form of a narrative set to music | 17 | |
3705075839 | blank verse | a verse with no rhyme but with iambic petameter | 18 | |
3705075840 | cacophony | harsh, discordant sounds | 19 | |
3705075841 | canto | one of the sections into which certain long poems are divided | 20 | |
3705075842 | caesura | a pause near the middle of the line | 21 | |
3705075843 | circumlocution | the use of many words when fewer would do | 22 | |
3705075844 | cogito ergo sum | "I think, therefor I am" | 23 | |
3705075845 | conflict | a serious disagreement or argument | 24 | |
3705075846 | connotation | an idea or feeling that a word invokes | 25 | |
3705075847 | consonance | agreement or compatibility between opinions or actors | 26 | |
3705075848 | denotation | the literal or primary meaning of a word | 27 | |
3705075849 | deus ex machina | an unexpected power saving a hopeless situation | 28 | |
3705075850 | didactic | the art or science of teaching | 29 | |
3705075851 | denouncement | the falling action of a plot or the resolution; means untying so that the tangles of the plot are untied and mysteries are solved. | 30 | |
3705075852 | digression | a temporary departure from the main subject | 31 | |
3705075853 | double entendre | double meaning | 32 | |
3705075854 | doppelganger | an apparition or double of a living person | 33 | |
3705075855 | elegy | a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead | 34 | |
3705075856 | ekphrastic | a graphic, often dramatic, description of a visual work of art | 35 | |
3705075857 | enjambment | the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. | 36 | |
3705075858 | emulation | effort to equal or surpass another | 37 | |
3705075859 | epigram | a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever way | 38 | |
3705075860 | eponym | a person after whom a discovery, invention, place, etc. is named or thought to be named | 39 | |
3705075861 | epiphany | a moment of sudden revelation or insight | 40 | |
3705075862 | epistle | a letter | 41 | |
3705075863 | epithet | an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic | 42 | |
3705075864 | etymology | the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meaning have changed | 43 | |
3705075865 | euphemism | An indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant | 44 | |
3705075866 | euphony | the quality of being pleasing to the ear | 45 | |
3705075867 | fable | a short story conveying a moral | 46 | |
3705075868 | flashback | a score in a movie, novel, etc. set in a time earlier than the main story | 47 | |
3705075869 | foil | A character who contrasts and parallels the main character in a play or story. | 48 | |
3705075870 | foreshadow | a warning of a future event | 49 | |
3705075871 | free verse | poetry that does not rhyme or have meter | 50 | |
3705075872 | grotesque | comically or repulsively ugly or distorted | 51 | |
3705075873 | hamartia | a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero | 52 | |
3705075874 | heroic couplet | Iambic pentameter lines rhymed in pairs. | 53 | |
3705075875 | homily | any talk intended for spiritual edification | 54 | |
3705075876 | hubris | excessive pride of self-confidence | 55 | |
3705075877 | hyperbole | exaggerated statements | 56 | |
3705075878 | lamb | used to describe someone with affection or pity | 57 | |
3705075879 | imagery | visually descriptive or figurative language | 58 | |
3705075880 | internal rhyme | Rhyme within a line | 59 | |
3705075881 | invective | abusive language | 60 | |
3705075882 | dramatic irony | a situation where the significance is known by the reader, but not the character | 61 | |
3705075883 | situational irony | occurs when the expected outcome does not happen | 62 | |
3705075884 | juxtaposition | two things with contrasting effect | 63 | |
3705075885 | lyrical | expressing the writer's emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way | 64 | |
3705075886 | malapropism | the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar sounding one | 65 | |
3705075887 | metaphor | a comparison of two unlike things for rhetorical effect | 66 | |
3705075888 | metonymy | the substitution of the name for an attribute | 67 | |
3705075889 | motif | a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition | 68 | |
3705075890 | mood | the atmosphere or pervading tone of something | 69 | |
3705075891 | nemesis | the inescapable agent of someone's downfall | 70 | |
3705075892 | neologism | newly coined word or expression | 71 | |
3705075893 | novella | short novel or long short story | 72 | |
3705075894 | onomatopoeia | word that represents a sound | 73 | |
3705075895 | oxymoron | figure of speech where contradictory terms appear in conjunction | 74 | |
3705075896 | parable | simple story to illustrate moral lesson | 75 | |
3705075897 | parody | an imitation of the style of someone with exaggeration for comic effect | 76 | |
3705075898 | paradox | a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement | 77 | |
3705075899 | pentameter | a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet | 78 | |
3705075900 | primogeniture | first born child | 79 | |
3705075901 | personification | the attribution of human characteristics to something nonhuman | 80 | |
3705075902 | point of view | the narrator's position in relation to the story being told | 81 | |
3705075903 | polysyndeton | use of several conjunctions in close succession | 82 | |
3705075904 | portmanteau | consisting of or combining two or more seperable aspects or qualities | 83 | |
3705075905 | prologue | introductory section of a work | 84 | |
3705075906 | prosody | patterns of rhythm used in poetry | 85 | |
3705075907 | quatrain | stanza of four lines | 86 | |
3705075908 | repartee | conversation or speech characterized by quick wity comments or replies | 87 | |
3705075909 | roman a clef | a novel in which real people or events appear with invented names | 88 | |
3705075910 | rhetorical question | question that isn't meant to be answered | 89 | |
3705075911 | reliability | the quality of being reliable | 90 | |
3705075912 | syllogism | form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from 2 premises | 91 | |
3705075913 | satire | the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity | 92 | |
3705075914 | setting | the place or surroundings where something takes place | 93 | |
3705075915 | simile | comparing two unlike things using "as" or "like" | 94 | |
3705075916 | sonnet | a poem of 14 lines | 95 | |
3705075917 | stanza | a group of lines forming basic recurring metrical unit in a poem | 96 | |
3705075918 | stream of consciousness | person's thoughts and conscious reactions to events | 97 | |
3705075919 | sublime | of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe | 98 | |
3705075920 | synecdoche | figure of speech in which a part represents a whole | 99 | |
3705075921 | synesthesia | mixing of senses | 100 | |
3705075922 | syntax | arrangement of words and phrases | 101 | |
3705075923 | tabula rasa | absence of preconceived ideas or goals | 102 | |
3705075924 | terza rima | an arrangement in triplets that ryhme | 103 | |
3705075925 | tetrameter | a verse of four measures | 104 | |
3705075926 | triplet | set of three similar things | 105 | |
3705075927 | theme | subject of a talk, writing, thoughts, or exhibition | 106 | |
3705075928 | tone | the general character or attitude of a piece of writing | 107 | |
3705075929 | tragedy | a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending | 108 | |
3705075930 | understatement | presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is | 109 | |
3705075931 | verisimilitude | the appearance of being true or real | 110 | |
3705075932 | versification | the adaptation of some other kind of writing into verse | 111 |