AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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7224207063 | Chasm (noun) | 1. A deep hole; gorge 2. A sudden interruption, discontinuity 3. A difference of ideas, beliefs, or opinions | 0 | |
7224207064 | Disdain | 1. (noun) Scorn, contempt towards someone. 2. (verb) To treat with contempt; to despise, scorn. | 1 | |
7224207065 | Extort (verb) | 1. Obtain (something) by force, threats, or other means. | 2 | |
7224208296 | Vanquish (verb) | Defeat thoroughly. | 3 | |
7224208297 | Potentate (noun) | One who possesses great power or sway; a ruler, sovereign, or monarch. | 4 | |
7224209008 | Ethereal (adj) | 1. Celestial, heavenly, 2. Exceptionally delicate; airy, dainty. | 5 | |
7224209009 | Seduce (verb) | Entice (someone) into sexual activity. | 6 | |
7224209010 | Guile (adj) | Sly or cunning intelligence. | 7 | |
7224209609 | Vex (verb) | Make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters. | 8 | |
7224209610 | Ignominious (adj) | Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame. | 9 | |
7224210110 | Dire (adj) | (Of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent. | 10 | |
7224210111 | Dubious (adj) | 1. Hesitating or doubting. 2. Not to be relied upon; suspect. | 11 | |
7224210112 | Nefarious (adj) | 1. Flagrantly wicked or impious; evil. | 12 | |
7224210609 | Extricate (verb) | To free or release from a difficulty or entanglement; to get free; to disengage. | 13 | |
7224210610 | Aspire (verb) | 1. Direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something. | 14 | |
7224210611 | Myopic (adj) | Nearsighted; lacking imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight. | 15 | |
7224211402 | Assail (verb) | Make a concerned or violent attack on. | 16 | |
7224211403 | Caveat (noun) | A warning or caution; also, a cautionary qualification or explanation to prevent misunderstanding. | 17 | |
7224211404 | Abhor (verb) | Regard with disgust or hatred. | 18 | |
7224212311 | Lament (noun or verb) | 1. A passionate express of grief or sorrow. 2. Mourn (a person's loss or death). | 19 | |
7224212312 | Waylay (verb) | 1. Stop or interrupt (someone) and detain them in conversation or trouble them in some other way. | 20 | |
7224212313 | Impervious | 1. Not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable. 2. Incapable of being injured or impaired. 3. Incapable of being influenced, persuaded, or affected. | 21 | |
7224212314 | Whet (verb) | 1. Sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon). Usually figurative. | 22 | |
7224214274 | Beacon (noun) | 1. A fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration. | 23 | |
7224214275 | Harbinger | (As noun) A forerunner; a precursor; a person or thing that announces or foreshadows what is to come. (As verb) To signal the approach of; to presage; to be a harbinger of. | 24 | |
7224215191 | Augur (verb) | 1. (Of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome. | 25 | |
7224216789 | Auspicious (adj) | Conducive to success; favorable. | 26 | |
7224216790 | Usurp (verb) | 1. Take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force. 2. Take the place of (someone in a position of power) illegally. | 27 | |
7224216791 | Equivocate (verb) | 1. Use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself. | 28 | |
7224217382 | Sate (verb) | Satisfy (a desire or appetite) to the full. | 29 | |
7224217383 | Efface (verb) | 1. To cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out, etc. 2. To destroy, as a mental impression; to wipe out; to eliminate completely. 3. To make (oneself) inconspicuous. | 30 | |
7224217384 | Bode (verb) | Be an omen of a particular outcome. | 31 | |
7224217385 | Conjure (verb) | 1. Call upon (a spirit or ghost) to appear, by means of a magic ritual. 2. Call (an image) to mind. | 32 | |
7224218245 | Rue (verb) | 1. Bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen). | 33 | |
7224218246 | Obsequious | 1. Marked by or exhibiting servile attentiveness; compliant to excess; fawning. | 34 | |
7224218247 | Abate (verb) | (Of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread. | 35 | |
7224218248 | Goad (verb) | 1. Provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction. | 36 | |
7224218864 | Dolorous (adj) | 1. Marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow. | 37 | |
7224218865 | Assuage (verb) | 1. To soften or relieve (a burden or pain). 2. To pacify. 3. To appease or satisfy. | 38 | |
7224218866 | Contrive (verb) | 1. Create or bring about (an object or situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice. | 39 | |
7224218867 | Rancor (adj) | 1. Bitter, ranking resentment or ill-will; hatred; malice | 40 | |
7224219346 | Vehement (adj) | 1. Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; emphatic. 2. Marked by or full of vigor or energy | 41 | |
7224219347 | Ardent/Ardor (adj or noun) | 1. Enthusiastic or passionate. 2. Enthusiasm or passion. | 42 | |
7224219808 | Sedulous (adj) | 1. (Of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence. | 43 | |
7224219809 | Hiatus (noun) | 1. A pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. | 44 | |
7224219810 | Abominate (verb) | 1. Detest, loathe. | 45 | |
7224219811 | Enthrall (verb) | 1. Capture the fascinated attention of. | 46 | |
7224220434 | Loathe (verb) | 1. Feel intense dislike or disgust for. | 47 | |
7224220435 | Contrite (adj) | 1. Bruised in heart; feeling sorrow or affliction of mind for some fault or injury done (specifically penitence for sin). | 48 | |
7224220974 | Superfluous (adj) | 1. Present in a greater quantity than is desired, permitted, or required. 2. Not needed or required. | 49 | |
7224220975 | Wanton (adj) | 1. (Of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked. 2. Sexually immodest or promiscuous. | 50 | |
7224220976 | Debacle (noun) | 1. A sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco. | 51 | |
7224221671 | Artifice (noun) | 1. Clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others. | 52 | |
7224224602 | Myriad (adj) | 1. Consisting of a very great, but indefinite, number, as --- stars. 2. Composed of numerous diverse elements, aspects, or variations. | 53 | |
7224224603 | Unwary (adj) | 1. Not cautious; not aware of possible dangers or problems. | 54 | |
7224224623 | Execrable (adj) | 1. Extremely bad or unpleasant. | 55 | |
7224236902 | Credulous (adj) | 1. Too ready or willing to believe; inclined to believe on weak or insufficient grounds. | 56 | |
7224239254 | Grisly (adj) | 1. Inspiring horror or intense fear. *2. Inspiring disgust or distaste. | 57 | |
7224239255 | Obdurate (adj) | 1. Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action. | 58 | |
7224239914 | Voluptuous (adj) | 1. Relating to or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure. | 59 | |
7224239915 | Insolence (noun) | 1. Bold rudeness or disrespect; contemptuous impertinence; insulting. | 60 | |
7224239916 | Thwart (verb) | 1. Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something. | 61 | |
7224240471 | Ephemeral (adj) | 1. Lasting for a very short time. | 62 | |
7224240472 | Zenith (noun) | 1. The time at which something is most powerful or successful. | 63 | |
7224240473 | Raze (verb) | 1. Completely destroy (a building, town, or other site). | 64 | |
7224240474 | Ingrate (noun) | 1. An ungrateful person. | 65 | |
7224241100 | Abstruse (adj) | 1. Difficult to understand; obscure. | 66 | |
7224241101 | Feigned (adj) | 1. Simulated or pretended; insincere. | 67 | |
7224241646 | Fealty (Adj) | 1. Loyalty to a master/high authority. | 68 | |
7224242675 | Anagnorisis (noun) | 1. A moment in a play or other work when a character makes a critical discovery. | 69 | |
7224242682 | Catastrophe (noun) | 1. An event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster. | 70 | |
7224243468 | Catharsis (noun) | 1. The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. | 71 | |
7224243469 | Hamartia (noun) | 1. A fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine. | 72 | |
7224243470 | Hubris (noun) | 1. Excessive pride or self-confidence. | 73 | |
7224243471 | Pathos (noun) | 1. A quality that evokes pity or sadness. | 74 | |
7224244472 | Peripeteia (noun) | 1. A sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances, especially in reference to fictional narrative. | 75 | |
7224244473 | Apocalypse (noun) | 1. An event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale. | 76 | |
7224245263 | Emaciated (adj) | 1. To make or become extremely thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh, especially as a result of starvation. | 77 | |
7224245264 | Explicate (verb) | 1. Analyze and develop (an idea or principle) in detail. | 78 | |
7224245265 | Daunt (verb) | 1. To overcome, subdue, vanquish. 2. To abate the courage of, discourage, dispirit; to put in awe, abash. 3. To overcome w/ fear, intimidate, cause to quail. | 79 | |
7224245266 | Abet (verb) | 1. Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense. | 80 | |
7224245984 | Fastidious (adj) | 1. Having high and often unpredictable standards. 2. Showing a meticulous or demanding attitude. | 81 | |
7224245985 | Ameliorate (verb) | 1. To make or grow better; to improve (a situation). | 82 | |
7224245986 | Augment (verb) | 1. Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase. | 83 | |
7224246509 | Benevolence (noun) | 1. A desire to do good to others. 2. An act of grace, charity, kindness, goodwill. | 84 | |
7224246510 | Rife (adj) | 1. (Especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common occurrence; widespread. | 85 | |
7224246511 | Proffer (verb) | 1. Hold out (something) to someone for acceptance; offer. | 86 | |
7224246512 | Nadir (noun) | 1. The lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization. | 87 | |
7224247034 | Arduous (adj) | 1. Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring. | 88 | |
7224247035 | Penury (noun) | 1. Extreme poverty; destitution. | 89 | |
7224247036 | Glib (adj) | 1. (Of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow. | 90 | |
7224247621 | Dote (verb) | 1. Be extremely and uncritically fond of. | 91 | |
7224247622 | Audacity (noun) | 1. Boldness combined with disregard of consequences. 2. Open disregard of the restraints of decorum or morality. | 92 | |
7224247623 | Quagmire (noun) | 1. Soft, wet, miry land that shakes or yields under the feet. 2. A difficult or precarious position or situation; a predicament. | 93 | |
7224248556 | Disingenuous/ingenuous (adj) | 1. Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does. | 94 | |
7224248557 | Nebulous (adj) | 1. In the form of a cloud of haze; hazy. | 95 | |
7224249570 | Usurer (noun) | 1. A person who lends money at unreasonably high rates of interest. | 96 | |
7224249571 | Interloper (noun) | One who intrudes or interferes wrongly; an intruder. | 97 | |
7224250265 | Pernicious (adj) | 1. Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. | 98 | |
7224250266 | Galvanize (verb) | 1. Shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action. | 99 | |
7224250267 | Amorous (adj) | 1. Showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire. | 100 | |
7224250736 | Machinations (noun) | 1. A plot or scheme. | 101 | |
7224250737 | Parricide (noun) | 1. The killing of a parent or other near relative. | 102 | |
7224251400 | Ostracize (verb) | 1. Exclude (someone) from a society or group. | 103 | |
7224251401 | Capricious (adj) | 1. Guided by whim or fancy rather than by judgement or settled purpose. 2. Subject to change or irregularity, so as to appear ungoverned by the law. | 104 | |
7224251402 | Blighted (adj) | 1. Infected (plants or a planted area). Spoiled, harmed, destroyed. | 105 | |
7224251403 | Austere (adj) | 1. Stern; severe in judgement or punishment (of an action, disposition, etc.) 2. Characterized by abstinence or asceticism. 3. Simple in style or character; free from luxury. | 106 | |
7224251404 | Despotic (adj) | 1. Of, relating to, or of the nature of a despot or despotism (a king or ruler with absolute, unlimited power); autocratic, tyrannical | 107 | |
7224252525 | Vapid (adj) | Lacking life and spirit; unanimated; insipid; flavorless; flat; dull (beer or conversation) | 108 | |
7224252526 | Truculent (adj) | 1. Eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant. | 109 | |
7224256586 | Precocious (adj) | 1. Exceptionally early or mature in development. 2. Exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually young age. | 110 | |
7224257039 | Ambivalent (adj) | 1. Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. | 111 | |
7224257040 | Superciliousness (noun) | 1. Behavior that implies one thinks one is superior to others. | 112 | |
7224257041 | Sallow (adj) | 1. (Of a person's face or complexion) of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown color. | 113 | |
7224257764 | Anathematize (verb) | 1. To solemnly pronounce an ecclesiastical ban or curse upon (one who is being excommunicated) *2. To denounce as accursed. | 114 | |
7224257765 | Liaison (noun) | 1. Communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations. | 115 | |
7224258458 | Accost (verb) | 1. Approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively. | 116 | |
7224258476 | Debauchery (noun) | 1. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. | 117 | |
7224259404 | Ire (noun) | 1. Anger. | 118 | |
7224259405 | Noxious (adj) | 1. Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant. | 119 | |
7224259406 | Ostentation (noun) | 1. Performed/displayed in a manner to attract attention or admiration. 2. Of a person: seeking to attract attention or admiration. 3. Showy, gaudy, intended to impress | 120 | |
7224259927 | Voracity (noun) | 1. Consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food; ravenous. 2. Having or marked by an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit | 121 | |
7224259928 | Incantation (noun) | 1. A series of words said as a magic spell or charm. | 122 | |
7224260976 | Indignant (adj) | 1. Strongly displeased at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base; righteously angry. | 123 | |
7224260977 | Tenebrous (adj) | 1. Dark; shadowy or obscure. | 124 | |
7224260978 | Inexorable (adj) | Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty; relentless. | 125 | |
7224261499 | Exasperate (verb) | 1. Irritate intensely; infuriate. | 126 | |
7224261500 | Gesticulating (adj) | 1. Using gestures, especially dramatic ones, instead of speaking to emphasize one's words. | 127 | |
7224262324 | Prevaricator (noun) | 1. One who speaks or acts in an evasive way. | 128 | |
7224262325 | Stygian/styx (adj) | 1. Relating to the Styx River (very dark). | 129 | |
7224262433 | Lurid (adj) | 1. Very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect. | 130 | |
7224263006 | Pall (noun) | 1. A dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter. | 131 | |
7224263007 | Enigma (noun) | 1. Mystery; baffling conjecture as to character, sentiments, or history. | 132 | |
7224263008 | Abject (adj) | 1. (Of something bad) experience or present to the maximum degree. 2. (Of a person or their behavior) completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing. | 133 | |
7224264625 | Inexplicable/inscrutable/insoluble (adj) | 1. Incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable 2. Not easily understood; mysterious; unfathomable 3. Incapable of been seen through physically; physically impenetrable | 134 | |
7224264626 | Indefatigable (adj) | 1. (Of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly. | 135 | |
7224264627 | Conflagration (noun) | 1. A destructive fire, usually an extensive one (met). | 136 | |
7224265279 | Funk (verb) | 1. Avoid (a task or thing) out of fear. | 137 | |
7224265280 | Salient (adj) | 1. Jutting forward beyond a line. 2. Standing out conspicuously; prominent; especially of notable significance. | 138 | |
7224265281 | Litany (noun) | 1. A series of petitions for use in church services or processions, usually recited by the clergy and responded to in a recurring formula by the people. (met. speaking, a tedious ritual or repetitive series). | 139 | |
7224265282 | Egregious (adj) | 1. Outstandingly bad; shocking. | 140 | |
7224266152 | Profundity (noun) | 1. Deep insight; great depth of knowledge or thought. | 141 | |
7224266153 | Ominous (adj) | 1. Of ill omen, inauspicious; indicative or suggestive of future misfortune. 2. Of appearance, sound. atmosphere, etc: awful, unsettling. | 142 | |
7224266154 | Eloquence (noun) | 1. Fluency or persuasiveness in speaking or writing. | 143 | |
7224266798 | Abdicate (verb) | 1. (of a monarch) renounce one's throne. 2. Fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty). | 144 | |
7224266799 | Admonish (verb) | 1. Warn or reprimand someone firmly. | 145 | |
7224266800 | Aver (verb) | 1. State or assert to be the case. | 146 | |
7224266801 | Cajole (verb) | 1. To prevail upon or get one's way with by delusive flattery or other means of persuasion. 2. To get a thing out of someone by persuasion. | 147 | |
7224267400 | Disinter (verb) | 1. Dig up (something that has been buried, especially a corpse). | 148 | |
7224267401 | Disseminate (verb) | 1. (fig) To spread abroad, diffuse, promulgate (opinions, statements, knowledge, etc.) | 149 | |
7224267402 | Ebb (noun) | 1. The movement of the tide out to the sea. | 150 | |
7224267403 | Flout (verb) | 1. Openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention). | 151 | |
7224268185 | Feticide/feticidal | Destruction or abortion of a fetus. | 152 | |
7224268186 | Filicide/filicidal | The killing of one's son or daughter. | 153 | |
7224270361 | Matricide/maritical/matricidal | The killing of one's mother. | 154 | |
7224270397 | Fratricide/fratricidal | The killing of one's brother. | 155 | |
7224271160 | Sororicide/sororicidal | The killing of one's sister. | 156 | |
7224271161 | Vaticide/vaticidal | The killing of a prophet. | 157 | |
7224272331 | Uxoricide/uxoricidal | The killing of one's wife. | 158 |