AP Language Tone Words Flashcards
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7132870476 | choleric | easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger; hot-tempered | 0 | |
7132860907 | abhorrent | strongly opposed feeling; showing intense disagreement | 1 | |
7132861297 | acerbic | acidic in temper, mood, or tone | 2 | |
7132862114 | acrimonious | caustic, biting, or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner | 3 | |
7132862454 | acquiescing | complying or submitting tacitly or passively | 4 | |
7132863368 | altruistic | unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others | 5 | |
7132863912 | angst-ridden | consumed by anxiety and fear | 6 | |
7132864247 | apathetic | having or showing little or no feeling or emotion | 7 | |
7132864660 | ardent | characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity; passionate | 8 | |
7132865013 | audacious | fearlessly daring; recklessly bold; adventurous | 9 | |
7132865575 | austere | stern and cold in appearance or manner; morally strict | 10 | |
7132866093 | averse | having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste | 11 | |
7132866427 | benign | of a gentle disposition; showing kindness and gentleness; of a mild type or character | 12 | |
7132866747 | bristle | to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance | 13 | |
7132867226 | buoyant | capable of quick recovery; having positive indications | 14 | |
7132868108 | callous | feeling no emotion or sympathy for others; completely uncaring | 15 | |
7132868616 | capricious | being governed or characterized by impulsiveness and unpredictability | 16 | |
7132869232 | caustic | capable of destroying; marked by incisive sarcasm | 17 | |
7132869954 | chagrined | vexed or unsettled through embarrassment or humiliation; mortified | 18 | |
7132871772 | circumspect | careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences; cautious | 19 | |
7132872373 | coddled | treated with extreme care; pampered | 20 | |
7132872736 | complacent | self-satisfied; unconcerned and unaware of deficiencies and dangers | 21 | |
7132873698 | confrontation | face-to-face conflict; the clashing of forces or ideas | 22 | |
7132874062 | consternation | amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion | 23 | |
7132875088 | cowering | shrinking away or crouching from something that menaces, domineers, or dismays | 24 | |
7132875445 | credulous | ready to believe with little proof; gullible | 25 | |
7132875922 | deferent | full of respect or esteem due a superior or and elder; showing regard for another's wishes | 26 | |
7132876403 | defiant | full of boldness and resistance; rebellious | 27 | |
7132876831 | deluded | misled in judgment; deceived or tricked | 28 | |
7132877220 | derisive | expressing or causing the use of ridicule or scorn; showing contempt | 29 | |
7132877833 | despondent | feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression; having lost all hope | 30 | |
7132878865 | deterministic | believing in predestination; accepting that social or psychological phenomena are caused by preceding events or natural law | 31 | |
7132880658 | didactic | designed to teach; intended to convey instruction and information; making moral observations | 32 | |
7132881178 | disdainful | full of or expressing dislike | 33 | |
7132881907 | disquieted | having lost peace or tranquility; disturbed or alarmed | 34 | |
7132882208 | dynamic | having force or energy; marked by productive activity | 35 | |
7132882690 | embittered | possessing sour, hostile, or resentful feelings | 36 | |
7132884239 | empathetic | showing emotion based on sensitivity towards others | 37 | |
7132885841 | enamored | inflamed with love or passion | 38 | |
7132888375 | enervated | reduced mental or moral vigor; lessened in vitality or strength | 39 | |
7132888850 | exasperated | feeling irritation or annoyance; aggravated | 40 | |
7132892022 | exultant | filled with or expressing great joy or triumph; jubilant | 41 | |
7132892399 | fatuous | complacently or inanely foolish; silly | 42 | |
7132892996 | fawning | courting favor by a cringing or flattering manner | 43 | |
7132893261 | fervent | exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling; zealous | 44 | |
7132894267 | funeral | with solemnity befitting or suggesting a funeral; marked by an atmosphere that is lacking in cheer; gloomy | 45 | |
7132895333 | futile | serving no useful purpose; completely ineffective; occupied with trifles | 46 | |
7132896424 | hackneyed | lacking in freshness or originality; trite; unoriginal; clichéd | 47 | |
7132896999 | halcyon | calm, peaceful, golden | 48 | |
7132897583 | haughty | disdainfully proud; blatantly arrogant | 49 | |
7132897884 | idiosyncratic | peculiar in temperament | 50 | |
7132898787 | idolatrous | worshiping a physical object as a god; exhibiting an excessive devotion to an object | 51 | |
7132904182 | imperious | characteristic of one of eminent rank or attainments; commanding, dominant | 52 | |
7132904768 | inane | empty and insubstantial; lacking point; silly | 53 | |
7132905024 | indolent | averse to activity, effort, or movement; habitually lazy | 54 | |
7132905557 | indomitable | incapable of being subdued; unconquerable | 55 | |
7132905881 | inept | unfit; lacking sense or reason; foolish; generally incompetent; bungling | 56 | |
7132906280 | insipid | lacking qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge; dull, flat | 57 | |
7132906660 | insular | characterized by isolation; having a narrow provincial viewpoint | 58 | |
7132909849 | intrepid | characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance | 59 | |
7132910173 | irascible | marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger | 60 | |
7132910405 | ire | intense and usually openly displayed anger | 61 | |
7132914717 | jaded | dulled by experience or exposure | 62 | |
7132916977 | lugubrious | exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful and melancholy | 63 | |
7132917443 | maudlin | weakly and effusively sentimental | 64 | |
7132917870 | menacing | making a show of intention to harm; posing a threat to; endangering | 65 | |
7132918267 | mendacious | characterized by deception, falsehood, or divergence from absolute truth | 66 | |
7132918898 | meticulous | marked by excessive care in details | 67 | |
7132919934 | mirthful | merry, glad, or gay as shown by or accompanied with laughter | 68 | |
7132920484 | misogynistic | displaying a hatred of women | 69 | |
7132920961 | morose | having a sullen disposition; marked by gloom | 70 | |
7132921821 | narcissistic | loving one's own body or self; egoistic; egocentric | 71 | |
7132922707 | obsequious | marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness; subservient | 72 | |
7132923423 | patronizing | adopting an air of condescension; treating haughtily | 73 | |
7132924161 | pedantic | narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned | 74 | |
7132925366 | petulant | insolent or rude in speech or behavior; displaying capricious ill humor; peevish | 75 | |
7132925646 | piqued | aroused in anger or resentment toward; irritated; provoked, challenged, or rebuffed | 76 | |
7132926011 | placid | serenely free of interruption or disturbance | 77 | |
7132926897 | pompous | excessively elevated or ornate; having or exhibiting self-importance; arrogant | 78 | |
7132927913 | Pollyannaish | characterized by irrepressible optimism and a tendency to find good in everything | 79 | |
7132928588 | portentous | eliciting amazement or wonder; fateful and ominous | 80 | |
7132929012 | pragmatic | relating to matters of fact or practical affairs; practical as opposed to idealistic | 81 | |
7132929581 | provincial | limited in outlook; narrow-minded; lacking the polish of urban society; unsophisticated | 82 | |
7132929856 | rancorous | having a mark of bitter, deep-seated ill will | 83 | |
7132930437 | rapturous | being carried away by overwhelming emotion; feeling ecstasy or intense passion | 84 | |
7132931526 | repugnant | exciting distaste or aversion; incompatible | 85 | |
7132931965 | rueful | exciting pity or sympathy; pitiable, mournful, regretful | 86 | |
7132932312 | sagacious | possessing keen and farsighted judgment; intellectually discerning; showing great wisdom | 87 | |
7132934559 | sanguine | cheerfully confident and optimistic | 88 | |
7132935439 | sardonic | disdainfully or skeptically humorous; derisively mocking | 89 | |
7132936865 | secular | relating to the worldly or temporal; not religious | 90 | |
7132937714 | self-effacing | causing one to disappear or to become unnoticed; defacing one's self | 91 | |
7132937992 | serene | clear and free of unpleasant change; marked by utter calm and unruffled repose; quietude | 92 | |
7132938693 | subservient | serving to promote some personal end; useful in an inferior capacity; submissive | 93 | |
7132940129 | solemn | marked by the observance of established form or ceremony; somber, gloomy | 94 | |
7132942709 | stern | having a definite hardness or severity of nature or manner; austere | 95 | |
7132943287 | stoic | apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain stolid having or expressing little or no sensibility; unemotional | 96 | |
7132943831 | trepid | timorous; fearful | 97 | |
7132944467 | upbraiding | criticizing severely; finding fault with; reproaching severely; scolding vehemently | 98 | |
7132945841 | vapid | lacking liveliness, briskness, or force; flat or dull especially in intellect | 99 | |
7132946472 | vehement | marked by forceful energy; powerful; intensely emotional; impassioned and fervid | 100 | |
7132946948 | venerating | regarding with reverential respect or admiring deference; honoring with an act of devotion | 101 | |
7132947622 | vindictive | disposed to seek revenge; vengeful | 102 | |
7132948174 | vivacious | lively in temper, conduct, or spirit | 103 | |
7132948748 | volcanic | explosively violent; volatile | 104 | |
7132949726 | whimsical | characterized by caprice; subject to erratic behavior or unpredictable change | 105 | |
7132951153 | woeful | characterized by suffering and calamity; grievous; lamentably serious | 106 | |
7132951660 | wrathful | filled with strong vengeful anger; irate | 107 | |
7132952059 | wry | cleverly and often ironically or grimly humorous | 108 | |
7132952771 | zealous | exhibiting great intensity of feeling | 109 |