AP Literature Vocabulary List Flashcards
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5372829475 | Derisory | (adj.) ridiculously small or inadequate | 0 | |
5372830907 | Inexorably | (adj.) impossible to stop or prevent | 1 | |
5372834946 | Impetuous | (adj.) acting or done quickly and without thought or care | 2 | |
5372837671 | Futile | (adj.) incapable of producing any useful result; pointless | 3 | |
5372843831 | Interlocuters | (noun) someone who you engage in a conversation with | 4 | |
5372846307 | Ethnographic | (adj.) relating to the scientific description of peoples and cultures with their customs, habits, and mutual differences | 5 | |
5372852281 | Posit (2) | (verb) assume as a fact; put forward as a basis of argument, put in position; place. (noun) a statement that is made on the assumption that it will prove to be true | 6 | |
5372859696 | Recrimination | (noun) the act of counter charging or the accusation of the accused | 7 | |
5372863189 | Rapacity | (noun) aggressive greed | 8 | |
5372866538 | Declivity | (noun) a downward slope | 9 | |
5372870102 | Lugubrious | (adj.) mournful/ gloomy | 10 | |
5372874801 | Volubility | (noun) the quality of talking fluently, readily, or incessantly; talkativeness | 11 | |
5372877196 | Enigma | (noun) person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand | 12 | |
5372878604 | Drollery | (noun) a comic incident or series of incidents | 13 | |
5372881932 | Pacifically | (adverb) calmly, mildly or quietly | 14 | |
5372884168 | Indissolubly | (adj.) incapable of being annulled, undone, or unbroken; permanent | 15 | |
5372888308 | Superciliousness | (adj.) behavior or looking as though one thinks they are superior to others | 16 | |
5372894165 | Alacrity | (noun) brisk and cheerful readiness | 17 | |
5372895964 | Tumultuous | (adj.) making a loud, confused noise; uproarious | 18 | |
5372898304 | Languidly | (adj.) slowly and in a relaxed way, peacefully | 19 | |
5372900155 | Beguiled | (verb) to influence by trickery, flattery; mislead | 20 | |
5372915200 | Moribund | (adj.) near death; stagnant; on the verge of extinction | 21 | |
5376101532 | Prevaricator | (noun) one who speaks or acts in a deceiving or misleading way | 22 | |
5376106301 | Indefatigable | (adj.) persisting tirelessly; tireless | 23 | |
5376112586 | Tenebrous | (adj.) dark, shadowy, or obscure | 24 | |
5376122310 | Abject | (adj.) extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading; miserable | 25 | |
5376132057 | Sagacious | (adj.) having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; shrewd | 26 | |
5376140467 | Deification | (noun) the worship, regard, or treatment of something as a god; idolization | 27 | |
5376144588 | Recondite | (adj.) (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse; obscure | 28 | |
5376148933 | Brusque | (adj.) abrupt or offhand in speech or manner; blunt; abrupt | 29 | |
5376155364 | Fecund | (adj.) producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile | 30 | |
5376160607 | Bereavement | (noun) the period of grief and mourning after a death | 31 | |
5376163314 | Farcical | (adj.) of or resembling slapstick comedy, esp. because of absurd or ridiculous aspects; ridiculous | 32 | |
5376168233 | Exulted | (verb) show or feel elation or jubilation, esp. as the result of a success; rejoice | 33 | |
5377438512 | Inextricable | (adj.) impossible to disentangle or separate | 34 | |
5537085663 | Piety | (noun) religious devotion or reverence to God; sanctity | 35 | |
5537089967 | Unintelligible | (adj.) understanding or comprehension is impossible or difficult, incomprehensible | 36 | |
5537125360 | Arbitrary | (adj.) determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle | 37 | |
5537130667 | Ineffable | (adj.) incapable of being expressed in words; unspeakable; unutterable; indescribable | 38 | |
5537137089 | Tableau | (noun) a vivid or graphic description | 39 | |
5537141533 | Pastoral | (adj.) of or relating to shepherds or herders | 40 | |
5537148858 | Panegyric | (noun) a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment | 41 | |
5537152878 | Mien | (noun) bearing or manner, especially as it reveals an inner state of mind | 42 | |
5537157303 | Errant | (adj.) erring or straying from the proper course or standards; offending | 43 | |
5537160429 | Specious | (adj.) seemingly well-reasoned or factual, but actually fallacious or insincere | 44 | |
5537164699 | Zealousness | (noun) enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance; strong passion, fervent | 45 | |
5537168703 | Insuperable | (adj.) impossible to overcome | 46 | |
5537175050 | Banality | (noun) something that is trite, obvious, or predictable; a commonplace, a saying | 47 | |
5537179466 | Truculent | (adj.) disposed to fight; cruel; savage | 48 | |
5537183260 | Platitude | (noun) a claim that is trivially true, to the point of being uninteresting; lack of originality; triteness; cliche | 49 | |
5537191625 | Acquiescence | (noun) passive agreement or assent without protest, quiet submission | 50 | |
5537196829 | Reticence | (noun) the quality or state of being reticent, or keeping silence; the state of holding one's tongue; avoidance of saying too much | 51 | |
5537205129 | Rectitude | (noun) moral uprightness; righteousness | 52 | |
5537209504 | Catharsis | (noun) a release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit | 53 | |
5537212886 | Pariah | (noun) a social outcast | 54 | |
5537218296 | Stoic | (noun) one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain | 55 | |
5537222038 | Acerbic | (adj) of a harsh character; sarcastic or cynical | 56 | |
5537224689 | Bellicose | (adj.) warlike or hostile in manner or temperament; aggressive | 57 | |
5537228405 | Plaintive | (adj.) expressing sorrow; mournful or melancholy | 58 | |
5537231425 | Bombastic | (adj.) pompous or overly wordy; inflated | 59 | |
5537235931 | Irreverent | (adj.) critical of what is generally accepted or respected; satirical | 60 | |
5537235932 | Effusive | (adj.) unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; gushy | 61 |