presente AP Flashcards
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4824090173 | vivo | I live | 0 | |
4824090174 | como | I eat | 1 | |
4824090175 | escribes | do you write (friend) | 2 | |
4824090176 | leemos | we read | 3 | |
4824090177 | leo | I read | 4 | |
4824090178 | lees | do you read (friend) | 5 | |
4824090179 | leen | they read | 6 | |
4824090180 | tomo | I take | 7 | |
4824090181 | tomas | you take | 8 | |
4824090182 | toman | they take | 9 | |
4824090183 | toco | I play (music) | 10 | |
4824090184 | tocamos | we play (music) | 11 | |
4824090185 | vivimos | we live | 12 | |
4824090186 | aprendo | I learn | 13 | |
4824090187 | aprendemos | we learn | 14 | |
4824090188 | enseño | I teach | 15 | |
4824090189 | enseñan | they teach | 16 | |
4824090190 | bebes | do you drink (friend) | 17 | |
4824090191 | bebemos | we drink | 18 | |
4824090192 | canto | I sing | 19 | |
4824090193 | cantas | do you sing (friend) | 20 | |
4824090194 | escucho | I listen | 21 | |
4824090195 | escucha | he listens | 22 | |
4824090196 | vive | do you live (teacher) | 23 | |
4824090197 | canta | do you sing (teacher | 24 | |
4824090198 | corren | do you run (plural) | 25 | |
4824090199 | juego | I play | 26 | |
4824090200 | juegas | you play | 27 | |
4824090201 | juega | she plays | 28 | |
4824090202 | jugamos | we play | 29 | |
4824090203 | juegan | they play | 30 | |
4824090204 | veo | I see | 31 | |
4824090205 | ves | you see | 32 | |
4824090206 | ve | he sees | 33 | |
4824090207 | vemos | we see | 34 | |
4824090208 | ven | they see | 35 | |
4824090209 | doy | I give | 36 | |
4824090210 | das | you give | 37 | |
4824090211 | da | he gives | 38 | |
4824090212 | tengo | I have | 39 | |
4824090213 | tienes | you have | 40 | |
4824090214 | tiene | it has | 41 | |
4824090215 | tenemos | we have | 42 | |
4824090216 | hago | I do/make | 43 | |
4824090217 | haces | you do/make | 44 | |
4824090218 | hacen | they do/make | 45 | |
4824090219 | salgo | I leave | 46 | |
4824090220 | sales | you leave | 47 | |
4824090221 | salimos | we leave | 48 | |
4824090222 | oyes | you hear | 49 | |
4824090223 | oigo | I hear | 50 | |
4824090224 | oimos | we hear | 51 | |
4824090225 | conduzco | I drive | 52 | |
4824090226 | conduces | you (nformal) drive | 53 | |
4824090227 | soy | I am (characteristics, permanent) | 54 | |
4824090228 | eres | you (informal) are (characteristics, permanent) | 55 | |
4824090229 | somos | we are (characteristics, permanent) | 56 | |
4824090230 | son | you are (formal) (characteristics, permanent) | 57 | |
4824090231 | traigo | I bring | 58 | |
4824090232 | trae | he brings | 59 | |
4824090233 | traen | they bring | 60 | |
4824090234 | estoy | I am (temporary) | 61 | |
4824090235 | estás | you (informal, temporary) are | 62 | |
4824090236 | estamos | we (temporary) are | 63 | |
4824090237 | están | they (temporary) are | 64 | |
4824090238 | digo | I say, tell | 65 | |
4824090239 | dicen | they say, tell | 66 | |
4824090240 | dice | he says, tells | 67 | |
4824090241 | decimos | we say, tell | 68 | |
4824090242 | sé | I know (a fact, how to do something) | 69 | |
4824090243 | sabes | you, informal knows (a fact, how to do something) | 70 | |
4824090244 | saben | they know (a fact, how to do something) | 71 | |
4824090245 | quiero | I want | 72 | |
4824090246 | quieren | they want | 73 | |
4824090247 | queremos | we want | 74 | |
4824090248 | quiere | he wants | 75 | |
4824090249 | ofrezco | I offer | 76 | |
4824090250 | ofrecen | they offer | 77 | |
4824090251 | ofreces | you (informal) offer | 78 | |
4824090252 | sirvo | I serve | 79 | |
4824090253 | sirves | you (informal) serve | 80 | |
4824090254 | servimos | we serve | 81 | |
4824090255 | sirven | you (formal, plural) serve | 82 | |
4824090256 | duermo | I sleep | 83 | |
4824090257 | duermes | you (informal) sleep | 84 | |
4824090258 | dormimos | we sleep | 85 | |
4824090259 | duermen | they sleep | 86 | |
4824090260 | me acuesto | I go to bed | 87 | |
4824090261 | te acuestas | you (informal) go to bed | 88 | |
4824090262 | se acuestan | they go to bed | 89 | |
4824090263 | me siento | I feel | 90 | |
4824090264 | se siente | he feels | 91 | |
4824090265 | se sienten | they feel | 92 | |
4824090266 | nos sentimos | we feel | 93 | |
4824090267 | te sientes | you (informal) feel | 94 | |
4824090268 | me divierto | I have fun | 95 | |
4824090269 | te diviertes | you (informal) have fun | 96 | |
4824090270 | nos divertimos | we have fun | 97 | |
4824090271 | se divierten | they have fun | 98 | |
4824090272 | vuelvo | I return | 99 | |
4824090273 | vuelves | you return | 100 | |
4824090274 | vuelven | they return | 101 | |
4824090275 | volvemos | we return | 102 | |
4824090276 | pruebo | I try | 103 | |
4824090277 | pruebas | you (informal) try | 104 | |
4824090278 | probamos | we try | 105 | |
4824090279 | prueban | they try | 106 | |
4824090280 | prueba | she tries | 107 | |
4824090281 | me levanto | I get up | 108 | |
4824090282 | te levantas | you (informal) get up | 109 | |
4824090283 | se levantan | they get up | 110 | |
4824090284 | nos levantamos | we get up | 111 | |
4824090285 | se levanta | she gets up | 112 | |
4824090286 | me río | I laugh | 113 | |
4824090287 | te ríes | you (informal) laugh | 114 | |
4824090288 | se ríe | he laughs | 115 | |
4824090289 | se ríe | she laughs | 116 | |
4824090290 | nos reímos | we laugh | 117 | |
4824090291 | pierdo | I lose | 118 | |
4824090292 | pierdes | you lose | 119 | |
4824090293 | pierde | he loses | 120 | |
4824090294 | perdemos | we lose | 121 | |
4824090295 | pierden | they lose | 122 | |
4824090296 | vengo | I come | 123 | |
4824090297 | vienes | you come | 124 | |
4824090298 | venimos | we come | 125 | |
4824090299 | viene | you (formal, singular) come | 126 | |
4824090300 | vienen | you (formal, plural) come | 127 | |
4824090301 | construyo | I construct | 128 | |
4824090302 | constuyes | you construct | 129 | |
4824090303 | construimos | we construct | 130 | |
4824090304 | construyen | they construct | 131 | |
4824090305 | construye | you (formal, singular) construct | 132 | |
4824090306 | cuento | I count, or tell | 133 | |
4824090307 | cuentas | you (informal), count or tell | 134 | |
4824090308 | cuentan | they count, or tell | 135 | |
4824090309 | cuenta | he counts, or tells | 136 | |
4824090310 | pienso | I think | 137 | |
4824090311 | piensas | you (informal, singular) think | 138 | |
4824090312 | piensa | he thinks | 139 | |
4824090313 | piensan | they think | 140 | |
4824090314 | obedezco | I obey | 141 | |
4824090315 | obedecen | they obey | 142 | |
4824090316 | obedeces | you (informal, singular) obey | 143 | |
4824090317 | obedece | he obeys | 144 | |
4824090318 | puedo | I can | 145 | |
4824090319 | puedes | you (informal, singular) can | 146 | |
4824090320 | puede | she can | 147 | |
4824090321 | podemos | we can | 148 | |
4824090322 | puede | she can | 149 | |
4824090323 | parezco | I seem | 150 | |
4824090324 | pareces | you seem (friend) | 151 | |
4824090325 | parecen | they seem | 152 | |
4824090326 | parece | it seems | 153 | |
4824090327 | parecemos | we seem | 154 | |
4824092637 | abro | I open | 155 | |
4824092638 | abres | you open | 156 | |
4824092639 | abrimos | we open | 157 | |
4824092640 | abren | they open | 158 | |
4824093847 | ahorro | I save time/money | 159 | |
4824093848 | ahorras | you (friend) save time/money | 160 | |
4824095109 | ahorran | they save time/money | 161 | |
4824095110 | almuerzo | I eat lunch | 162 | |
4824096206 | almuerzan | they eat lunch | 163 | |
4824096208 | almuerzas | you (friend) eat lunch | 164 | |
4824097633 | almuerza | he eats lunch | 165 | |
4824098658 | amenazo | I threaten | 166 | |
4824098659 | amenazan | they threaten | 167 | |
4824098665 | amenaza | it threatens | 168 | |
4824099690 | asisto | I attend | 169 | |
4824099691 | asisten | they attend | 170 | |
4824100999 | asiste | it attends | 171 | |
4824102081 | asistes | you (friend) attend | 172 | |
4824102082 | espero | I hope/wait | 173 | |
4824103375 | esperas | you (friend) hope/wait | 174 | |
4824104392 | esperan | they hope/wait | 175 | |
4824104393 | espera | she hopes/waits | 176 | |
4824107393 | aprecio | I appreciate | 177 | |
4824107394 | aprecian | they appreciate | 178 | |
4824108488 | apreciamos | we appreciate | 179 | |
4824108489 | aprecia | he appreciates | 180 | |
4824110455 | busco | I look for | 181 | |
4824111642 | buscas | you look for (friend) | 182 | |
4824112436 | buscamos | we look for | 183 | |
4824112437 | buscan | they look for | 184 | |
4824114637 | cambio | I change | 185 | |
4824114638 | cambias | you (friend) change | 186 | |
4824114639 | cambian | they change | 187 | |
4824115889 | cambia | it changes | 188 | |
4824117538 | debe | it should | 189 | |
4824117539 | debe | she should | 190 | |
4824117540 | debe | he should | 191 | |
4824117541 | debemos | we should | 192 | |
4824119060 | debes | you (friend) should | 193 | |
4824120084 | encuentro | I find | 194 | |
4824121935 | encuentras | you (friend) finds | 195 | |
4824121936 | encuentran | they find | 196 | |
4824122735 | encontramos | we find | 197 | |
4824124205 | recojo | I pick up | 198 | |
4824124206 | recoges | you (friend) pick up | 199 | |
4824124207 | recogen | they pick up | 200 | |
4824125522 | recoge | it picks up | 201 | |
4824125523 | pago | I pay | 202 | |
4824126410 | pagas | you pay (friend) | 203 | |
4824126411 | pagan | they pay | 204 | |
4824126458 | paga | she pays | 205 | |
4824127424 | escojo | I pick/chose | 206 | |
4824128385 | escoges | you pick/chose | 207 | |
4824128386 | escogemos | we pick/chose | 208 | |
4824129430 | escogen | they pick/chose | 209 | |
4824130523 | sigo | I follow/continue | 210 | |
4824131552 | sigues | you (friend) follows/continues | 211 | |
4824132464 | siguen | they follow/continue | 212 | |
4824132465 | sigue | he follows/continues | 213 | |
4824133712 | sigue | it follows/continues | 214 | |
4824133713 | sigue | she follows/continues | 215 | |
4824135023 | quedo | I say/remain | 216 | |
4824135024 | queda | it stays/remains | 217 | |
4824136283 | quedan | they stay/remain | 218 | |
4824136284 | quedaste | you stayed/remained | 219 | |
4824137504 | protejo | I protect | 220 | |
4824138682 | proteges | you (friend) protect | 221 | |
4824138683 | protegen | they protect | 222 | |
4824139682 | protegemos | we protect | 223 | |
4824140796 | traduzco | I translate | 224 | |
4824140797 | traduces | you translate | 225 | |
4824140798 | traducen | they translate | 226 | |
4824141780 | traduce | it translates | 227 | |
4824143198 | muestro | I show | 228 | |
4824144338 | muestras | you show (friend) | 229 | |
4824144339 | muestra | it shows | 230 | |
4824144340 | muestran | they show | 231 | |
4824145859 | mostramos | we show | 232 | |
4824145860 | me rindo | I surrender | 233 | |
4824147392 | te rindes | you (friend) surrender | 234 | |
4824147393 | se rinde | he surrenders | 235 | |
4824148797 | nos rendimos | we surrender | 236 | |
4824149906 | exijo | I demand | 237 | |
4824150703 | exige | it demands | 238 | |
4824150704 | exigen | they demand | 239 | |
4824150705 | exiges | you demand | 240 | |
4824152114 | exigimos | we demand | 241 | |
4824152958 | me visto | I dress myself | 242 | |
4824154407 | te vistes | you (friend) dress yourself | 243 | |
4824154408 | se visten | they dress themselves | 244 | |
4824155302 | se viste | she dresses herself | 245 | |
4824155309 | nos vestimos | we dress ourselves | 246 | |
4824157153 | hay | there is | 247 | |
4824160051 | hay | there are | 248 | |
4824160052 | hay | there is/are | 249 |