AP literature vocab 1 Flashcards
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7260011292 | acrimonious | caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature, speech, behavior, etc. | 0 | |
7260011293 | acrimonious | hardened, insensitive, indifferent, unsympathetic | 1 | |
7260011294 | Choleric | Extremely irritable or easily angered | 2 | |
7260011295 | Didactic | intended for instruction; inclined to teach or lecture others too much | 3 | |
7260011296 | Paradigm | a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology | 4 | |
7260011297 | paradigm | an example of serving as a model, pattern | 5 | |
7260011298 | ostentatious | characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others | 6 | |
7260386962 | manifest | readily perceived by the eye or the understanding, evident, obvious, apparent, plain | 7 | |
7260388687 | elegiac | expressing sorrow or lementation | 8 | |
7260389951 | countenance | appearance, especially the look or expression of the face | 9 | |
7260391134 | pedantic | ostentatious in one's learning | 10 | |
7260391881 | pedantic | overly concerned with the minute details or formalisms, especially teaching | 11 | |
7260395592 | caustic | severely critical or sarcastic | 12 | |
7260410028 | poignant | keenly distressing to the feelings | 13 | |
7260410569 | poignant | affecting or moving the emotions | 14 | |
7260410910 | poignant | pungent in the smell | 15 | |
7260411256 | beguile | to influence by trickery, flattery, to mislead or delude | 16 | |
7260412869 | extrapolate | to infer from something that is known; conjecture | 17 | |
7260416157 | ignominious/ignominy | marked by or attend with ignominy, discreditable, humiliating | 18 | |
7260418027 | ignominious/ignominy | disgrace, dishonor, public contempt | 19 | |
7260419014 | ignominious/ignominy | shameful or dishonorable quantity or conduct or an instance of this | 20 | |
7260420611 | derision/ derisive | ridicule, mockery | 21 | |
7260421632 | derision/ derisive | contemptuous, mocking | 22 | |
7260422886 | nuance | a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning or response | 23 | |
7261816458 | nuance | very slight difference or variation in color or tone | 24 | |
7261817654 | magnanimous | generous in forgiving an insult or injury, free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness | 25 | |
7261821395 | magnanimous | high-minded or noble | 26 | |
7261822205 | disdain | to look upon or treat with contempt, despise, scorn | 27 | |
7261823639 | haughty | disdainfully proud, snobbish, scornfully arrogant, supercilious | 28 | |
7261849924 | callous | hardened, insensitive, indifferent, unsympathetic | 29 |