Acquiring Medical Language Chapter 4 Flashcards
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5449694028 | -physis | growth | 0 | |
5449694029 | oste/o | bone | 1 | |
5449694030 | crani/o | head, skull | 2 | |
5449694031 | cervic/o | neck | 3 | |
5449694032 | spondyl/o | vertebra | 4 | |
5449694033 | lumb/o | loin, lower back | 5 | |
5449694034 | dactyl/o | finger | 6 | |
5449694035 | carp/o | wrist | 7 | |
5449694036 | cost/o | rib | 8 | |
5449694037 | femor/o | femur (thigh bone) | 9 | |
5449694038 | tars/o | ankle | 10 | |
5449694039 | tibi/o | tibia (shin bone) | 11 | |
5449694040 | chondr/o | cartilage | 12 | |
5449694041 | arthr/o | joint | 13 | |
5449694042 | burs/o | bursa (small fluid-filled sac found near the body's joint that cushions and reduces friction) | 14 | |
5449694043 | ten/o | tendon (connective tissue connecting muscle to bone) | 15 | |
5449694044 | tend/o | tendon | 16 | |
5449694045 | tendin/o | tendon | 17 | |
5449694046 | muscul/o | muscle | 18 | |
5449694047 | my/o | muscle | 19 | |
5449694048 | myos/o | muscle | 20 | |
5449694049 | fasci/o | fascia (fibrous connective tissue binding muscles together) | 21 | |
5449694050 | ton/o | tone, tension | 22 | |
5449694051 | kinesi/o | movement, motion | 23 | |
5449694052 | kinet/o | movement, motion | 24 | |
5449694053 | tax/o | arrangement, order, coordination | 25 | |
5449694054 | ankyl/o | stiff, bent | 26 | |
5449694055 | costalgia | rib pain | 27 | |
5449694056 | metatarsalgia | pain in the bones of the foot | 28 | |
5449694057 | ostalgia/ ostealgia | bone pain | 29 | |
5449694058 | osteodynia | bone pain | 30 | |
5449694059 | spondylonia | vertebrate pain | 31 | |
5449694060 | tibialgia | tibia pain | 32 | |
5449694061 | ankylosis | joint stiffness | 33 | |
5449694062 | arthralgia | joint pain | 34 | |
5449694063 | arthrodynia | joint pain | 35 | |
5449694064 | cervicodynia | neck pain | 36 | |
5449694065 | crepitation | a crackling sound heard in joints | 37 | |
5449694066 | genu valgum | knock-kneed | 38 | |
5449694067 | genu varum | bow-legged | 39 | |
5449694068 | bradykinesia | slow movement | 40 | |
5449694069 | dyskinesia | inability to control movement | 41 | |
5449694070 | dystaxia | poor coordination | 42 | |
5449694071 | dystonia | poor muscle tone | 43 | |
5449694072 | graphospasm | writer's cramp | 44 | |
5449694073 | hyperkinesia | increase in muscle movement/activity | 45 | |
5449694074 | hypertonia | increased muscle tone or tightness | 46 | |
5449694075 | hypokinesia | decrease in muscle movement or activity | 47 | |
5449694076 | hypotonia | decrease in muscle tone or tightness | 48 | |
5449694077 | myalgia | muscle pain | 49 | |
5449694078 | myasthenia | muscle weakness | 50 | |
5449694079 | myodynia | muscle pain | 51 | |
5449694080 | myospasm | muscle spasm | 52 | |
5449694081 | tenalgia | tendon pain | 53 | |
5449694082 | arthrography | procecdure used to examine joint | 54 | |
5449694083 | arthroscope | instrument used for looking into a joint | 55 | |
5449694084 | arthroscopy | process of looking into a joint | 56 | |
5449694086 | electromyogram | a record of the electrical activity of a muscle | 57 | |
5449694087 | electromyograpy | procedure for measuring the electrical activity of a muscle | 58 | |
5449694088 | myography | procedure for studying muscles | 59 | |
5449694089 | osteometry | pocedure for measuring bone | 60 | |
5449694090 | kyphosis | humped back- abnormal forward curvature of the upper spine | 61 | |
5449694091 | lordosis | sway back- abnormal forward curvature of the lower spine | 62 | |
5449694092 | scoliosis | crooked back, or abnormal lateral curvature of the spine | 63 | |
5449694093 | carpitis | wrist inflammation | 64 | |
5449694094 | craniomalacia | softening of the skull | 65 | |
5449694095 | exostosis | an abnormal growth of bone out of another bone | 66 | |
5449694096 | fracture | bone break | 67 | |
5449694097 | osteodystrophy | poor bone development | 68 | |
5449694098 | osteolysis | bone loss | 69 | |
5449694099 | osteonecrosis | death of bone | 70 | |
5449694100 | osteosclerosis | hardening of bone | 71 | |
5449694101 | polydactyly | having more than normal number of fingers or toes | 72 | |
5449694102 | spondylitis | inflammation of the vertabra | 73 | |
5449694103 | spondylomalacia | softening of the vertebra | 74 | |
5449694104 | syndactyly | fusion of fingers or toes | 75 | |
5449694105 | tarsoptosis | flat feet | 76 | |
5449694106 | bursolith | a stone in a bursa | 77 | |
5449694107 | effusion | fluid build-up | 78 | |
5449694108 | hemarthrosis | blood in a joint | 79 | |
5449694109 | hydrarthrosis | water (fluid) in a joint | 80 | |
5449694110 | pyarthrosis | pus in a joint | 81 | |
5449694111 | atrophy | underdevelopment, decrease, or loss of muscle tissue | 82 | |
5449694112 | hypertrophy | overdevelopment of muscle tissue | 83 | |
5449694113 | myocele | hernia of muscle tissue | 84 | |
5449694114 | myolysis | loss of muscle tissue | 85 | |
5449694115 | myomalacia | softening of a muscle | 86 | |
5449694116 | myosclerosis | hardening of a muscle | 87 | |
5449694117 | myotasis | stretching of a muscle | 88 | |
5449694118 | myotonia | muscle tone | 89 | |
5449694119 | ankylosing spondylitis | stiffening inflammation of the vertebrae | 90 | |
5449694120 | chondro-osteodystrophy | poor development of bones and cartilage | 91 | |
5449694121 | craniosynostosis | premature fusing of the skull bones | 92 | |
5449694122 | dactylitis | finger inflammation | 93 | |
5449694123 | hypertrophic spondylitis | overdevelopment of the vertebrae causing inflammation | 94 | |
5449694124 | osteitis | bone inflammation | 95 | |
5449694125 | osteocarcionma | bone cancer tumor | 96 | |
5449694126 | osteochondritis | inflammation of bone and cartilage | 97 | |
5449694127 | osteochondroma | a tumor made up of bone and cartilage | 98 | |
5449694128 | osteogenesis imperfecta | a disease in which the bones do not develop correctly | 99 | |
5449694129 | osteomalacia | softening of the bone | 100 | |
5449694130 | osteomyelitis | inflammation of the bone and bone marrow | 101 | |
5449694131 | myel | marrow | 102 | |
5449694132 | osteopathy | bone disease | 103 | |
5449694133 | osteopenia | reduction in bone volume | 104 | |
5449694134 | -penia | deficiency | 105 | |
5449694135 | osteoporosis | loss of bone density | 106 | |
5449694136 | osteosarcoma | cancerous tumor arising out of bone cells | 107 | |
5449694137 | spinal stenosis | abnormal narrowing of the spine | 108 | |
5449694138 | spondyloarthropathy | joint disease of the vertebrate | 109 | |
5449694139 | spondylolisthesis | the slipping or dislocation of a vertabra | 110 | |
5449694140 | spondylolysis | loss of vertebra structure | 111 | |
5449694141 | spondylosis | vertebra condition | 112 | |
5449694142 | arthritis | joint inflammation | 113 | |
5449694143 | rheumatoid arthritis | inflammation of the joints because its symptoms resemble those of rheumatic fever | 114 | |
5449694144 | septic arthritis | inflammation of the joint caused by infection | 115 | |
5449694145 | osteoarthritis | inflammation of the joints that bear weight | 116 | |
5449694146 | arthrocele | hernia of a joint | 117 | |
5449694147 | arthrodysplasia | abnormal joint development | 118 | |
5449694148 | arthropathy | joint disease | 119 | |
5449694149 | arthrosclerosis | hardening of the joints | 120 | |
5449694150 | bursitis | inflammation of the bursa | 121 | |
5449694151 | bursopathy | disease of the bursa | 122 | |
5449694152 | subluxation | partial dislocation of a joint | 123 | |
5449694153 | achondroplasia | a defect in the formation of cartilage | 124 | |
5449694154 | chrondroma | a tumor-like growth of cartilage tissue | 125 | |
5449694155 | chondromalacia | abnormal softening of the cartilage | 126 | |
5449694156 | costochondritis | inflammation of the cartilage of the rib | 127 | |
5449694157 | faciitis | inflammation of the fascia | 128 | |
5449694158 | muscular dystrophy | disorder characterized by poor muscle development | 129 | |
5449694159 | myoclonus | violent muscle contraction | 130 | |
5449694160 | myopathy | muscle disease | 131 | |
5449694161 | myofasciitis | inflammation fo the muscle and fascia | 132 | |
5449694162 | myoma | a muscle tumor | 133 | |
5449694163 | myosarcoma | a cancerous muscle tumor | 134 | |
5449694164 | myositis | muscle inflammation | 135 | |
5449694165 | necrotizing fasciitis | inflammation of the fascia causing the death of the tissue | 136 | |
5449694166 | polymyositis | inflammation of multiple muscles | 137 | |
5449694167 | tardive dyskinesia | condition characterized by the loss of muscle control | 138 | |
5449694168 | tendonitis | tendon inflammation | 139 | |
5449694169 | analgesic | a drug that releives pain | 140 | |
5449694170 | antiarthritic | a drug that opposes joint inflammation | 141 | |
5449694171 | anti-inflammatory | a drug that opposes inflammation | 142 | |
5449694172 | antipyretic | a drug that opposes fever | 143 | |
5449694173 | carpectomy | removal of all or part of the wrist | 144 | |
5449694174 | costectomy | removal of a rib | 145 | |
5449694175 | craniectomy | removal of a portion of the skull (bone is not replaced) | 146 | |
5449694176 | craniotomy | removal of a portion of the skull (bone is later replaced) | 147 | |
5449694177 | external fixation | the fixation of a fractured bone from the outside (using a cast or splint) | 148 | |
5449694178 | internal fixation | the fixation of a fractured bone from the inside (screws, pins, plates, etc.) | 149 | |
5449694179 | closed reduction | returning bones to their proper position without the use of surgery | 150 | |
5449694180 | open reduction | returning bones to their proper position with the use of surgery | 151 | |
5449694181 | metacarpectomy | removal of a bone in the hand | 152 | |
5449694182 | orthotics | a device that aids in the straightening or stabilizing of a part of the body | 153 | |
5449694183 | ostectomy | removal of bone | 154 | |
5449694184 | osteectomy | removal of a bone | 155 | |
5449694185 | osteoplasty | reconstruction of a bone | 156 | |
5449694186 | osteotomy | incision into a bone | 157 | |
5449694187 | prosthesis | a device added to the body to replace a missing part of lost function | 158 | |
5449694188 | spondylosyndesis | fusing together multiple vertebrae | 159 | |
5449694189 | sternotomy | incision into the sternum | 160 | |
5449694190 | tarsectomy | removal of all or a portion of the ankle | 161 | |
5449694191 | tarsoclasia | surgical fracture of the ankle | 162 | |
5449694192 | arthrectomy | removal of a joint | 163 | |
5449694193 | arthroclasia | the breaking of a joint | 164 | |
5449694194 | arthrodesis | surgical fixation of a joint | 165 | |
5449694195 | arthrolysis | loosening a stiff joint | 166 | |
5449694196 | arthroplasty | reconstruction of a joint | 167 | |
5449694197 | athrotomy | incision into a joint | 168 | |
5449694198 | bursectomy | removal of a bursa | 169 | |
5449694199 | bursotomy | incision into a bursa | 170 | |
5449694200 | chondrectomy | removal of cartilage | 171 | |
5449694201 | chondroplasty | reconstruction of cartilage | 172 | |
5449694202 | fasciectomy | removal of fascia | 173 | |
5449694203 | fasciodesis | binding of fascia | 174 | |
5449694204 | fascioplasty | reconstruction of fascia | 175 | |
5449694205 | fasciorrhaphy | suturing of facia | 176 | |
5449694206 | fasciotomy | incision into fascia | 177 | |
5449694207 | myodesis | binding of muscle | 178 | |
5449694208 | myoplasty | muscle reconstruction | 179 | |
5449694209 | myorrhaphy | muscle suture | 180 | |
5449694210 | myotomy | incision into muscle | 181 | |
5449694211 | tendectomy | removal of a tendon | 182 | |
5449694212 | tendoplasty | reconstruction of a tendon | 183 | |
5449694213 | tenolysis | freeing/loosening of a tendon | 184 | |
5449694214 | tenonectomy | removal of a tendon | 185 | |
5449694215 | tenoplasty | reconstruction of a tendon | 186 | |
5449694216 | tenorrhaphy | suture of a tendon | 187 | |
5449694217 | tenotomy | incision into a tendon | 188 | |
5449694218 | arthrogram | visual record of a joint | 189 | |
5449694219 | myomectomy | removal of a muscle tumor | 190 | |
5449694220 | tenodesis | binding of a tendon | 191 | |
5452148825 | brachi/o | arm | 192 | |
5452220665 | arthrocentesis | puncture of a joint | 193 | |
5452222434 | myectomy | removal of muscle | 194 | |
5452237598 | analgesic | a drug that relieves pain | 195 | |
5452239415 | computed axial tomography (CAT or CT) | imaging procedure using a computer to "cut" or view "slices" of a patients organs | 196 | |
5452254341 | 197 |