AP Literature Vocabulary List Flashcards
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5148256010 | Plaintive | ADJ: sad; sorrowful; woebegone | 0 | |
5148256011 | Portentous | ADJ: foreboding; alarming; ominous; portend V: to foreshadow | 1 | |
5148256012 | Semblance | N: resemblance; alikeness; pretense; affinity | 2 | |
5148256013 | Penury | N: extreme poverty (penurious: very poor) | 3 | |
5148256014 | Desolate | ADJ: abandoned; bare; bleak; derelict | 4 | |
5148256015 | Ascetic | ADJ: harsh; severe; abstinent; self-sacrificing (also one who is) | 5 | |
5148256016 | Sullen | ADJ: upset; fretful; gloomy | 6 | |
5148256017 | Peremptory | ADJ: overbearing; authoritative; dictatorial; domineering | 7 | |
5148256018 | Soporific | ADJ: boring; dull; causing sleep | 8 | |
5148256019 | Ludicrous | ADJ: absurd; ridiculous; PREPOSTEROUS | 9 | |
5148256020 | Façade | N: false front; guise; pretense; exterior | 10 | |
5148256021 | Approbation | N: approval; consent; endorsement | 11 | |
5148256022 | Interminable | ADJ: everlasting; incessant; never-ending | 12 | |
5148256023 | Calumny | N: a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something; slander; a damaging lie | 13 | |
5148256024 | Acquiesce | V: to yield; to comply; to accede | 14 | |
5148256025 | Propitious | ADJ: favorable; fortunate; good | 15 | |
5148256026 | Venerate | V: to revere; to admire; to esteem (veneration: respect) | 16 | |
5148256027 | Phlegmatic | ADJ: indifferent; lifeless; dull; "blah" | 17 | |
5148256028 | Enigma | N: a puzzle; a mystery (enigmatic: mysterious; puzzling) | 18 | |
5148256029 | Deprecate | V: to belittle; to condemn; to put down (verbally) (DISCOMMEND) | 19 | |
5148256030 | Noxious | ADJ: deadly; injurious; dangerous | 20 | |
5148256031 | Assiduous | ADJ: hard-working; persevering; SEDULOUS (N: assiduity) | 21 | |
5148256032 | Solicitous | ADJ: concerned; attentive; mindful | 22 | |
5148256033 | Fastidious | ADJ: fussy; picky; METICULOUS | 23 | |
5148256034 | Insipid | ADJ: dull; uninteresting; mundane | 24 | |
5148256035 | Inveterate | ADJ: customary; deep-rooted; habitual | 25 | |
5148256036 | Enervate | V: to fatigue; to weaken; to VITIATE | 26 | |
5148256037 | Trepidation | N: fear; anxiety; uneasiness | 27 | |
5148256038 | Intrepid | ADJ: brave; heroic; audacious | 28 | |
5148256039 | Evince | V: to show clearly; to prove | 29 | |
5148256040 | Indefatigable | ADJ: tireless; determined; diligent | 30 | |
5148256041 | Insuperable | ADJ: hopeless; impossible to overcome | 31 | |
5148256042 | Engender | V: to cause to happen; to beget; to generate | 32 | |
5148256043 | Capricious | ADJ: erratic; flighty; given to whims; IRRESOLUTE; IMPETUOUS | 33 | |
5148256044 | Countenance | N: outward appearance; PHYSIOGNOMY | 34 | |
5148256045 | Conjecture | N:a guess V: to guess | 35 | |
5148256046 | Inexorable | ADJ: restless; uncompromising; adamant | 36 | |
5148256047 | Sardonic | ADJ: bitterly sarcastic; biting | 37 | |
5148256048 | Impetuous | ADJ: impulsive; rash; hasty; CAPRICIOUS | 38 | |
5148256049 | Equivocal | ADJ: doubtful; uncertain; dubious; evasive | 39 | |
5148256050 | Transitory | ADJ: temporary; fleeting; EPHEMERAL | 40 | |
5148256051 | Ephemeral | ADJ: temporary; fleeting; TRANSITORY | 41 | |
5148256052 | Obscure | ADJ: cryptic; complicated; confusing V: to confuse; to hide | 42 | |
5148256053 | Sanguine | ADJ: happy; optimistic; hopeful | 43 | |
5148256054 | Prodigal | ADJ: wasteful; excessive; PROFLIGATE | 44 | |
5148256055 | Discern | V: to recognize and understand; to detect; to perceive | 45 | |
5148256056 | Profligate | ADJ: shamelessly immoral; reckless; wanton; PRODIGAL | 46 | |
5148256057 | Languid | ADJ: lacking in spirit or interest; indifferent; listless | 47 | |
5148256058 | Sententious | ADJ: given to excessive moralizing; preachy; pithy; short and sweet | 48 | |
5148256059 | Disposition | N: frame of mind; mood; attitude; personality | 49 | |
5148256060 | Apoplexy | N: stroke; seazure (medical condition) | 50 | |
5148256061 | Effulence | N: outfloq; emission; wordiness; VERBOSITY | 51 | |
5148256062 | Indemnity | N: payment; compensation | 52 | |
5148256063 | Puerile | ADJ: immature; juvenile; CALLOW | 53 | |
5148256064 | Querulous | ADJ: grouchy; whily; hard-to-please | 54 | |
5148256065 | Picayune | ADJ: measily; of little value; worthless | 55 | |
5148256066 | Capacious | ADJ: spacious; roomy | 56 | |
5148256067 | Ascertain | V: to find out for sure; to verify | 57 | |
5148256068 | Fervent | ADJ: intense; enthusiastic; avid; ARDENT | 58 | |
5148256069 | Irascible | ADJ: irritable; easily angered; BILIOUS; PETULANT; QUERULOUS | 59 | |
5148256070 | Imbibe | V: to consume; to swallow; to ingest; to absorb | 60 | |
5148256071 | Dross | N: trash; dregs; refuse | 61 | |
5148256072 | Physiognomy: | N: outward appearance; COUNTENANCE | 62 | |
5148256073 | Confabullation | N: conversation; discussion; PALAVER | 63 | |
5148256074 | Noisome | ADJ: offensive; disgusting | 64 | |
5148256075 | Conciliate | V: to calm; to satisfy | 65 | |
5148256076 | Automaton | N: a robot; gadget | 66 | |
5148256077 | Misconstrue | V: to interpret incorrectly; to misjudge | 67 | |
5148256078 | Propinquity | N: proximity- nearness in place-; kinship- nearness of relation- | 68 | |
5148256079 | Asperity | N: bitterness; irritability; meanness | 69 | |
5148256080 | Tyro | N: beginner; newcomer | 70 | |
5148256081 | Panegyric | N: a speech praising someone, often dead; an encomium | 71 | |
5148256082 | Assuage | V: to cease; to lessen; to conciliate | 72 | |
5148256083 | Invidious | ADJ: offensive; hateful; full of enmity | 73 | |
5148256084 | Effrontery | N: shameless boldness; audacity; impudence | 74 | |
5148256085 | Disquieting | ADJ: unsettling; disturbing | 75 | |
5148256086 | Rapt | ADJ: wholly absorbed; captivate; immersed | 76 | |
5148256087 | Sapient | ADJ: wise; intelligent | 77 | |
5148256088 | Mien | N: manner; personality; disposition | 78 | |
5148256089 | Capitulate | V: to surrender | 79 | |
5148256090 | Preclude | V: to prevent; to hinder; to impede | 80 | |
5148256091 | Disputatious | ADJ: argumentative; fond of argument | 81 | |
5148256092 | Salient | ADJ: significant; remarkable; obvious | 82 | |
5148256093 | Facile | ADJ: effortless; deft; hasty | 83 | |
5148256094 | Maladroit | ADJ: clumsy; unskillful | 84 | |
5148256095 | Fait Accompli | N: an accomplished and presumably irreversible deed | 85 | |
5148256096 | Pedantry | N: slavish attention to rules; meticulousnes; extreme exactness | 86 | |
5148256097 | Ineffable | ADJ: inexpressible; indescribable; unspeakable | 87 | |
5148256098 | Salubrious | ADJ: healthful; wholesome; hygienic | 88 | |
5148256099 | Misanthropy | N: hatred of mankind | 89 | |
5148256100 | Eclectic | ADJ: assorted; aMULTIFARIOUS; DIVERSIFIED | 90 | |
5148256101 | Cursory | ADJ: superficial; careless; haphazard | 91 | |
5148256102 | Dissimulate | V: to pretend; to deceive; to feign | 92 | |
5148256103 | Immutable | ADJ: unchanging; eternal | 93 | |
5148256104 | Ameliorate | V: to make better; to improve | 94 | |
5148256105 | Palliate | V: to lessen; to sooth; to miligate | 95 | |
5148256106 | Fetter | V: to curb; to hamper; to restrain; to TRAMMEL | 96 | |
5148256107 | Arrogate | V: to confiscate; to take/claim without right | 97 | |
5148256108 | Predilection | N: a passion; a fondness; a PROCLIVITY | 98 | |
5148256109 | Choleric | ADJ: hot-tempered; easily angered | 99 | |
5148256110 | Ambivalent | ADJ: indecisive; undecided; IRRESOLUTE | 100 | |
5148256111 | Contumelious | ADJ: insolent; rude | 101 | |
5148256112 | Prurient | ADJ: lewd; obscene; lustful; LASCIVIOUS | 102 | |
5148256113 | Machinations | N: schemes; plots | 103 | |
5148256114 | Ignominious | ADJ: disgraceful; shameful | 104 | |
5148256115 | Pedantic | ADJ: unimaginative; academic; DIDACTIC | 105 | |
5148256116 | Imperious | ADJ: insistent; domineering; PEREMPTORY | 106 | |
5148256117 | Rankle | V: to irritate; to irk | 107 | |
5148256118 | Exculpate | V: to pardon; to forgive | 108 | |
5148256119 | Abstruse | ADJ: complex; obscure | 109 | |
5148256120 | Sobriquet | N: nickname | 110 | |
5148256121 | Lassitude | N: exhaustion; weariness; LANGUOR | 111 | |
5148256122 | Abject | ADJ: miserable; hopeless; INSUPERABLE | 112 | |
5148256123 | Diffident | ADJ: shy; timid; reserved; RETICENT | 113 | |
5148256124 | Sanguinary | ADJ: bloody; murderous | 114 | |
5148256125 | Sedulous | ADJ: hard-working; ASSIDUOUS | 115 | |
5148256126 | Dirge | N: a funeral song | 116 | |
5148256127 | Petulant | ADJ: moody; irritable; IRASCIBLE; BILIOUS | 117 | |
5148256128 | Ostensible | ADJ: apparent; supposed | 118 | |
5148264812 | equanimity | (n) calmness, composure | 119 | |
5148270005 | dastardly | (adj) cowardly, *pusillanimous* | 120 | |
5148278038 | amalgamate | (v) to combine | 121 | |
5148284749 | palpable | (adj) touchable, concrete, real | 122 | |
5148287181 | censure | (v) to condemn or criticize harshly (n) condemnation, *remonstrate* | 123 | |
5148301777 | temporize | (v) to procrastinate, to delay | 124 | |
5148304749 | hidebound | (adj) narrow-minded | 125 | |
5148309106 | bibulous | (adj) fond of crunk juice, alchoholic | 126 | |
5148315978 | obsteperous | (adj) rowdy, unruly, boisterous | 127 | |
5148319015 | sundry | (adj) varied, assorted, diverse | 128 |