AP Literature Flashcards
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7950727797 | metaphor | a figure of speech comparing to unlike things without using like or as | 0 | |
7950737417 | simile | A comparison using "like" or "as" | 1 | |
7950743802 | metonym | a word used as another term for something it relates to | 2 | |
7950759098 | synecdoche | a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part | 3 | |
7950776626 | hyperbole | A figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion, make a point, or evoke humor | 4 | |
7950785746 | personification | A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes | 5 | |
7950793990 | synesthesia | describing one kind of sensation in terms of another ("a loud color", "a sweet sound") | 6 | |
7958299484 | Metaphysical conceit | use of a shocking or unconventional comparison | 7 | |
7958316693 | connotation | the feelings or emotions surrounding a word | 8 | |
7958325952 | denotation | the dictionary definition of a word | 9 | |
7958336908 | kenning | compound expression of old english/norse with a metaphorical meaning | 10 | |
7958364320 | Irony | Situational dramatic verbal cosmic romantic structural | 11 | |
7958401849 | apostrophe | the act of addressing some abstraction or personification that is not physically present | 12 | |
7958410954 | allusion | A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art | 13 | |
7958417676 | paradox | a contradiction or dilemma | 14 | |
7958429432 | literal imagery | The things and actions that are literally (really) there in the scene being described. | 15 | |
7958429433 | figurative imagery | when an author describes a place or object to express a metaphor or simile | 16 | |
7958451703 | symbolism | the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities | 17 | |
7958497950 | archetype | a symbol that transcends time and culture | 18 | |
7958574688 | aside | happens when a character's dialogue is spoken but not heard by the other actors on the stage. Asides are useful for giving the audience special information about the other characters onstage or the action of the plot. | 19 | |
7958588250 | soliloquy | literary or dramatic speech by one character, not addressed to others | 20 | |
7958620937 | carpe diem | seize the day; motivate someone to do something | 21 | |
7958638046 | Narrative | - tells a story in verse 1. Ballad- song like poem that tells a story 2. Epic- hero of poem embodies values of poets culture | 22 | |
7958667685 | Dramatic | -makes use of conventions of drama 1.Dramatic monologue- soliloquy 2. Dramatic dialogue- two speakers converse with eachother | 23 | |
7958719546 | Lyric | - melodic poem that expresses the observations/ feelings of a single speaker 1.Elegy- reflective poem that laments loss of something 2. Ode- elevate; subject in world given higher power, Romantic; nature given higher power 3.Sonnet- 14 lines addressing themes(love) | 24 | |
7958815345 | canto | major division in poem; contains multiple stanzas, designed by roman numerals | 25 | |
7958835578 | stanza | A group of lines in a poem | 26 | |
7958843401 | enjambment | when physical end of poem does not match gramatical end of a poem | 27 | |
7958897133 | end-stopped line | when physical end of a line matches gramatical end of line | 28 | |
7958933135 | poetic shift | moment in a poem when the tone significantly changes | 29 | |
7958946001 | concrete poetry | shape of poem enhances meaning of poem | 30 | |
7958981105 | scansion | find the rhythm in a poem | 31 | |
7958995666 | unstressed syllable | voice goes down | 32 | |
7958998521 | stressed syllable | voice goes up | 33 | |
7959002534 | foot | pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables (u / )= iamb | 34 | |
7959026754 | meter | number of feet in line of poetry | 35 | |
7959036862 | iambic pentameter | 5 iambs in a line of poetry | 36 | |
7959044033 | blank verse | unrhymed iambic pentameter | 37 | |
7959066600 | alliteration | repetition of beginning of word | 38 | |
7959072247 | assonance | repetition of vowel sounds next to dissimilar consonant sounds ex: Turtles burning | 39 | |
7959100371 | consonance | repetition of consonant sounds next to dissimilar vowel sounds ex: rattle the kettle | 40 | |
7959116948 | rhyme | when last vowel and following consonant sounds of a word at end of line match another word at end of line of poetry | 41 | |
7959140651 | half-rhyme/ slant-rhyme | when a rhymes vowel or consonant sounds are slightly off | 42 | |
7959158616 | internal rhyme | happens in middle of line of poetry | 43 | |
7959178630 | rhyme scheme | pattern of lines in poetry designated by letters | 44 | |
7959226020 | utopic | work of fiction describing utopia | 45 | |
7959245988 | myth | a traditional story accepted as history | 46 | |
7959248810 | tragedy | the downfall of a basically good person through some fatal error or misjudgment | 47 | |
7959284886 | setting | background against which the story takes place | 48 | |
7959296048 | Sensuous world (setting) | -description of the physical place through any five senses a. relationship between character and theme b. external world=internal character(symbol) | 49 | |
7959335927 | Time and chronology(setting) | -three elements of time may operate within the narrative a. time period b. time of narrative c. chronological arrangement | 50 | |
7959366031 | social environment(setting) | manners, customs, culture, and moral values that govern the historic time | 51 | |
7959368925 | emotional environment(setting) | atmosphere: normally created by the sensuous world of the piece of fiction. the emotional reaction the reader and characters have to the setting | 52 | |
7959435602 | human condition | the state of being human | 53 | |
7959448894 | zeitgeist | the general philosophic, religious, cultural, and artistic climate of an era. | 54 | |
7959468572 | dialectical clash | two speakers clash -theme: when people question -antithesis: thesis goes to far -synthesis: major historical event/shift | 55 | |
7959517209 | theme | -central idea or dominating thought, which results from other elements contained in fiction 1. Human nature 2. nature of society 3. fate and freedom 4. ethics | 56 | |
7959553949 | Philosophy | love of knowledge | 57 | |
7959557545 | metaphysics | study of existance | 58 | |
7959570820 | epistimology | study of human knowledge | 59 | |
7959574803 | ethics | how we act in existance | 60 | |
7959580032 | politics | ethics applied to a group of people | 61 | |
7959590746 | aesthetics | study of beauty; art | 62 | |
7959603693 | the Great chain of being | -every existing thing in the universe has its "place" in a divinely planned hierarchial order - "place" depended on proportion of "spirit" and "matter": less "spirit" more "matter"= lower standing | 63 | |
7959674245 | english sonnet | three quatrains plus one couplet | 64 | |
7959680160 | italian sonnet | an octive followed by a sestet | 65 | |
8494997833 | Ubermensch | superman; person able to shape the world by imposing will whether good or bad | 66 | |
8495003368 | nihilism | destroy all gov. systems | 67 | |
8495005269 | philosopical nihilism | when you die nothing happens, you're just gone | 68 | |
8495010778 | Premoral stage | master morality; whoever is strongest decides what is good & bad | 69 | |
8495013308 | moral stage | controlled by slave morality | 70 | |
8495015272 | supra-moral stage | rise of the ubermensch | 71 | |
8495027279 | teleolocial | belief that time, history, and universe are moving towards an ultimate goal | 72 | |
8495032549 | existentialism | philosophical movement or tendency, emphasizing individual existence, freedom, and choice 1. Moral individualism 2. subjectivity 3. choice and commitment 4. dread and anxiety | 73 | |
8495050255 | hero cycle | 1. departure 2. initiation 3. return - threshold of adventure | 74 | |
8495061086 | epistolary | novel written through series of letters ex) Frankenstein | 75 | |
8495064235 | In medias re | starting in middle of story | 76 | |
8495064719 | frame story | book or movie where inside one story there is another - the internal story applies to external | 77 | |
8495080911 | flat character | a stereotypical character | 78 | |
8495082518 | round character | a complex character | 79 | |
8495083270 | static character | a character who does not change during course of the story | 80 | |
8495086033 | dynamic character | a character who changes because of the events of the story | 81 | |
8495090168 | foil | a character who shares many of the qualities of the main character but is different in one aspect that highlights a quality of the main character | 82 |