AP World History Chapters 24 and 29 Flashcards
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6029907222 | Stroganovs | Wanted access to Siberian furs, a major source of wealth that lured the tsarist state eastward. | 0 | |
6028647047 | Martin Luther | Attacked the sale of indulgences as an individual, but he soon attracted enthusiastic support from others who resented the policies of the Roman church. | 1 | |
6028648998 | King Henry 8 | Came into conflict with the pope. Wanted to divorce his wife, but the pope refused to allow him to do so. His reaction was to make himself head of the Anglican church- and English pope, as it were. | 2 | |
6029100035 | Peace of Westphalia | Laid the foundations for a system of independent, competing states. Regarded all as equal. Mutually recognized their rights to organize their own domestic affairs, including religious affairs. Replaced European religious unity with state sovereignty. | 3 | |
6028651871 | John Calvin | Converted to Protestant Christianity. Slipped across the border to French-speaking Geneva in Switzerland. Organized a Protestant community and worked with local officials to impose a strict code of morality and discipline on the city. He also composed an influential treatise, Institutes of the Christian Religion that codified Protestant teachings and presented them as a coherent and organized package. | 4 | |
6028776926 | The Council of Trent | An assembly of bishops, cardinals, and other high church officials who met intermittently to address matters of doctrine and reform. | 5 | |
6028798508 | St. Thomas Aquinas | A scholastic theologian that The Council of Trent took ideas from to define the elements of Roman Catholic theology in detail. | 6 | |
6028823419 | The Society of Jesus | Sought to extend the boundaries of the reformed Roman church. | 7 | |
6028835761 | St. Ignatius Loyola | A Basque nobleman and soldier who suffered a devastating leg wound that ended his military career. He founded the society of Jesus. He required that members of the society, known as Jesuits, complete a rigorous and advanced education in order to out argue their opponents and then acquire a reputation for discipline and determination. | 8 | |
6028872071 | King Phillip 2 of Spain | Attempted to force England to return to the Roman Catholic Church by sending the Spanish Armada to dethrone the Protestan Queen Elizabeth. | 9 | |
6028880952 | Spanish Armada | A huge flotilla consisting of 130 ships and thirty men. | 10 | |
6028911557 | Thirty Years' War | A mass of religious wars that opened when the Holy Roman emperor attempted to force his subjects to return to the Roman Catholic church. | 11 | |
6028929509 | Emperor Charles 5 | Inherited authority over many territories. Had to devote much of his attention and energy to the Lutheran movement and to imperial princes who took advantage of religious controversy to assert their independence. Did not build an administrative structure for his empire, but instead ruled each of his lands according to its own laws and customs. He soon handed down his empire to his two sons. | 12 | |
6028973862 | "New Monarchs" | Rulers of England, France, and Spain who marshaled their resources, curbed the nobility, and built strong centralized regimes. | 13 | |
6028985850 | The Spanish Inquisition | Was the most distinctive institution that relied on religious justifications to advance state ends. Fernando and Isabel founded this in Spain and obtained papal license to operate the institution as a royal agency. Its original task was to ferret out those who secretly practiced Judaism or Islam, but Charles 5 charged it with the responsibility also for detecting Protestant heresy in Spain. | 14 | |
6029045995 | Divine Right of Kings | This theory held that kings derived their authority from God and served as God's lieutenants upon earth. | 15 | |
6029057377 | Cardinal Richelieu | Served as chief minister to King Louis 13. He worked systematically to undermine the power of the nobility and enhance the authority of the king. He destroyed nobles' castles and ruthlessly crushed aristocratic conspiracies. | 16 | |
6029079556 | King Louis 14 | Declared himself the Sun King. He built a magnificent residence at Versailles. Strongly encouraged the nobility to reside at Versailles so he could keep an eye on them. | 17 | |
6029137113 | Adam Smith | Held that society would prosper when individuals pursued their own economic interests. A Scottish philosopher that turned his attention to economic affairs and held that laws of supply and demand determine what happens in the market place. | 18 | |
6029142514 | The Ptolemaic Universe | Was composed of a work known as the Almagest that synthesizes theories about the universe. Put the Earth in the center of the universe. | 19 | |
6029160210 | Nicolaus Copernicus | A Polish astronomer who published a treatise On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres that broke with the Ptolemaic theory and pointed European science in a new direction. He argued that the sun rather than the earth stood at the center of the universe and that the planets, including the earth, revolved around the sun. | 20 | |
6029182089 | Kepler | Demonstrated that planetary orbits are elliptical, not circular. | 21 | |
6029186436 | Galileo | Showed that the heavens were not perfect, unblemished realm the Ptolemaic astronomers assumed, but rather a world of change, flux, and many previously unsuspected sights. | 22 | |
6029197796 | Isaac Newton | Depended on accurate observation and mathematical reasoning to construct a powerful synthesis of astronomy and mechanics. He outline his views on the natural world in an epoch-making volume entitled Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. | 23 | |
6029215848 | John Locke | Sought to identify the principles of psychology and argued that all human knowledge comes from sense perceptions. | 24 | |
6029240786 | Baron de Montesquieu | A French nobleman who sought to establish a science of politics and discover principles that would foster political liberty in a prosperous and stable state. | 25 | |
6029254947 | Voltaire | Waged a long literary campaign against the Roman Catholic church, which he held responsible for intolerance and incalculable human suffering. | 26 | |
6029269905 | Deism | A way of thinking that held that a powerful god set the universe in motion and established natural laws that govern it, but did not take an interest in its development or intervene in its affairs. | 27 | |
6029486899 | Ivan 3 | Considered the grand prince of Moscow, stopped paying tribute to the Mongol khan; declared Russian independence from Mongol rule. Continued the policy of "gathering the Russian land" and fashioned Moscow into a large an powerful state. He almost tripled the size of Moscow as he brought Russian-speaking peoples under his rule. Married Sophia Palaeologus and declared himself Tsar (Caesar). Claimed to derive his authority directly from God, like most absolutist rulers. | 28 | |
6029566007 | Novgorod | Was an autonomous city-state that governed its own affairs through a city council. The city's merchants had strong ties to Poland and Lithuania to the west, and Ivan wanted to make sure the wealth of this city did not strengthen neighboring states. | 29 | |
6029586274 | Cossacks | Peasants that were offered freedom in request that they settle in recently conquered lands; "Free men." These peasants played a huge role in the expansion of the Russian empire. | 30 | |
6029614814 | Boyars | The elite military aristocracy comparable to knights in western Europe and samurai in Japan. | 31 | |
6029625325 | Ivan 4 | Became known as the Terrible because of his severity and cruelty of his response. Inaugurated the practice of calling "assemblies of the land", meetings of representatives who informed him of local situations throughout Russia. Created a new aristocracy, the Oprichniki, which was his private army that hunted down treason. | 32 | |
6029634192 | Chosen Council | An inner circle of advisors who owed their proximity to the tsar to their talent rather than their family | 33 | |
6029696269 | Tsar Peter I and Tsarina Catherine II | Undertook a massive program of westernization. Their policies greatly strengthened the tsarist state. Provided Russia with territorial expansion that made Russia a multicultural empire. | 34 | |
6029717956 | Tsar Peter I | Instituted a policy of forced and rapid modernization. He fully appreciated modern science, and he considered it urgent for Russia to match western European achievements. Sent Russians abroad to study and embarked on his own tour of Germany, the Netherlands, and England to learn about western European military and industrial technology. | 35 | |
6029750047 | Table of Ranks | Permitted officials to move along the fourteen steps according to merit. Old titles, such as boyar, disappeared along with the bearskin robes favored by the old nobility. Provided social mobility. | 36 | |
6029765718 | Terem | The Russian equivalent of a harem, which kept upper-class women secluded from men outside their own families. | 37 | |
6029779830 | St. Petersburg | "Window on the West." Provided a haven for Russia's fledgling navy and offered access to western European lands through the Baltic Sea. | 38 | |
6029828117 | Catherine 2 | Continued to pursue Peter's policy of westernization. Attempted to increase the effectiveness of the tsarist bureaucracy by appointing officials with a modern, western European- style education. Sought to devise policies that would improve her subjects lives without detracting from her own power an authority. | 39 | |
6029857827 | Pugachev's Rebellion | Was motley a collection of disgruntled Cossacks, exiles, peasants, and serfs. They sought to end taxes... Killed thousands of noble landowners, government officials, and Orthodox priests. | 40 | |
6029880974 | Bogdan Khmelnitsky | A Ukrainian adventurer that sought revenge against Poland for the murder of his son. | 41 | |
6029895261 | Georgians | Orthodox Christians who feared the Ottoman Turks and sought a Russian protectorate in 1783. | 42 | |
6029924503 | The Yakut people | Mounted a revolt against Russian oppression and experienced a brutal retribution that continued for forty years, forcing many out of their settlements and reducing their populations by an estimated 70 percent. | 43 | |
6029939568 | Vitus Bering | A Danish navigator who undertook two maritime expeditions in search of a northeast passage to Asian ports. Sailed through the icy Artic Ocean. | 44 | |
6029954690 | The port of Archangel | Became a flourishing trading city where merchants exchanged Russian furs, leather, and grain fir western European armaments, textiles, paper, and silver. | 45 | |
6029966383 | Astrakhan | Was home to a community of about two hundred foreign merchants from as far away as northern India, and one hundred or more additional Indian merchants made annual commercial trips to the Caspian Sea. | 46 | |
6029981942 | Nikon | A monk who served as patriarch of Moscow. Established schools and academies that offered instruction in Latin and Greek as well as Church Slavonic. | 47 | |
6029997222 | Avvakum | He and his followers feared that reformed rituals would compromise the community's eligibility to receive the grace of God and would thus threaten their eternal salvation. They blamed serfdom on outsiders. They regarded state tax collectors as agents of the Antichrist. | 48 | |
6030021536 | Intelligentsia | A class that enjoyed recongnisiton as an unofficial social estate and worked strenuously to influence public opinion and state policy. "Thick journals." | 49 | |
6040521621 | Law Code of 1649 | Placed serfs under strict control of landlords. | 50 | |
6040536449 | Rousseau | The Social Contract; influential work of political philosophy. | 51 | |
6040547352 | Philosophe | Writers during the Enlightenment and who popularized the new ideas of the time. | 52 | |
6051082397 | Capitalism | an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. | 53 | |
6051082398 | Mercantilism | the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism. | 54 | |
6051214833 | Calvinism | Predestination. | 55 | |
6051214834 | Anglicanism | A church organization by King Henry to be free of the Pope in Rome. | 56 | |
6051266921 | Social Contract | An agreement under which people gave up some of their rights in exchange for the benefits of living in a community under the protection of a government. | 57 | |
6051293673 | Scholasticism | Concerns the relationship of faith to reason. | 58 | |
6057582006 | Niccolo Machiavelli | 59 | ||
6057589998 | Jean Jacques Rousseau | 60 | ||
6057598260 | Johannes Gutenberg | Created and helped with the mass spread for the Protestant Reformation; The printing press | 61 | |
6057609259 | invisible hand | 62 | ||
6057610857 | laissez faire | 63 | ||
6057610858 | capitalism | 64 | ||
6057618660 | mercantilism | 65 |