AP World History Chapter 11 Flashcards
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7710075000 | Outrigger Canoe | a canoe with triangular sails used by Polynesians to cross the Pacific | 0 | |
7710075001 | Polynesia | pacific islands within a triangle outlined by Hawaii, New Zealand and and Easter Island; inhabited by the Polynesians | 1 | |
7710075002 | Maori | a complex Polynesian society in New Zealand with around 20000 people; oriented toward war | 2 | |
7710075748 | Pagoda | tiered Buddhist towers with multiple eaves | 3 | |
7710075749 | Yangdi | the second Sui Emperor who built the Great Canal connecting Beijing and Hangzhou | 4 | |
7710080526 | Corvee | forced labor | 5 | |
7710076894 | Sinification | the assimilation into Chinese culture | 6 | |
7710076895 | Talas | a river where Chinese expansion was halted by Arabs and Turks | 7 | |
7710076896 | Block Printing | a text-printing technique developed by Buddhists and adopted by Chinese; used by Tang to regularize the bureaucracy | 8 | |
7710077598 | Moveable Type | a printing technique using movable components invented during the Northern Song | 9 | |
7710077599 | Li Bo | Tang Chinese poet whose work resembles Rubaiyat | 10 | |
7710078235 | Meritocracy | a system of bureaucratic advancement based on education rather than familial relations | 11 | |
7710080527 | Mandarins | 12 | ||
7710080528 | Neoconfucianism | a combination of Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism supported by Zhu Xi | 13 | |
7710081337 | Footbinding | 14 | ||
7710083743 | Tributary System | a diplomatic measure based on tribute and arranged marriages | 15 | |
7710084638 | Kowtows | bowing before the emperor | 16 | |
7710084639 | Zhu xi | southern Song philosopher who founded Neo-Confucianism | 17 | |
7710085769 | Prince Shotoku | the Yamato prince who wrote the Seventeen Article Constitution and introduced Chinese political and bureaucratic concepts to Japan | 18 | |
7710085770 | Shintoism | a nature-centered indigenous Japanese religion that worships Shinto, the sun-goddess | 19 | |
7710085771 | Kami | the spirits of nature | 20 | |
7710086687 | Taika Reforms | a reformation aimed at creating a bureaucratic system like that of Tang China in Japan | 21 | |
7710086688 | Nara | Japan's first capital city in 710 CE | 22 | |
7710086689 | Kana | a syllabic writing system of Japanese | 23 | |
7710087426 | Heian | modern day Kyoto; the new capital after a Buddhist monk tried to usurp the throne | 24 | |
7710087427 | Tale of the Genji | the first psychological novel describing life at court | 25 | |
7710087963 | Lady Murasaki | author of Tale of Genji, the first psychological novel describing life at court | 26 | |
7710087964 | Barays | a reservoir system used by Khmer to control monsoon rains | 27 | |
7710088655 | Angkor Wat | a set of lotus shape Buddhist/Hindu temples in Khmer | 28 |