Tissues Flashcards
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6922371791 | tissue | groups of cells that have specialized structural and functional roles | 0 | |
6922373542 | epithelial tissue | covers organs, lines the inside of body cavities and hollow organs | 1 | |
6922379013 | basement membrane | thin, nonliving layer that attaches epithelial tissue to connective tissue | 2 | |
6922385316 | simple squamous epithelium | single layer of thin, flattened cells that fit tightly together with broad, thin nuclei | 3 | |
6922397488 | simple cuboidal epithelium | single layer of cube-shaped cells with central, spherical nuclei | 4 | |
6922416060 | simple columnar epithelium | single layer of elongated cells with nuclei located near the basement membrane | 5 | |
6922423525 | pseudostratified columnar epithelium | single layer of elongated cells that appear stratified because their nuclei are at two or more levels in the rows of cells | 6 | |
6922436046 | stratified squamous epithelium | many layers of flattened cells | 7 | |
6922446760 | stratified cuboidal epithelium | two or three layers of cuboidal cells that form the lining of a lumen (space within a tubular structure) providing greater protection | 8 | |
6922459095 | stratified columnar epithelium | several layers of elongated cells | 9 | |
6922463689 | transitional epithelium | specialized to change in response to increased tension | 10 | |
6922471029 | glandular epithelium | cells that are specialized to produce and secrete substances into ducts or into body fluids | 11 | |
6922476498 | exocrine gland | glands that secrete products into ducts that open onto some internal or external surface | 12 | |
6922480413 | endocrine gland | glands that secrete their products into tissue fluid or blood | 13 | |
6922485061 | merocrine gland | glands that release watery, protein-rich fluids by exocytosis | 14 | |
6922487788 | apocrine gland | glands that lose small portions of their glandular cell bodies during secretion | 15 | |
6922491189 | holocrine gland | glands in which the entire cell lyses during secretion | 16 | |
6922500447 | connective tissue | tissues that bind structures, provide support and protection, serve as frameworks, fill spaces, protect against infection, produce blood cells, and repair tissue damage | 17 | |
6922525759 | matrix | intercellular material consisting of fibers and a ground substance whose consistency varies from fluid to semisolid to solid | 18 | |
6922531869 | fibroblast | large, star-shaped fixed cell that produces fibers by secreting proteins into the matrix | 19 | |
6922537138 | macrophages | originate as white blood cells; specialized to carry on phagocytosis; function as a scavenger and defensive cell that clears foreign particles from tissue | 20 | |
6922543217 | mast cell | large cell that releases heparin to prevent blood clotting and histamine that promotes reactions associated with inflammation and allergies | 21 | |
6922550423 | collagenous fiber | thick threads of collage grouped in long, parallel bundles; flexible but only slightly elastic with great tensile strength | 22 | |
6922556048 | ligament | collagenous fiber that connects bone to bone | 23 | |
6922558603 | tendon | collagenous fiber that connects muscle to bone | 24 | |
6922560239 | elastic fiber | composed of elastin protein; thin, branching fibers that form complex networks; stretch easily and can resume original shape | 25 | |
6922570367 | reticular fiber | very thin collagenous fibers that are highly branched and form delicate support networks | 26 | |
6922579841 | areolar tissue | delicate, thin membranes made mostly of fibroblasts | 27 | |
6922586697 | adipose tissue | specialized form of connective tissue that develops when certain cells store fat in their cytoplasm and enlarge | 28 | |
6922601488 | dense connective tissue | many closely packed, thick, collagenous fibers and a fine network of elastic fibers; mostly fibroblasts | 29 | |
6922606290 | cartilage | rigid connective tissue that provides support, frameworks, and attachments, protects underlying tissues, and forms structural models for developing bones | 30 | |
6922610859 | chondrocytes | cartilage cells | 31 | |
6922620668 | hyaline cartilage | very fine collagenous fibers in its matrix; found on the ends of bones, soft part of nose, supporting rings of respiratory passages | 32 | |
6922628798 | elastic cartilage | dense network of elastic fibers; provides framework for external ears and larynx | 33 | |
6922634917 | fibrocartilage | very tough tissue with many collagenous fibers; shock absorber for vertebrae, knees, pelvic girdle | 34 | |
6922641936 | bone | most rigid connective tissue that contains mineral salts (calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate); great amounts of collagen; supports body structures and protects visceral organs, forms red blood cells, stores inorganic chemicals | 35 | |
6922652323 | osteocyte | bone cells that are located in lacunae (hollow cavity) | 36 | |
6922661063 | lamellae | thin layers of bone matrix | 37 | |
6922663404 | osteonic canal | tiny longitudinal tubes of bone matrix | 38 | |
6922682875 | osteon | cylinder-shaped unit; many of these units cemented together forms a bone | 39 | |
6922704454 | blood | transports materials between interior body cells and those that exchange substances with the external environment | 40 | |
6922710966 | muscle tissues | contractile tissues that can elongate and shorten to move body parts | 41 | |
6922714166 | skeletal muscle tissue | long, threadlike cells with light and dark striations and many nuclei located just below the cell membrane; found in muscles that attach to bones and can be controlled by conscious thought | 42 | |
6922718592 | smooth muscle tissue | spindle-shaped cells with a single, central nucleus that lack striations; actions are involuntary | 43 | |
6922731675 | cardiac muscle tissue | striated cells joined end-to-end at intercalated discs; found only in the heart | 44 | |
6922742446 | nervous tissue | tissue found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves | 45 | |
6922745074 | neurons | nerve cell; sense changes in their surroundings and respond by transmitting impulses along cytoplasmic extensions to other neurons, muscles, or glands | 46 | |
6922753755 | neuroglial cells | cells that support and bind the components of nervous tissue, carry on phagocytosis, and supply nutrients to neurons by connecting them to blood vessels | 47 |