AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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8896995561 | complacent | marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies | 0 | |
8896995562 | impartial | unbiased, objective | 1 | |
8896995563 | jocular | joking, humorous | 2 | |
8897000382 | importunate | troublesomely urgent; overly persistent | 3 | |
8897000383 | capricious | given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood and behavior | 4 | |
8897003359 | brusque | blunt in manner or speech often to the point of ungracious harshness | 5 | |
8632474207 | ambiguous | open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations | 6 | |
8632476462 | apathetic | having or showing little or no emotion, not interested or concerned | 7 | |
8632478868 | ardent | characterized by intense feeling; passionate; intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic | 8 | |
8632490628 | abstruse | difficult to understand | 9 | |
8632492500 | acerbic | harsh or severe, as of temper or expression | 10 | |
8632494276 | admonishing | cautioning, advising, or counseling against something; reminding | 11 | |
8632537552 | insolent | rude, impolite, overbearing | 12 | |
8632537569 | supercilious | haughty, contemptuous or disdainful, full of pride | 13 | |
8632540597 | captious | ready to detect trivial faults | 14 | |
8632542353 | clinical | detached, coolly dispassionate | 15 | |
8632544839 | effusive | marked by the expression of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm | 16 | |
8632547352 | frivolous | lacking in seriousness | 17 | |
8632551045 | benign | gentle, not harmful, kind | 18 | |
8632551046 | blithe | happy, lighthearted, joyful | 19 | |
8632553325 | craven | cowardly | 20 | |
8632556364 | aesthetic | concerned with or appreciative of beauty | 21 | |
8632558602 | altruistic | unselfish concern with the welfare of others | 22 | |
8632560501 | anomalous | irregular, abnormal, unusual | 23 | |
8632563988 | terse | brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly | 24 | |
8632567082 | turgid | excessively embellished in style or language | 25 | |
8632568909 | patronizing | adopting an air of condescension toward; treating haughtily or coolly | 26 | |
8632575371 | lugubrious | full of sadness or sorrow | 27 | |
8632577374 | disdainful | scornful; feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or approval | 28 | |
8632579917 | satiric | using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc. | 29 | |
8632584776 | insipid | lacking taste, dull, bland | 30 | |
8632586688 | juxtapose | to place side by side | 31 | |
8632588718 | pedantic | characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for academic knowledge and formal rules | 32 | |
8632593295 | diffuse | wordy, not concentrated | 33 | |
8632594661 | discerning | keenly perceptive, shrewd | 34 | |
8632594663 | dogmatic | arrogantly assertive, positive about unproven ideas | 35 | |
8632598518 | colloquial | conversational, used in informal speech | 36 | |
8632601614 | cursory | brief, without much attention to detail | 37 | |
8632603546 | didactic | instructive, intended to educate | 38 | |
8632605776 | cathartic | producing an emotional purification or release | 39 | |
8632607436 | caustic | marked by biting sarcasm | 40 | |
8632607461 | censure | the act of blaming or condemning | 41 | |
8632612248 | contemptuous | showing or expressing disdain; scornful | 42 | |
8632614183 | flippant | lacking proper respect or seriousness | 43 | |
8632616014 | elegiac | lamenting; mournful; plaintive | 44 | |
8632617347 | indignant | feeling or showing anger because of something that is unfair or wrong | 45 | |
8632621347 | maudlin | showing or expressing too much emotion especially in a foolish or annoying way | 46 | |
8632625250 | petty | marked by or reflective of narrow interests and sympathies; small-minded | 47 | |
8632629088 | irreverent | lacking proper respect or seriousness | 48 | |
8632631589 | wistful | yearning, sad longing | 49 | |
8632633383 | zealous | feeling or showing strong and energetic support for a person, cause, etc. | 50 | |
8632636018 | winsome | charming, sweetly engaging; appealing in an innocent manner | 51 | |
8632642954 | virulent | full of hate, malignant, extremely poisonous | 52 | |
8632646607 | verbose | wordy | 53 | |
8632648457 | vehement | intense, forceful, marked by strong feeling | 54 | |
8632650443 | sardonic | disdainful, scornfully mocking | 55 | |
8632652275 | reprove | to gently criticize | 56 | |
8632657008 | pretentious | showy, self-important, making unjustifiable claims to excellence | 57 | |
8632659979 | prosaic | dull, unimaginative, lacking excitement | 58 | |
8632662374 | provincial | limited in outlook, narrow in ideas | 59 |