Ap Literature Vocab Flashcards
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7439952771 | puerile | childish | 0 | |
7439952772 | Abstain | To not do something; refrain | 1 | |
7439952773 | Acquiesce | Passively agree | 2 | |
7439952774 | acrimonious | stinging, bitter in temper or tone | 3 | |
7439952775 | Audacious | (adj.) bold, adventurous, recklessly daring | 4 | |
7439952776 | altruistic | unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others | 5 | |
7439952777 | Apathetic | showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern | 6 | |
7439952778 | ambiguous | open to more than one interpretation | 7 | |
7439952779 | antiquated | outdated; old fashioned | 8 | |
7439952780 | ardent | very enthusiastic, impassioned | 9 | |
7439952781 | Avert (v) | Turn away (ones thoughts or eyes) prevent or ward off | 10 | |
7439952782 | benevolent (adj) | charitable; generous | 11 | |
7439952783 | Brazen (adj) | insolent, rude, arrogant | 12 | |
7439952784 | bolster | support; prop up | 13 | |
7439952785 | Berate (v) | scold strongly | 14 | |
7439952786 | Begrudge | to envy the possession or enjoyment of | 15 | |
7439952787 | belittle (v) | To disparage, put down | 16 | |
7439952788 | benign (adj) | favorable; having a good effect; not harmful | 17 | |
7439952789 | Beset (v) | To attack on all sides | 18 | |
7439952790 | Blasphemous | sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane | 19 | |
7439952791 | candid (adj) | straightforward | 20 | |
7439952792 | Chasm (n) | A profound difference, viewpoints, and feeling between people | 21 | |
7439952793 | cognizant | Taking notice, aware of | 22 | |
7439952794 | Colloquial | Conversational or common speech | 23 | |
7439952795 | concede | to surrender | 24 | |
7511478360 | complacent | pleased or satisfied with oneself (negative connotation) | 25 | |
7511482390 | console | to comfort | 26 | |
7511482391 | conspicuous | clearly visible | 27 | |
7511485821 | corrode | to ruin or destroy little by little | 28 | |
7511488365 | curtail | to cut off or cut short | 29 | |
7659090593 | dichotomy | division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions | 30 | |
7659090594 | duplicitous | double dealing, hypocrisy, deceit | 31 | |
7659090595 | egregious (adj.) | Gross and shocking | 32 | |
7659090596 | embark (v) | To make a beginning | 33 | |
7659090597 | Embody (verb) | To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete or visible manner | 34 | |
7736829287 | elicit (verb) | evoke or draw out from someone in reaction | 35 | |
7736831929 | engross (verb) | to occupy completely | 36 | |
7736831971 | enthrall (verb) | to bring or hold under an overmastering influence | 37 | |
7736835713 | evoke (verb) | to call or summon forth | 38 | |
7736838527 | expedite (verb) | to quicken or hasten the movement of | 39 | |
7891778233 | garruious (adj) | wordy, loquacious | 40 | |
7891779123 | gregarious (adj) | sociable | 41 | |
7891779124 | grapple (verb) | to take hold of | 42 | |
7891779664 | hinder (verb) | to obstruct | 43 | |
7891780263 | homage (noun) | reverential regard or worship | 44 |