AP Psych-Developmental Psychology Flashcards
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8373379851 | cross sectional research | compare groups of people of various ages on similar task--can reveal the average age of certain skills and abilities. (used more frequently) | 0 | |
8373379852 | continuous growth | gradual process--growth happens slowly | 1 | |
8373379853 | discontinuous growth | growth happens in leaps or spurts | 2 | |
8373379854 | critical period | time during which a skill or ability must develop or it probably never will (Language by age 12) | 3 | |
8373379855 | chronological age | time since you were born | 4 | |
8373379856 | biological age | physical health (organs, diseases, accidents, nutrition, exercise) | 5 | |
8373379857 | psychological age | affected by experiences and predispositions | 6 | |
8373379858 | social age | roles and peer groups | 7 | |
8373379859 | germinal stage | sperm and ovum unite to form a zygote (2 weeks), it then implants in the uterine wall | 8 | |
8373379860 | embryonic stage | (to 8th week), organ formation; about 1.5 inches long | 9 | |
8373379861 | fetal stage | (2-9 months) male and female/ brain and nervous system | 10 | |
8373379862 | teratogens | harmful substances that cross the placenta to affect the baby | 11 | |
8373379863 | rooting reflex | when touched on the cheek, a baby will turn his or her head to the side where he or she felt the touch and seek to put the object into his or her mouth. | 12 | |
8373379864 | sucking reflex | when an object is placed into the baby's mouth, the infant will suck on it. (The combination of the rooting and sucking reflexes obviously help babies eat.) | 13 | |
8373379865 | grasping reflex | If an object is placed into a baby's palm or foot pad, the baby would try to grasp the objects with his or her finger or toes | 14 | |
8373379866 | Moro reflex | when startled a baby will fling his or her limbs out and then quickly react them, making himself or herself as small as possible | 15 | |
8373379867 | Babinski reflex | when a baby's foot is stroked, he or she will spread the toes | 16 | |
8373379868 | gross motor skills | large muscles (run, skip, throw, climb, hitting, punching) boys develop more quickly | 17 | |
8373379869 | fine motor skills | small muscles ( finger painting, coloring, cutting, tying shoes) girls develop more quickly | 18 | |
8373379870 | Jean Piaget | Brilliant observer of children- children make constant mental adaptations to new observations experiments, equilibration is a child's attempt to reach a balance between what the child encounters in the environment and what cognitive structures the child brings to the situation | 19 | |
8373379871 | assimilation | incorporating new ideas into existing schema | 20 | |
8373379872 | sensorimotor stage | Acquires understanding of object permanence. First understandings of cause-and-effect relationships. | 21 | |
8373379873 | accomadation | modify existing schema to fit better with new information | 22 | |
8373379874 | preoperational stage | symbolic thought emerges, Language development occurs ( 2-4 years). Thought and language both tend to be egocentrics. cannot solve conservation problems | 23 | |
8373379875 | concrete operations stage | reversibility attained, can solve conservation problems. logical thought develops and it applied to concrete problems. Cannot solve complex verbal problems and hypothetical problems. | 24 | |
8373379876 | formal operations | logically solves all types of problems. Thinks scientifically. Solves complex verbal and hypothetical problems. Is able to thinks in abstract terms | 25 | |
8373379877 | Lev Vygotsky | emphasized the social culture influences on children's cognitive development. Nurture is important in development, especially the adult in the child's life and the culture. | 26 | |
8373379878 | scaffolding | change support to fit the needs of a child ( new learning needs lots of support) | 27 | |
8373379879 | fluid intelligence | the capacity foe deductive reasoning and the ability to use info to solve problems | 28 | |
8373379880 | attachment | crucial to health and survival; by becoming attached to the caregivers children gain a secure base from which they can explore the environment and a haven of safety to return to. | 29 | |
8373379881 | Margaret and Harry Harlow | contact comfort experiment with monkeys (one "mom" is just wires, the other is wires with fur) | 30 | |
8373379882 | socialization | children learn the rules and behaviors expected of them by society. | 31 | |
8373379883 | Mary Ainsworth | used experimental method called strange situation: placed infants in new situations; parents left for a short time. | 32 | |
8373379884 | authoritarian parenting style | strict standards for children's behavior/ punishment for violating the rules/ obey without much communication/ respects hard work and effort/ "My way"/ may distrust others and withdraw. | 33 | |
8373379885 | authoritative parenting style | constant, reasonable standards with expectations/ encourage independence but don't break the rules/ warm and nurturing/ socially capable and do well academically | 34 | |
8373379886 | permissive parenting style | a parenting style that allows freedom, lax parenting that doesn't set limits or enforce rules constantly | 35 | |
8373379887 | Michael Lamb | 1998. importance is quality of daycare not the daycare itself. | 36 | |
8373379888 | Erik Erikson | Psychosocial theory: crisis in each stage must be resolved to move on. challenges are present in one form or another throughout life. | 37 | |
8373379889 | psychosocial theory stages | crisis in each stage must be resolved to move on. challenges are present in one form or another throughout life. Stages: Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Identity diffusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Stagnation, Ego Integrity vs. Despair | 38 | |
8373379890 | gender identity | the fundamental sense of being male or female regardless of what is worn or behavior involved | 39 | |
8373379891 | gender typing | Societies ideas about behaviors, interests and abilities that are appropriately masculine or feminine | 40 | |
8373379892 | Lawrence Kohlberg | 1960's inspired by Piaget's work created a stage theory of moral development which creates hypothetical dilemmas. | 41 | |
8373379893 | preconventional level | Moral reasoning is guided by external consequences. No internalization of values or rules. | 42 | |
8373379894 | conventional level | Moral reasoning is guided by conformity to social roles, rules, and expectations that the person has learned and internalized | 43 | |
8373379895 | postconventional level | Moral reasoning is guided by internalized legal and moral principles that protect the rights of all members of society. | 44 | |
8373379896 | Carol Gilligan | Men base moral choices on abstract principles of law and justice (conventional) Women base on compassion/ caring (postconventional). Problems- no meta analysis/implies moral reasoning is fixed. | 45 | |
8373379897 | puberty | The age at which a person becomes capable of sexual reproduction. | 46 | |
8373379898 | adolescence | the transitional period between puberty and adulthood in human development, extending mainly over the teen years and terminatinglegally when the age of majority is reached; youth. | 47 | |
8373379899 | adulthood | having attained full size and strength; grown up; mature: an adult person, animal, or plant. | 48 | |
8373379900 | social clock | a cultural specific timetable for events to occur. Events include marriage, having children, etc. | 49 | |
8373379901 | euthanasia | painlessly putting to death people who are suffering from incurable diseases or sever disabilities (Mercy Killing) | 50 | |
8373379902 | Elizabeth Kubler Ross | Stages of dying | 51 | |
8373379903 | thanatologists | studies death and dying. The context in which people die is important. | 52 | |
8373379904 | critical period for language | age 12 | 53 | |
8373379905 | conservation | one of Piaget's developmental accomplishments, in which the child understands that changing the form of a substance or object does not change its amount, overall volume, or mass. | 54 | |
8373379906 | classification | Piaget, putting things into groups | 55 |