B12 Flashcards
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9650375464 | Abound | To be plentifilled be filled | 0 | |
9650375465 | Abound | Syn:burst with overflow with, term with | 1 | |
9650375466 | Abound | Ant: lack,want | 2 | |
9650375467 | Braggart | A boaster Boastful in a loud annoying way | 3 | |
9650375468 | Braggart | Syn:bigmouth, blowhard | 4 | |
9650375469 | Cache | A hiding place something hidden or stored | 5 | |
9650375470 | Cache | Syn:stockpile, hoard, store | 6 | |
9650375471 | clarification | (n.) the act of making clear or understandable, an explanation | 7 | |
9650375472 | clarification (n) | Syn:elucidation,explication | 8 | |
9650375473 | Despondent | Sad, without hope, discouraged | 9 | |
9650375474 | despondent | syn: dejected, depressed, forlorn ant: jubilant, elated | 10 | |
9650375475 | Despondent | Ant, jubilant, elated | 11 | |
9650375476 | Embezzle | To steal property entrusted to one's care | 12 | |
9650375477 | embezzle | syn: swindle, defraud | 13 | |
9650375478 | heartrending | causing mental pain or grief | 14 | |
9650375479 | Heartrending | Syn: moving sad heartbreaking poignant | 15 | |
9650375480 | Heartrending | Ant:amusing funny hilarious | 16 | |
9650391326 | leisurley | unhurried, taking plenty of time in an easygoing or unhurried way | 17 | |
9650410472 | leisurely | syn:slow relaxed | 18 | |
9650414934 | leisurely | ant:hasty hurried rushed hectic | 19 | |
9650421755 | lethargic | unnaturally, sleepy, dull, slow moving, indifferent | 20 | |
9650428772 | lethargic | syn:lazy, sluggish, listless | 21 | |
9650432098 | lethargic | ant: wide-awake, alert, energetic, dynamic | 22 | |
9650445259 | malady | a sickness, illness, disease, disorder | 23 | |
9650447119 | malady | syn: ailment, indisposition | 24 | |
9650456495 | malady | ant: health, well-being | 25 | |
9650458999 | mellow | ripe, well matured; soft sweet, and rich gentle, pleasant to become gentle and sweet | 26 | |
9650466201 | mellow | syn:dulcent, creamy | 27 | |
9650473927 | mellow | ant: unripe, green, harsh, grating, strident | 28 | |
9650482805 | nomadic | wandering, moving about from place to place | 29 | |
9650486921 | nomadic | syn:roving, roaming, vagrant, migratory, itinerant | 30 | |
9650497070 | nomadic | ant: stationary, settled, rooted, iced | 31 | |
9650500580 | piecemeal | one piece at a time gradually | 32 | |
9650518721 | piecemeal | syn:bitby bit | 33 | |
9650524333 | piecemeal | ant: all at once | 34 | |
9650526349 | quest | a search, hunt to search, seek, ask | 35 | |
9650529347 | quest | syn:pursuit, venture | 36 | |
9650537629 | random | by chance, not planned or arranged irregular | 37 | |
9650541531 | random | syn :haphazard, arbitrary | 38 | |
9650545936 | random | ant: planned, deliberate, systematic | 39 | |
9650553059 | rant | to speak widely and noisy loud, violenttalk | 40 | |
9650558935 | rant | syn: rave, fume, spout, harangue | 41 | |
9650562168 | rant | ant: whisper, mumble | 42 | |
9650563590 | reinforce | to make stronger with new materials or support | 43 | |
9650567401 | reinforce | syn: strengthen, bolster, prop up, support | 44 | |
9650573371 | reinforce | ant:weaken, undermine, sap, impair | 45 | |
9650576287 | seclusion | isolation from others solitude | 46 | |
9650611989 | seclusion | syn: aloneness, solitariness ant: the thick of things | 47 | |
9651305957 | Seclusion | Ant: the thick of things | 48 | |
9651305958 | Status | A persons condition or position in the eyes of the Law relative rank or standing especially in society prestige | 49 | |
9651305959 | Status | Syn: situation recognition | 50 | |
9651305960 | Turmoil | A state of great confusion or disorder; mental strain or agitation | 51 | |
9651305961 | Turmoil | Syn: upheaval, tumult, chaos | 52 | |
9651305962 | Turmoil | Ant: peace and quiet, order | 53 |