AP Literature Verse (Structure) Part 2 Flashcards
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8058569885 | iambic meter | a meter in which the majority of feet are iambs | 0 | |
8058574707 | internal rhyme | a rhyme in which one or both of the rhyme-words occur within the line | 1 | |
8058585255 | Petrarchan sonnet | a sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming abbaabba and a sestet using any arrangement of two or three additional rhymes such as cdcdcd or cdecde | 2 | |
8058609848 | masculine rhyme | a rhyme in which the stress is on the final syllable of the words | 3 | |
8058617886 | meter | regularized rhythm; an arrangement of language in which the accents occur at apparently equal intervals in time | 4 | |
8058629162 | octave | an eight line stanza | 5 | |
8058677621 | perfect rhyme | a rhyme in which is when the later part of the word or phrase is identical sounding to another | 6 | |
8058683797 | pentameter | a metrical line containing five feet | 7 | |
8058688030 | refrain | a repeated word, phrase, line or group of lines, normally at some fixed position in a poem written in stanziac form | 8 | |
8058701302 | rhyme | the repetition of an identical or similarly accented sound or sounds in a work | 9 | |
8058714196 | rhyme scheme | any fixed pattern of rhymes characterizing a whole poem or its stanzas | 10 | |
8058720217 | scansion | the process of mesuring verse; of marking accented and unaccented syllables, dividing the lines into feet, identifying the metrical pattern, and noting significant variations from that pattern | 11 | |
8058741587 | sestet | a six line stanza | 12 | |
8058744163 | spondee | a metrical foot consisting of two syllables equally or almost equally accented | 13 | |
8058750483 | Stanza | a group of lines whose metrical pattern is repeated throughout a poem | 14 | |
8058758614 | Syntax | the arrangement of words to form phrases, clauses and sentences, sentence structure | 15 | |
8058765509 | terza rima | a three line stanza form borrowed from the Italian poets; rhyme scheme is aba, bab, cdc, ded, etc. | 16 | |
8058782090 | tetrameter | a metrical line containing four feet | 17 | |
8058783972 | triple meter | a meter in which a majority of the feet contain three syllables | 18 | |
8058793115 | Trochaic meter | a meter in which the majority of feet are trochees | 19 | |
8058796489 | trochee | a metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by one unaccented syllable | 20 |