AP Literature: Genero Flashcards
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7188081199 | ability | habilidad, capaz | 0 | |
7188081888 | actually | en realidad | 1 | |
7188081889 | beauty | belleza | 2 | |
7188082079 | behavior | comportamiento | 3 | |
7188082080 | division of labor | división laboral | 4 | |
7188082278 | domestic violence | violencia domestica | 5 | |
7188083982 | equal | igual | 6 | |
7188084250 | equality | igualdad | 7 | |
7188084251 | feminism | feminismo | 8 | |
7188084801 | gender roles | roles de género | 9 | |
7188085040 | hierarchy | jerarquía | 10 | |
7188085384 | physical traits | rasgos | 11 | |
7188085385 | inferior | inferior | 12 | |
7188085636 | in my opinion | a mi parecer | 13 | |
7188085637 | machism | machismo | 14 | |
7188085854 | obedience | obediencia | 15 | |
7188085855 | not even | ni siquiera | 16 | |
7188086002 | role | rol, papel | 17 | |
7188086003 | source of income | fuente de ingreso | 18 | |
7188086218 | stereotype | estereotipo | 19 | |
7188086219 | strength | fuerza | 20 | |
7188086439 | unable | incapaz | 21 | |
7188086440 | unequal | desigual | 22 | |
7188086705 | female | hembra | 23 | |
7188086706 | gentleman | caballero | 24 | |
7188087016 | husband | marido | 25 | |
7188087017 | lady | dama | 26 | |
7188087018 | male | macho | 27 | |
7188087019 | man | hombre | 28 | |
7188087175 | woman | mujer | 29 | |
7188087523 | young lad | mozo | 30 | |
7188087524 | wife | esposa | 31 | |
7188087735 | to allow | dejar | 32 | |
7188087736 | too permit | permitir | 33 | |
7188087737 | to behave | comportarse | 34 | |
7188089092 | to blame | culpar | 35 | |
7188089541 | to be guilty | tener la culpa | 36 | |
7188089542 | ashamed | avergonzado | 37 | |
7188089692 | foolish | necio | 38 | |
7188089693 | patriarchal | patriarchal | 39 | |
7188089932 | pretty (4) | bello, bonito, hermoso, lindo | 40 | |
7188090209 | to challenge | desafiar | 41 | |
7188090210 | to deny | negar | 42 | |
7188090502 | to exhibit | exponer | 43 | |
7188090503 | to trick | engañar | 44 | |
7188090504 | to judge | juzgar | 45 | |
7188090655 | to overcome | superar | 46 | |
7188090656 | to protect | proteger | 47 | |
7188090862 | to refuse | rehusar | 48 | |
7188090863 | to remove | quitar | 49 | |
7188091061 | to erase | borrar | 50 | |
7188091062 | to shame | avergonzar | 51 | |
7188091848 | to swear | jurar | 52 | |
7188092126 | to refuse | rehusar | 53 | |
7188092127 | to tease | burlarse | 54 | |
7188092234 | to tend to | tender | 55 | |
7188092235 | to throw out | sacar | 56 |