AP World History 32 Flashcards
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4328125912 | Africa was a. of relatively low economic value b. the last continent to come under European control c. colonized by the largest percentage of Europeans d. the continent least affected by European presence | b. | 0 | |
4328146571 | Economic development for many Africans meant a. compulsory labor in European-owned businesses. b. freedom from contract labor and labor migration c. increased opportunities for large landholders d. the loss of most small landholdings | a. | 1 | |
4328154685 | Christian religions proved attractive in some parts of Africa because a. they did not disrupt African culture b. Africans were willing to abandon Islam c. they established mission schools d. they could be adapted to African needs | c. | 2 | |
4328166789 | Western missionaries did not introduce Christianity into Ethiopia because a. it already existed there b. it was heavily Muslim c. it was inaccessible to Europeans d. it was a mythical kingdom which existed only in the minds of medieval cartographers | a. | 3 | |
4328178664 | In 1909, the African National Congress was founded by a. western-educated lawyers and journalists b. tribal kings and princes c. Haile Selassie d. disgruntled ex-military officers | a. | 4 | |
4328189024 | Before World War II, African nationalist movements were a. large and controlled mainly by Europeans b. small and had little influence c. seldom affected by European ideology d. large but had very little power | b. | 5 | |
4328201450 | World War II was most important for African independence movements because a. the German colonies were destroyed during the war b. so many Africans served in Allied armies c. Africans listened closely to German propaganda d. Africans liberated their countries during the war | b. | 6 | |
4328211254 | Although much of India is fertile land, its agriculture suffered, mostly because of a. the lack of adequate dikes and dams b. the ancient or outdated agricultural techniques c. the lack of government support d. natural disasters | d. | 7 | |
4328221941 | The Indian Civil Service was considered one of the most bureaucracies_________ of all time a. honest b. efficient c. repressive d. corrupt | a. | 8 | |
4328232198 | In 1885, the Indian National Congress was founded by a. a small group of English-speaking Indian professionals b. British residents of India interested in reform c. Hindu radicals seeking independence d. the Indian urban working class | a. | 9 | |
4328237703 | Many Indians had converted to Islam in order to a. evade the heavy taxes on Hindus b. escape the caste system c. avoid religious persecution d. reach high government office | b. | 10 | |
4328243788 | The majority of the Indian people during World War I a. wished only to remain neutral b. rebelled against British control c. wanted to support Germany d. supported Britain enthusiastically | d. | 11 | |
4328251404 | Mohandas Gandhi was known to his followers as Mahatma, or a. "the great soul." b. "blessed one" c. "fearless leader" d. "the path to freedom: | a. | 12 | |
4328256096 | What was the symbol of Gandhi's movement? a. the dove b. Salt c. Spinning wheel d. A hand grasping a book | c. | 13 | |
4328264348 | Gandhi transformed the INdian independence movement from a. a previously violent to a nonviolent movement b. an urban to a rural movement c. an elite to a mass movement d. a British to a primarily Indian movement | c. | 14 | |
4328272982 | During the 1920s, the British in India a. repressed any attempts at Indian nationalism b. made concessions only within the Indian Civil Service c. began to withdraw military support d. slowly gave Indians control over "national areas" such as education and the economy | d. | 15 | |
4328283262 | When Indians revolted against colonial authorities at the beginning of World War II, the British government a. offered India its independence after the war b. used troops to repress the revolts c. dosed the Indian National Congress d. arrested thousands of demonstrators | a. | 16 | |
4328294318 | As India prepared for independence, the most serious problem was the a. refusal of Britain to give up control b. struggle between Hindus and Muslims c. devaluation of Indian currency d. devastation remaining from WWII | b. | 17 | |
4328324243 | In 1947, the Indian National Congress, led by _________ formed the first independent government of India a. Jawaharlal Nehru b. Muhammad Au Jinnah c. Lord Mountbatten d. Mahatma Gandhi | a. | 18 | |
4328337807 | The 1947 independence of Pakistan and India a. was achieved without loss of life b. was thwarted by a British invasion c. was marred by violence between Muslims and Hindus d. none of the above | c. | 19 | |
4328348761 | In 1910, the most serious problem facing Mexico was a. widespread urban unrest b. the growing gap between rich and poor c. a lack of foreign investment in Mexico d. the lack of any commercial agricultural crops | b. | 20 | |
4328353473 | One percent of the Mexican population owned a. 85% of the land b. 45% of the land c. 20% of the land d. 10% of the land | a. | 21 | |
4328360852 | The Mexican Revolution can be described as a. the work of many ambitious but limited leaders b. having a well-defined ideology c. the result of a determined political party d. All of the above | a. | 22 | |
4328367403 | What did Emiliano Zapata do with the land he seized? a. sold it and used it to purchase guns b. started building forts c. returned it to the Indian villages d. declared it a separate nation | c. | 23 | |
4328385544 | The Constitutionalists eventually won control in Mexico because they a. adopted many agrarian and social reforms b. returned land and power to the wealthy class c. were able to keep the US out of Mexico d. used the power of the church | a. | 24 | |
4328392926 | the national revolutionary party in 1928 Mexico a. began a series of coups and assassinations b. was similar to fascist parties in Europe c. created a forum for labor, peasants, and business d. was very rigid and uncompromising | c. | 25 | |
4328400537 | Argentina's government represented the interests of the oligarquia, which is a. a brotherhood of unions b. a small group of wealthy land owners c. a large group of middle-class professionals d. the military high command | b. | 26 | |
4328405704 | Both Argentina and Brazil had a. large docile middle classes b. a small but outspoken middle class c. no middle class d. a classless society | b. | 27 | |
4328416002 | The Depression of 1929 a. had far less of an impact on Argentina and Brazil than it had on Europe or the United States b. was not the turning point that the First and Second World Wars were c. caused Argentina and Brazil to veer toward authoritarian regimes d. impacted Argentina but had almost no effect on Brazil | c. | 28 | |
4328425238 | During the Second World War a. Brazil was aligned with the Allies and Argentina was neutral b. Brazil was aligned wit the Axis and Argentina was neutral c. Brazil was neutral and Argentina was aligned with the allies d. Brazil and Argentina were aligned wit the Axis | a. | 29 | |
4328431969 | In the early twentieth century, what were the two most powerful forces for change? a. Environmentalism and fascism b. Pacifism and the secret ballot c. Nationalism and the desire for social justice d. Unionization and intellectualism | c. | 30 |