AP Language Flashcards
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6818536421 | Cumulative Sentence | Begins with subject and verb followed by modifying elements at the end | 0 | |
6818536422 | Apostrophe | A writer breaks the flow of writing to directly address a person or personified object | 1 | |
6818536423 | Anaphora | Repetition of a word or words at the beginning of two or more clauses within the same sentence | 2 | |
6818536424 | Anadiplosis | A rhetorical trope formed by repeating the last word of one clause or sentence at the beginning of the next Watch your thoughts, they become your words | 3 | |
6818536425 | Epistrophe | The repetition of the same word at the end of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences | 4 | |
6818536426 | Antithesis | Establishing a clear, contrasting relationship between two ideas by joining them often in parallel structure Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country | 5 | |
6818536427 | Chiasmus | A crossing parallelism where the second part is balanced with the first part in reverse order Word flop, no repeats What is learned unwillingly is gladly forgotten | 6 | |
6818536428 | Antimetabole | Words are repeated in different grammatical forms, reversing the order to intensify the final formation Idea flop When the going gets tough the tough get going | 7 | |
6818690706 | Archaism | Outdated language | 8 | |
6818690707 | Zeugma | On his fishing trip he caught three fish and a cold When a word is used to modify two separate ideas with a different meaning to each | 9 | |
6818690708 | Apposition | A noun followed by another noun that refers to the same thing My friend the doctor | 10 | |
6818690709 | Tautology | The redundant or pointless use of words Today's modern technology | 11 | |
6818690710 | Aphorism | A concise pithy statement of an opinion or general truth | 12 | |
6818690711 | Hypophora | Asking and answering a question | 13 | |
6818690712 | Paradox | An apparent contradiction of ideas or statements The only way to overcome death is to die | 14 | |
6818690713 | Metonymy | Characteristic takes the place of the whole The crown refers to the king | 15 | |
6818690714 | Synecdoche | Part refers to the whole All hands on deck | 16 | |
6818690715 | Litotes | Ironical understatement for which the affirmative is expressed through the negation of the opposite Not unattractive | 17 | |
6818978809 | Bombastic | Overly rhetorical | 18 | |
6818978810 | Induction | Reach a general conclusion | 19 | |
6818978811 | Deduction | Reach a specific conclusion | 20 | |
6818978812 | Diatribe | An angry long speech the strongly criticizes someone or something | 21 | |
6818978813 | Lampoon | A sharp satire against an individual or institution that severely ridicules their character or behavior | 22 | |
6818978814 | Caricature | A description of an individual or institution that exaggerates it's faults | 23 | |
6818978815 | Tongue in Cheek | Pretending to be serious while making a ridiculous comment | 24 | |
6818978816 | Esoteric | Uderstood only by a select few | 25 | |
6818978817 | Insolent | Boldly rude | 26 | |
6818978818 | Insipid | Without distinctive qualities | 27 | |
6818978819 | Obtuse | Not sensitive or observant | 28 | |
6818978820 | Pedantic | Overly concerned with minute details, ostentatious | 29 | |
6818978821 | Pretentious | Characterized by presumed dignity and importance | 30 | |
6818978822 | Trite | Lacking in freshness | 31 | |
6818978823 | Admonitory | Serves to give warning | 32 | |
6818978824 | Morose | Gloomily ill humored | 33 | |
6818978825 | Didactic | Intended for instruction | 34 | |
6818978826 | Incredulous | Skeptical | 35 | |
6818978827 | Staid | Sedate in character | 36 | |
6818978828 | Obsequious | Showing servile complaisance | 37 | |
6818978829 | Droll | Amusing in an odd way | 38 | |
6818978830 | Jovial | Characterized by joyous humor | 39 | |
6818978831 | Reverent | Being respecful | 40 | |
6818978832 | Sardonic | Cynical and mocking | 41 | |
6818978833 | Wry | Disdainful irony | 42 | |
6818978834 | Caustic | Severely critical | 43 | |
6818978835 | Surly | Rude or bad tempered | 44 | |
6818978836 | Choleric | Extremely irritable | 45 | |
6818978837 | Placid | Not easily upset | 46 | |
6818978838 | Lugubrious | Sounding sad | 47 | |
6818978839 | Effusive | Expressing feelings of gratitude | 48 | |
6818978840 | Diffident | Modest or shy | 49 | |
6818978841 | Didactic | Intending to instruct | 50 | |
6818978842 | Cogent | Convincing, reasonable | 51 | |
6818978843 | Imperious | Arrogantly overbearing | 52 | |
6818978844 | Indolent | Lazy | 53 | |
6818978845 | Poignant | Profoundly moving | 54 | |
6818978846 | Egregrious | Offensive | 55 | |
6818978847 | Flagrant | Shocking or noticeable | 56 | |
6818978848 | Auspicious | Promising | 57 | |
6818978849 | Dubious | Doubtful | 58 | |
6818978850 | Spurious | Not genuine | 59 | |
6818978851 | Ambivalent | Uncertain | 60 | |
6818978852 | Tenuous | Weak | 61 | |
6818978853 | Assiduous | Hardworking | 62 | |
6818978854 | Pejoritive | Belittling | 63 |