AP Spanish Literature Terms Flashcards
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4527066606 | género | genre | 0 | |
4527066607 | narrativa | narrative | 1 | |
4527068067 | poesía | poetry | 2 | |
4527068068 | drama | drama | 3 | |
4527068069 | ensayo | essay | 4 | |
4527071006 | ambiente | environment | 5 | |
4527071007 | argumento | argument | 6 | |
4527071008 | ficción | fiction | 7 | |
4527072489 | figura retórica | rhetorical figure | 8 | |
4527073868 | héroe | hero | 9 | |
4527073869 | imagen | image | 10 | |
4527073870 | lector | reader | 11 | |
4527075273 | personaje | character | 12 | |
4527077312 | protagonista | protagonist | 13 | |
4527078657 | público | audience | 14 | |
4527082117 | suspenso | suspense | 15 | |
4527082118 | tema | theme | 16 | |
4527084874 | poema | poem | 17 | |
4527084875 | poeta | poet | 18 | |
4527084876 | voz poética | poetic voice | 19 | |
4527086963 | verso | verse | 20 | |
4527088223 | estrofa | stanza | 21 | |
4527088237 | ritmo | rhythm | 22 | |
4527090290 | métrica | metric | 23 | |
4527090291 | rima consonante | consonant rhyme | 24 | |
4527091389 | rima asonante | asonant rhyme | 25 | |
4527092670 | acto | act | 26 | |
4527092671 | escena | scene | 27 | |
4527095621 | analogía | analogy | 28 | |
4527099361 | escenario | scene | 29 | |
4527099362 | comedia | comedy | 30 | |
4527099363 | tragedia | tragedy | 31 | |
4527100835 | diálogo | dialogue | 32 | |
4527100836 | monólogo | monologue | 33 | |
4527102329 | teatro | theatre | 34 | |
4527111788 | metáfora | metaphor | 35 | |
4527111789 | símil | simile | 36 | |
4527113570 | aliteración | alliteration | 37 | |
4527113571 | hipérbole | hyperbole | 38 | |
4527117132 | onomatopeya | onomotopoeia | 39 | |
4527118413 | personificación | personification | 40 | |
4527669983 | ambigüedad | ambiguity | 41 | |
4527672666 | antagonista | antagonist | 42 | |
4527674328 | antihéroe | antihero | 43 | |
4527677390 | arquetipo | archetype | 44 | |
4527677391 | atmósfera | atmosphere | 45 | |
4527678978 | desenlace | ending / denoument | 46 | |
4527680554 | fábula | fable | 47 | |
4527683389 | in medias res | 48 | ||
4527683390 | ironía | irony | 49 | |
4527687311 | omnisciente (narrador) | omniscient (narrator) | 50 | |
4527689391 | memento mori | 51 | ||
4527689392 | símbolo | symbol | 52 | |
4527690883 | tono | tone | 53 | |
4527690884 | trama | plot | 54 | |
4527690885 | crónica | chronological (order) | 55 | |
4527694269 | flashback | flashback | 56 | |
4527694309 | fluir de consciencia | flow of consciousness | 57 | |
4527698804 | narrador limitado | limited narrator (as opposed to omniscient) | 58 | |
4527701836 | prefiguración | foreshadowing | 59 | |
4527703694 | punto de vista | point of view | 60 | |
4527703695 | perspectiva | perspective | 61 | |
4527707063 | alejandrino | alexandrine verse | 62 | |
4527707064 | arte menor | 63 | ||
4527707065 | arte mayor | 64 | ||
4527708969 | encabalgamiento | enjambment (continuing a line of verse in the next line) | 65 | |
4527708970 | estribillo | refrain / chorus | 66 | |
4527710513 | lírica | lyrical poetry | 67 | |
4527710514 | poema épico | epic poem | 68 | |
4527711768 | redondilla | roundelay | 69 | |
4527713058 | romance | romance | 70 | |
4527713059 | sinalefa | synalepha | 71 | |
4527714417 | soneto | sonnet | 72 | |
4527714418 | verso agudo | 73 | ||
4527716718 | verso esdrújulo | 74 | ||
4527718702 | verso llano | 75 | ||
4527718703 | acción dramática | 76 | ||
4527723243 | exposición | exposition | 77 | |
4527723244 | nudo / climax | climax (knot) | 78 | |
4527725653 | acotaciones | annotations | 79 | |
4527729150 | aparte | aside (theatre term) | 80 | |
4527729151 | dramaturgo | playwright | 81 | |
4527731515 | teatro del absurdo | 82 | ||
4527731516 | anáfora | anaphora | 83 | |
4527733208 | antítesis | antithesis | 84 | |
4527734720 | apóstrofe | apostrophe | 85 | |
4527736479 | circunlocución / perífrasis | circumlocution | 86 | |
4527741732 | elipsis | elipsis | 87 | |
4527741733 | enumeración | enumeration | 88 | |
4527746320 | eufemismo | euphemism | 89 | |
4527752305 | gradación | gradation (progression, intensity) | 90 | |
4527752306 | hipérbaton | hyperbaton (reversed word order) (yoda) | 91 | |
4527755813 | Edad Media | Middle Age (Medieval) | 92 | |
4527757975 | modernismo | modernism | 93 | |
4527757976 | realismo | realism | 94 | |
4527759549 | romanticismo | romanticism | 95 | |
4527761123 | caricatura | caricature | 96 | |
4527761124 | alegoría | allegory | 97 | |
4527762435 | apología | 98 | ||
4527764487 | leitmotiv | 99 | ||
4527764488 | cromatismo | 100 | ||
4527765839 | anacronismo | anachronism | 101 | |
4527768136 | narrador no fidedigno | unreliable narrator | 102 | |
4527770576 | narrador testigo | witness | 103 | |
4527772512 | sátira | satire | 104 | |
4527772513 | parodia | parody | 105 | |
4527776388 | desdoblamiento | unfolding | 106 | |
4527776389 | narrativa epistolar | 107 | ||
4527778223 | narratario | 108 | ||
4527778224 | parábola | parable | 109 | |
4527779542 | diérisis | 110 | ||
4527782775 | hiato | hiatus | 111 | |
4527782776 | sinéresis | 112 | ||
4527785195 | verso blanco / suelto | 113 | ||
4527785196 | verso libre | free verse | 114 | |
4527786434 | cesura | 115 | ||
4527786435 | hemistiquio | 116 | ||
4527788549 | polifonía | 117 | ||
4527788709 | polimetría | 118 | ||
4527790191 | silva | Silva Verse: a meter in poetry in the 16th century | 119 | |
4527790192 | conceptismo | 120 | ||
4527790213 | asíndeton | 121 | ||
4527791894 | falla trágica | 122 | ||
4527794150 | ironía dramatica | dramatic irony | 123 | |
4527794170 | pathos | 124 | ||
4527795201 | tres unidades | 125 | ||
4527796784 | cacofonía | cacophony | 126 | |
4527798122 | metonimia | metonymy | 127 | |
4527798124 | epíteto | epithet | 128 | |
4527800096 | paradoja | paradox | 129 | |
4527800097 | polisíndeton | polysyndeton | 130 | |
4527803335 | sinécdoque | synecdote | 131 | |
4527806122 | sinestesia | synesthesia | 132 | |
4527806123 | retruécano | pun / play on words | 133 | |
4527808736 | culteranismo | 134 | ||
4527810436 | costumbrismo | 135 | ||
4527810437 | existencialismo | existencialism | 136 | |
4527812370 | neoclasicismo | neoclassicism | 137 | |
4527812371 | postmodernismo | post-modernism | 138 | |
4527815882 | surrealismo | surrealism | 139 | |
4527818832 | vanguardia | avant-garde | 140 |