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3755725168 | When did the Protestant Reformation begin, who started it, and what was the ahem of the document that started it? | It began in 1517, started by Martin Luther with the Ninety-Five Theses. | 0 | |
3755737379 | What abuses within the Catholic Church did Luther have issues with? | The luxurious life of the popes, the corruption and immortality of some clergy, the churches selling of indulgences, and other aspects of church life and practice. | 1 | |
3755751650 | What was Luther's view of "salvation"? | That it came from faith alone. | 2 | |
3755759349 | What attracted the kings and princes to the Protestant idea? | They found justification for their own independence and opportunity to gain the lands and taxes previously held by the church. | 3 | |
3755770499 | What attracted middle-class urban dwellers to the Protestant idea? | They found a new religious legitimacy for their growing role in society. | 4 | |
3755780716 | What attracted commoners to the Protestant idea? | A new religious idea served to express their opposition to the entire social order. | 5 | |
3755787917 | What invention helped spread Reformation thinking quickly throughout? | The printing press. | 6 | |
3755796297 | Describe the religious conflict that affected French society in the 16th century. | Violence between Catholics and the Protectant minority, Huguenots. | 7 | |
3755809551 | Name and explain the decree that ended the religious conflict between the Catholics and Huguenots. | The Edict of Nantes which granted a substantial amount of religious toleration. | 8 | |
3755824287 | Describe the 30 year war and the treaty that ended it. | it was a catholic-protestant struggle that was horrifically destructive and ended with the Peace of Westphalia that reshuffled borders and an agreement that each state was sovereign, authorized to control religious affairs within its own territory. | 9 | |
3755840234 | What did Catholics accomplish at the Council of Trent? | -clarified and reformed their unique doctrines and practices -set about correcting the abuses and corruption that had stimulated the protestants movement of placing a new emphases on the education of priests and their supervision by bishops. | 10 | |
3755899990 | Where did the Portuguese missionaries go to spread their faith? | Africa and Asia. | 11 | |
3755904098 | Where did the Spanish missionaries go to spread their faith? | America. | 12 | |
3755909119 | Where did the Russian Orthodox missionaries go to spread their faith? | Siberia. | 13 | |
3755916711 | What 2 elements did Spanish America and the Philippines share that allowed missionaries to have so much success there? | -Overwhelming European presence -Experiences variously in military conquests, colonial settlement, missionary activity, forced labor, social disruptions, and disease. | 14 | |
3755967486 | In what ways did missionaries in Spanish America violently disrupt/uproot native religions? | -destroyed religious images and rituals -shamed religious offenders | 15 | |
3755988953 | Why were missionary efforts to spread Christianity so much less successful in China than in Spanish America? | The Ming and Qing dynasty were very strong and powerful. | 16 | |
3756012058 | Describe the Europeans missionary strategy in China. | Get permission from the authorities to operate in the country. | 17 | |
3756032025 | Unlike Christianity, how did Islam continue to spread throughout the Afro-Eurasian world? | Suffs, holy men, scholars, and merchants. | 18 | |
3756051209 | What accounts for the emergence of reform/renewal movements within the Islamic world? | The growing difficulties of the Islamic world, such as the weakening of the Ottoman Empire. | 19 | |
3756082156 | How did Luther's concept of religious individualism parallel to the ideas of Wang Yangming? | Both shared the thought that the thing that needed to be achieved could be alone. | 20 | |
3756098087 | How did Luther's concept of religious individualism parallel to the ideas of some Buddhist monks? | Both wanted said thing to be found by who required it. | 21 | |
3756106012 | Describe kaozheng. | research based on evidence | 22 | |
3756122063 | Describe the devotional form of Hinduism known as bhakti. | Through songs, prayers, dances, poetry, and rituals. | 23 | |
3756152160 | In what ways does Sikhism go against traditional Hindu beliefs/practices? | They developed their own sacred books, created a central place of worship and pilgrimage in the Golden Temple of Amritsar, and prescribed certain dress requirements for men. | 24 | |
3756206222 | How did leaders of the scientific revolution believe truth and knowledge would be acquired? | 25 | ||
3756216841 | Explain factors that allowed the scientific revolution to begin in Europe. | Europeans historical development as a reinvigorated and civilization arguably gave rise to conditions uniquely favorable to the scientific emperprice. | 26 | |
3756400719 | Explain what prevented the scientific revolution from beginning in the Islamic world. | Science was patronizing by a variety of local authorities. | 27 | |
3756422236 | What was revolutionary about the scientific revolution? Who made this breakthrough? | A book that stated that at the center of all things lies the sun, discovered by Nicolous Copernicus. | 28 | |
3756682831 | What beliefs did European Enlightenments thinkers share? | The power of knowledge to transform human society, a satirical, critical style, a commitment to open-mindedness and inquiry. | 29 | |
3756718674 | What ideas did John Locke develop? | Offered principles for constructing a constitution government, a contract between rulers and ruled that was created by human ingenuity rather than different prescribed. | 30 | |
3756733724 | What is deism? | They believed in rather abstract and remote deity. | 31 | |
3756744618 | Describe the beliefs of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. | He believed that women were fundamentally different from and inferior to men and urged that "the whole education of women ought to be relative to men." | 32 | |
3756766758 | Describe the Romantic movement in art and literature. | it appealed to emotion, intuition, passion, and imagination. | 33 | |
3756787283 | Explain the the arguments developed by Charles Darwin. | All life was in constant change, that an endless and competitive struggle for survival over millions of years constantly generated new species while casting others into extinction. | 34 | |
3756820909 | Explain Karl Marx's view of human history. | It emphasized change and struggle conflicting social classes successfully drove the process of historical development. | 35 | |
3756844626 | How did Marx and Darwin's thoughts on "progress" differ from those held by Enlightenment thinkers? | They thought more of conflict and struggle then reason and education. | 36 | |
3756853306 | Explain the theories developed by Sigmund Freud. | He argued that in the center of each person lay primal impulses towards sexuality and aggression, which were barely held in check by thin layer of social conscience derived from civilization. | 37 | |
3756879683 | What European ideas was China most interested in? Why? | Europeans techniques for predicting eclipses, reforming the calendar, and making accurate maps. | 38 | |
3756894342 | Why did science face opposition in the Islamic world? | Those there found the Plague to be Gods wrath against these who tried to find his secrets. | 39 |