AP Language Vocab Section 11 Flashcards
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5796485552 | animus | Definition: strong dislike or enmity; moving spirit POS: N Synonyms: animosity, hostility, bile, spirit, temper, mind, ACRIMONY, RANCOR, GRUDGE, BIAS Antonyms: PARTIALITY, SYMPATHY, FAVOR, PREDILECTION | 0 | |
5796486347 | dissimulate | Definition: to disguise or conceal under a false appearance; hide the truth POS: V Synonyms: dissemble, beard, camouflage, cloak, deceive, fake, feign, mask, pretend, FAKE, DISGUISE, DISSEMBLE Antonyms: uncover, show, unmask, REVEAL, MAKE KNOWN, PUBLICIZE | 1 | |
5796486348 | eminent | Definition: high in station, rank, or repute, outstanding, distinguished, famous, noteworthy, remarkable POS: adj Synonyms: prominent, distinguished, esteemed, famed, illustrious, outstanding, preeminent, prominent, prestigious Antonyms: common, inconspicuous, inferior, insignificant, obscure, ordinary, unimportant, UNCELEBRATED, UNREMARKABLE, MUNDANE, INSIGNIFICANT, MEDIOCRE | 2 | |
5796486600 | equivocal or equivocate | Definition: allowing the possibility or several different meaning, as a word or phrase, especially with intent to deceive or misguide; saying something that seems to be true but can be taken different ways POS: adj or V Synonyms: ambiguous, ambivalent, dubious, evasive, muddled, puzzling, unclear, vague, lie, elude, escape, evade, wheezle, prevaricate, eschew, hedge Antonyms: certain, clear, definite, sure, determined, obvious, plain, CONFRONT, FACE, CLARIFY | 3 | |
5796486601 | excoriate | Definition: to denounce or berate severely; to strip or rub off the skin of something (to flay); make raw and sore POS: V Synonyms: abrade, chafe, flay, fret, gall, peel, rub, scarify, scratch, skin, strip, denounce violently, chafe, lambaste, denounce verbally Antonyms: cover, compliment, EXTOL, PRAISE, LAUD, APPLAUSE, CLAIM, COMMEND | 4 | |
5796486766 | expurgate | Definition: to amend by removing words, passages, etc. deemed offensive or objectionable; remove objectionable words from a passage POS: V Synonyms: bleep, bowdlerize, cleanse, decontaminate, purge, purify, sanitize, purify, censor Antonyms: dirty, open, allow, permit, TAINT, SULLY, INTERPOLATE | 5 | |
5796486900 | imminent | Definition: likely to occur at any moment; about to occur POS: adj Synonyms: impending, forthcoming, immediate, impending, inevitable, likely, looming, possible, probable, unavoidable, approaching, upcoming, menacing, proximate Antonyms: avoidable, distant, escapable, later, never, unlikely, doubtful, far, future, REMOTE | 6 | |
5796486901 | insidious | Definition: intended to entrap or beguile; developing something without attracting attention POS: adj Synonyms: dangerous, subtle, artful, astute, corrupt, crafty, crooked, cunning, deceitful, deceptive, willy, tricky, sly, treacherous, dangerous, gradual Antonyms: fair, honest, open, sincere, HONEST, OPEN, ABOVE BOARD | 7 | |
5796487057 | recumbent | Definition: lying down; leaning, resting, lying down POS: adj Synonyms: reclining, leaning, flat, horizontal, level, sprawling, supine, prone Antonyms: upright, ERECT | 8 | |
5796487058 | relegate | Definition: consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position; move to a lower position or condition; to send into exile or banish POS: V Synonyms: downgrade, lower, demote Antonyms: upgrade, PROMOTE | 9 | |
5796487059 | renege | Definition: go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract POS: V Synonyms: default, reverse, welsh, renounce, repeal, back down, back out, recant Antonyms: honor | 10 | |
5796487416 | sentient | Definition: having the power of perception by the senses; anything that can feel or perceive POS: adj Synonyms: conscious, alert, apperceptive, attentive, awake, aware, feeling, informed, knowing, aware, emotional, responsive, sensitive, impressionable, susceptible Antonyms: insensible, oblivious, unaware, unconscious, unmindful, unwitting, CLOSED, UNREACTIVE, UNRECEPTIVE, OBLIVIOUS, INSENSATE, | 11 | |
5796487417 | splenetic | Definition: peevish, spiteful, having to do with the spleen, bad-tempered, whiny; irritable, peevish POS: adj Synonyms: bitter Antonyms: happy, kind, easy going, complacent, forgiving, cheerful | 12 | |
5796487622 | termagant | Definition: a violent, turbulent, or brawling woman POS: N Synonyms: disruptive, fractious, raucous, rebellious, rowdy, unruly, strew, virago, nagging, scolding, shrew, brawling woman Antonyms: calm, compliant, obedient, quiet, arranged, behaved, SAINT | 13 | |
5796487744 | torpor | Definition: sluggish inactivity or inertia; lethargic indifference; a state of suspended physical powers and activities; dormancy, as of a hibernating animal; absence of moving or feeling POS: N Synonyms: apathy, disinterest, dormancy, drowsiness, dullness, idleness, impassivity, lethargy, lassitude, sluggishness Antonyms: action, consciousness, diligence, industry, interest, liveliness, VIGOR, ANIMATION, ACTIVITY | 14 | |
5796487982 | truncheon | Definition: the club carried by a police officer used as a weapon; to beat with a club (V) POS: N Synonyms: baton, bat, bludgeon, stick, weapon, baton, cudgel | 15 |