AP World History Chapter 2 Flashcards
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7438027053 | 2000-500 CE | How long has Israel lasted | 0 | |
7438030165 | crossroads | Israel has always been a _____ | 1 | |
7438033105 | Sinai | What was the desert in Israel | 2 | |
7438035467 | mediterranean | Israel is on the _____ coastal plain | 3 | |
7438041694 | Galilee | fertile land of grassy hills and small plains (israel) | 4 | |
7438045128 | Dead Sea | In Israel, the Jordan River runs into the... | 5 | |
7438052968 | conflict and religions | Israel has always been at the center of ____- | 6 | |
7438059419 | Canaan, Israel, Palestine | Israel can also be called (3 names) | 7 | |
7438065324 | Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, Israelites in antiquity | The People of Israel can be called (4 names) | 8 | |
7438069135 | Torah | Hebrew bible | 9 | |
7438071908 | orally | the torah was originally passed down... | 10 | |
7438074976 | 10th century BCE | When was the torah written down in Phoenician script on scrolls | 11 | |
7438080936 | Pastoralists | Middle Easterners served as ..... | 12 | |
7438086799 | Abraham | Who does Middle Eastern History begin with | 13 | |
7438096858 | 1800 BCE | When does Abraham migrate to Israel | 14 | |
7438100241 | Canaan | Abraham migrated from Mesopotamia to.... | 15 | |
7438103699 | suspicious | The settled people were suspicious of Abraham and his people | 16 | |
7438107034 | Abel | The innocent brother ____ was killed by his farmer brother Cain | 17 | |
7438111753 | Yahweh | Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by ____ because of wickedness | 18 | |
7438120903 | Moses | leads the slaves out of egypt | 19 | |
7438132275 | Yahweh | Jewish god who demanded their exclusive loyalty | 20 | |
7438154013 | "Chosen people" | Yahweh considers the Jews to be the "......" | 21 | |
7438156631 | 10 commandments | these serve as a guide | 22 | |
7438160025 | social justice and compassion | Yahweh was the god of... | 23 | |
7438163436 | Yahweh | singular, transcendent, personal, ruling over the natural order, engaged in history and demanding social justice and moral righteousness | 24 | |
7438175587 | Christianity and Islam | The Jewish belief was the foundation on which _____ and _____ were built | 25 | |
7438182959 | Agricultural way of life | Middle easterners settle down to an.... | 26 | |
7438203594 | Joshua | led the Israelites to Canaan | 27 | |
7438207550 | "Children of Israel" | 12 tribes who descended from Jacob and Joseph, located in different parts of the country | 28 | |
7438214078 | Ark of Covenant | AKA 10 commandments | 29 | |
7438219890 | judges | in israel, ____ mediated disputes and welfare of people | 30 | |
7438225462 | 990-930 BCE | Time span of Kingdom of Israel | 31 | |
7438228772 | David | unites the 12 tribes and made jerusalem the capital of Israel | 32 | |
7438247411 | Solomon | High point of Israel, son of david | 33 | |
7438251731 | Solomon | Built the first temple | 34 | |
7438254583 | 721 BCE | When was the first temple destroyed | 35 | |
7438258606 | Assyrians | Who destroyed the northern kingdom | 36 | |
7438261712 | Judah | who survives for more than a century by paying tribute | 37 | |
7438271694 | 587 BCE | The Babylonians captured Jerusalem in_____ | 38 | |
7438275092 | cultural identity | during exile, the Jews renewed their _____ | 39 | |
7438280749 | Cyrus the Great | Who allowed the jews to return | 40 | |
7438285516 | Monotheism | Judaism practices... | 41 | |
7438289405 | rigid rules | jews lived by rigid rules | 42 | |
7438293229 | pork | What food could jews not eat | 43 | |
7438298332 | Saturday | what day is the Sabbath for Jews | 44 | |
7438304484 | 6th century BCE | When was the Persian Empire created | 45 | |
7438307629 | Persian empire | largest empire in the world | 46 | |
7438309998 | Iran | known as "land of the Aryans" | 47 | |
7438320809 | Zagros Mountains | In the west of Iran | 48 | |
7438323118 | Caucasus Mountains and captain sea | to the nw and n of iran | 49 | |
7438325592 | copper, tin, iron, gold, silver, wood | mineral resources in iran were.... | 50 | |
7451107157 | But of Kingship | The Persian empire was centered on | 51 | |
7451110424 | Ahura Mazda | The Persian empire was ruled by will of great Persian god... | 52 | |
7451116933 | Absolute monarchs | Persians were ruled by.. | 53 | |
7451120122 | 550-530 BCE | What was the time span of Cyrus the Great | 54 | |
7451128516 | Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Babylon | Cyrus the Great conquered... (3) | 55 | |
7451131694 | tolerance and respect | Cyrus the great was known for... | 56 | |
7451136076 | Cyrus the Great | allowed jews to return to their homeland | 57 | |
7451139650 | Cyrus Cylinder | according to Cyrus: he restored peace, released captives and returned prisoners to their homelands, and tolerated local religion and cult practice. This is written on the ....? | 58 | |
7451168074 | Pasargadae | Where is the tomb of Cyrus found? | 59 | |
7451173206 | Tomb of Cyrus | one of the few achaemenid monuments that has survived to the present | 60 | |
7451184183 | Sydney, Austrailia | in 1994, a replica of a bas relief depicting him was erected in a park in.... | 61 | |
7451188673 | multiculturalism | The monument in Australia is intended as a symbol for ..... and to express coexistence and peace | 62 | |
7451201273 | 522-486 BCE | What was the life span of Darius I | 63 | |
7451204047 | Darius | seizes the persian throne in 522 BCE with the help of the 10,000 immortals | 64 | |
7451214559 | Indus valley | Darius I extended the persian empire to the... | 65 | |
7451219499 | Thrace | aka NE Greece and Bulgaria | 66 | |
7451241233 | 23 | The persian empire was divided into how many provinces | 67 | |
7451246574 | satrap | aka governor in persia | 68 | |
7451257827 | Satraps | usually connected to royal family, encouraged intermarriage, cultural and technological exchange | 69 | |
7451264224 | shecks | Military officers and tax collectors served as... on the power of the satraps | 70 | |
7451269762 | royal roads | connected the outlying provinces | 71 | |
7451274274 | 1,600 | how many miles long are the royal roads | 72 | |
7451278509 | communication and commerce | Royal roads improved | 73 | |
7451285595 | 111 | how many postal stations are there along the royal roads | 74 | |
7451289129 | wives and children | The king of persia had numerous... | 75 | |
7451298302 | influential | persian elite women may have been... | 76 | |
7451302656 | seasons | The persian king and the court moved with the _____, living in luxurious tents and in palaces of the ancient capitals of Mesopotamia and Iran | 77 | |
7451314418 | Darius and Xerxes | The Persepolis was constructed by... | 78 | |
7451318593 | Persepolis | became the ceremonial capital of Persia | 79 | |
7451326172 | power and wealth | The Persepolis was a symbol of the Persian's ______ and _____ | 80 | |
7451337092 | coronations, weddings, and funerals | What were held at the Persepolis | 81 | |
7451357087 | 247BCE-651 CE | Time span of the Parthanin and Sassanid empires | 82 | |
7451374310 | Zoroastrianism | religion that originated in Iran | 83 | |
7451374311 | Zoroaster | Zoroastrianism originated from the teachings of... in the 6th or 7th century BCE | 84 | |
7451381976 | wisdom | Zoroaster left home in search of ____ and experienced visions of Ahuramazda, he became the prophet and spread the message | 85 | |
7451392561 | Ahuramazda | Supreme benevolent deity | 86 | |
7451395443 | the wise lord | What is another name for Ahuramazda | 87 | |
7451435694 | Good vs evil | Zoroastrian beliefs are centered around... | 88 | |
7451438351 | rewarded or punished | Zoroastrians believe that humans are _____ or ____ in the afterlife for their actions | 89 | |
7451444158 | one supreme god | Zoroastrian's preached... | 90 | |
7451446999 | high ethical standard | Zoroastrian's held humans to high ethical standards | 91 | |
7451452869 | salvation | Zoroastrian's promised | 92 | |
7451458444 | Judaism and Christianity | Zoroastrian's influenced _______ and _____ as empire spread west | 93 | |
7451462788 | Devil | Zoroastrian's believed in God and_____ | 94 | |
7451468003 | Hell | Zoroastrian's believed in heaven and ______ | 95 | |
7451470820 | punishment | Zoroastrian's believed in reward and _______ | 96 | |
7451473840 | end of time | Zoroastrian's believed in messiah and ...... | 97 | |
7451490798 | Balkan Peninsula | Greece is located on the ...... | 98 | |
7451494064 | islands | greece includes thousands of.... | 99 | |
7451496501 | city states | what type of government did Greece have | 100 | |
7451499137 | Athens and sparta | main two city states | 101 | |
7451502831 | Mediterranean Sea | Greek "highway" for trade and resources | 102 | |
7451505248 | Minoans | Earliest Greeks | 103 | |
7451509818 | Phaistos Disk | Undeciphered syllabic alphabet, used to keep detailed records of economic and commercial matters | 104 | |
7451519059 | Crete | The Phaistos Disk was found in 1908 in..... | 105 | |
7451539936 | printing | The Phaistos disk could have been used for.... | 106 | |
7451543510 | Mycenaean | Indo-European invades who descended through the Balkans into Peloponnesus around 2200 BCE | 107 | |
7451551613 | Minoan | Mycenaean culture was influenced by | 108 | |
7451554050 | Linear B | What was the Mycenaean language | 109 | |
7451557756 | Linear A | Mycenaeans adapted _____ to own language | 110 | |
7451566248 | fortresses and palaces | Mycenaean's built... | 111 | |
7451566249 | Mycenae | What was the major Mycenaean settlement | 112 | |
7451573911 | Anatolia, Sicily, southern Italy | Mycenaean's established settlements in.... | 113 | |
7451577215 | Linear A | Minoan script, not deciphered | 114 | |
7451580964 | Linear B | Mycenaean script, predates Greek alphabet | 115 | |
7451585608 | end of Mycenaean civilization | Linear B dies out with the end of the... | 116 | |
7451589061 | Lion Gate | Wha ruin in Mycenae illustrates the heavy fortifications but by the Mycenaeans to protect their settlements | 117 | |
7451611692 | Dark Ages | A period in the eastern mediterranean characterized by depopulation, poverty, and isolation | 118 | |
7451616504 | 1100 to 800 BCE | Political turmoil and chaos ensues in the Mediterranean from.... | 119 | |
7451622650 | Homer's epics | The dark ages coincide with the description in... | 120 | |
7451629399 | 1200 BCE | When was the Trojan war | 121 | |
7451633186 | The Polis | urban center, dominating surrounding rural areas | 122 | |
7451635586 | acropolis | fortified top for refuge | 123 | |
7451635587 | agora | open area for assembling, government buildings, and market place | 124 | |
7451640569 | acropolis and agora | Greek City states featured.. | 125 | |
7451675490 | hoplites | heavily armed infantrymen who fought in closely packed | 126 | |
7451690483 | few | Sparta practiced rule by the.. | 127 | |
7451692733 | 28 | Sparta had rule by ___ men over age 60 | 128 | |
7489601574 | Peloponnese | Where are the spartans from | 129 | |
7489602450 | militarized | sparta was a highly ___ society | 130 | |
7489603207 | helots | invaded neighbors and subjugated people in sparta | 131 | |
7489607081 | 10:1 | Helots outnumbered spartans with what ratio | 132 | |
7489608402 | helot rebellion | What did the Spartans always fear | 133 | |
7489609136 | Austerity | What was the norm in Spartan society? | 134 | |
7489609982 | iron bars | What did spartans use for currency | 135 | |
7489610965 | 7 | When were spartan boys removed from their family | 136 | |
7489612838 | simplicity, frugality, and austerity | What were the Spartans known for | 137 | |
7489613935 | 30 | Spartans could marry, but there was no home life until age.. | 138 | |
7489629208 | democratic principles | Athens created a government based on... | 139 | |
7489630127 | free adult males | Athenian democracy was open to all ____ | 140 | |
7489631422 | maritime trade | because of the prosperity of _________ in 7th century BCE aristocrats increased their landholding and dominated smaller landholders | 141 | |
7489633316 | debt slavery | similar to indentured servitude | 142 | |
7489634083 | Solon's reforms | kept aristocrats to keep large landholdings, banned debt slavery | 143 | |
7489636937 | common classes | Solon's reforms allowed fro representation of the ____ in the assembly | 144 | |
7489638026 | office holders | Solon's reforms paid salaries to ..... | 145 | |
7489664496 | Age of Pericles | Athenian "golden age" | 146 | |
7489666791 | 461-421 BCE | Pericles ruled from... | 147 | |
7489669969 | government offices | in the age of pericles men of all classes were chosen by lot to fill _____ and they were being paid to they could participate | 148 | |
7489671954 | assembly of all citizens | focal point of age of pericles | 149 | |
7489674817 | Public works | The age of pericles had massive.... | 150 | |
7489677590 | cultural development | What was encouraged in the age of pericles | 151 | |
7489679555 | population pressure | What causes the greeks to colonize | 152 | |
7489685462 | Aegean, Black, and Mediterranean sea | Greek colonization spreads their culture throughout... | 153 | |
7489686670 | Sicily and southern Italy | most popular greek colonization sites .......? | 154 | |
7489689572 | copper, zinc, tin, and iron | Fertile fields in Sicily provided access to | 155 | |
7489711322 | olives and grapes | Greece was rich in what crops | 156 | |
7489715677 | Commerce | What is the basis of Athenian economy | 157 | |
7489719178 | fur, fish, grain, timber, honey, gold, amber, and slaves | The black sea provided... | 158 | |
7489722568 | Persian Wars | revolt against Persian empire in Ionia | 159 | |
7489726351 | 500-479 BCE | What were the dates of the Persian Wars | 160 | |
7489727127 | Marathon | in 490 BCE, this battle was when Persia was defeated | 161 | |
7489729514 | Xerxes | successor after Persian wars | 162 | |
7489730659 | 300 | in the battle of Thermopylae how many spartans were in battle and how many died | 163 | |
7489732879 | Salamis | advantage persians burn them, but drives out in the straight using the trireme | 164 | |
7489733965 | Platea | last land battle where Persian threat is over | 165 | |
7489741923 | naval | Athen's ___ technology made them powerful and wealthy | 166 | |
7489743715 | oar | military ships couldn't depend on wind only so they used _____ | 167 | |
7489744725 | 170 | how many rowers propelled the boat | 168 | |
7489745425 | metal | warships had ____ tipped rams | 169 | |
7489746359 | Poleis | created the Delian League to forestall more Persian attacks | 170 | |
7489747292 | Athens | lead the Delian League | 171 | |
7489748577 | Periclean | massive payments to Athens fuels ____ expansion | 172 | |
7489749703 | economic interests | The Delian League promoted their.... | 173 | |
7489754920 | Piraeus port | most important commercial center in the east Mediterranean sea | 174 | |
7489759749 | Parthenon | The Delian league built the _____ during Pericles time | 175 | |
7489760391 | tragedies and comedies | what type of plays did the delian league promote | 176 | |
7489762458 | artist and thinkers | what type of people were attracted to Athens | 177 | |
7489763185 | beauty and perfection | The Greeks idealized ___ and ____ of the human body | 178 | |
7489765288 | Peloponnesian War | Civil war in Greece between Athens or Sparta | 179 | |
7489768150 | 431-404 BCE | Dates of Peloponnesian War | 180 | |
7489769948 | Sparta | who won the peloponnesian war | 181 | |
7489771445 | moral and intellectual | After the Peloponnesian war, Athens lost their reputation as _____ and _____ leader and becomes known as the arrogant, insensitive, and imperialist powers | 182 | |
7489779851 | Macedon | frontier region to north of Peloponnesus | 183 | |
7489794633 | King Philip II | builds massive Macedon military | 184 | |
7489801027 | Alexander the Great | Son of Philip II | 185 | |
7489801028 | 20 | how old was Alexander the Great when he took the throne | 186 | |
7489802648 | Aristotle | tutored alexander the great | 187 | |
7489804184 | Bucephalus | name of Alexander's horse | 188 | |
7489805160 | Alexandria egypt | Most famous city named after Alexander the Great | 189 | |
7489806427 | generals | After Alexander's death, the empire was divided by 3 ______ | 190 | |
7489807883 | Antigonus empire | greece and macedon empire | 191 | |
7489808854 | ptolemy | Egypt empire | 192 | |
7489809622 | Seleucus | persian achaemenid empire | 193 | |
7489815505 | Hellenism | most important outcome of Alexander the Great's conquests | 194 | |
7489820781 | Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian | Hellenistic culture was a mix of what 4 empires | 195 | |
7489821400 | Antigenic empire | smallest of Hellenistic empires | 196 | |
7489822428 | resented rule | Greek cities often _____ and sought independence under the Antigenic Empire | 197 | |
7489827331 | Ptolemaic Empire | wealthiest of the Hellenistic empires | 198 | |
7489828875 | monopolies | The Ptolemaic empire was an established state of ___ | 199 | |
7489830000 | textiles, salt, beer | What did the Ptolemaic empire have the monopoly on | 200 | |
7489832192 | Alexandria | Capital of the Ptolemaic empire | 201 | |
7489834658 | Alexandria | center of the Hellenistic world | 202 | |
7489835732 | Alexandria | location of Alexander's tomb, and first known research library | 203 | |
7489837155 | The Seleucid empire | massive colonization of greeks and indians | 204 | |
7492432541 | Greek | What language are Ashoka's edicts written in | 205 | |
7492434693 | Panhellenic festivals | useful for integrating far flung colonies | 206 | |
7492437162 | Olympic games | Best known of the Panhellenic festivals | 207 | |
7492439521 | 776 BCE | When did the Olympic games begin | 208 | |
7492441248 | olive wreaths | what did winners of the olympics receive | 209 | |
7492447133 | fathers, husbands, and sons | Greek women fell to authority of... | 210 | |
7492448863 | male | Who was greek weddings arranged by | 211 | |
7492463449 | Chattel slavery | people used for hard labor, domestic servants, or even business | 212 | |
7492465481 | Scythians, Nubians | Names of slaves in Ukraine and Africa | 213 | |
7492467263 | Pasion | slave who was a clear at a bank who turned profits for masters. He gained his freedom, took over management of bank, outfitted 5 warships, and was granted Athenian citizenship | 214 | |
7492473113 | Astronomy, math, medicine, geometry, and architecture | What did the Greeks study | 215 | |
7492475501 | observation, evidence, rational thought, and human reason | Greeks began to rely on... | 216 | |
7492482819 | Phoenician | Greeks borrowed the ____ alphabet and added vowels to represent speech | 217 | |
7492491585 | 470-399 BCE | life span of Socrates | 218 | |
7492491586 | The socratic method | questions of assumptions and logic | 219 | |
7492493359 | Socrates | taught Plato | 220 | |
7492495103 | wisdom and virtue | Socrates urged the pursuit of _______ | 221 | |
7492497892 | ethics and morality | Socrates believed that _____ and ____ were more important than wealth, fame, and superficial attributes | 222 | |
7492501741 | gadfly | one who challenges people in positions of power, the status quo, or popular position | 223 | |
7492505966 | immorality and corruption of youth | What was Socrates condemned on charges for... | 224 | |
7492516930 | Socrates | played the role of the public gadfly | 225 | |
7492518063 | hemlock | Socrates was forced to drink | 226 | |
7492519421 | Aristotle | Plato taught.. | 227 | |
7492520690 | Alexander the Great | Aristotle taught.. | 228 | |
7492522475 | 430-347 | Plato's time span... | 229 | |
7492524996 | Socratic thought | Plato wrote down... | 230 | |
7492526859 | The Republic | Plato wrote.. | 231 | |
7492529465 | ideal society, smart | The Republic by Plato described an _____ with rule by the ___ | 232 | |
7492534573 | sense | Aristotle relied on ___ to provide accurate information of world and depend on reason to sort out | 233 | |
7492538726 | Aristotle | "The master of those who know" | 234 | |
7492542046 | biology, physics, astronomy, psychology, this, and literature | Aristotle wrote on.. | 235 | |
7492543132 | Herodotus | wrote about the Greco-Persian wars to discover "the reason why the fought one another" | 236 | |
7492545729 | Herodotus | Father of history | 237 | |
7492547345 | Hippocratic oath | oath taken by physicians | 238 | |
7492551906 | functions of the body | Hippocrates explained the... | 239 | |
7492553579 | 4 fluids | Hippocrates believed the body was composed of ____ which when out of balance cause ailments | 240 | |
7492556347 | Hippocrates | traced organs of epilepsy to heredity | 241 | |
7492559465 | Epicureans | Philosophy that believed pleasure is the greatest good, a state of quiet satisfaction | 242 | |
7492563516 | Skeptics | Philosophy that doubted possibly of certainty in anything | 243 | |
7492566895 | Stoic | most influential philosophy | 244 | |
7492568631 | Stoic | Philosophy that believed that one should concentrate on the duty, virtue to aid others. emphasized inner peace | 245 | |
7492582578 | polytheists | Greeks were... (belief in multiple gods_ | 246 | |
7492584218 | Zeus | principal god of Greece | 247 | |
7492584219 | religious cults | Greeks had.. | 248 | |
7492586427 | women | The fertility cult of Demeter was for... | 249 | |
7492589170 | Dionysus | god of wine | 250 | |
7492591715 | Cult of Dionysus | cult celebrated also by mostly women in the spring when fruit produced wine | 251 | |
7492599347 | Aeschylus, Sophocles, euripides | major greek playwrights | 252 | |
7492601388 | Aristophanes | greek comedy | 253 |