AP Literature Terms 2 Flashcards
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5127836295 | figurative language | writing that departs from literal meaning in order to achieve a special effect or meaning | 0 | |
5127843047 | alliteration | repetition of consonant sounds to create rhythm and harmony | 1 | |
5127844958 | personification | giving animate characteristics to inanimate things | 2 | |
5127846436 | metaphor | a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance | 3 | |
5127851740 | simile | an explicit comparison between two dissimilar things | 4 | |
5127853008 | hyperbole | an overstatement for the purpose of emphasis | 5 | |
5127854134 | litotes | deliberate understatement, especially when expressing a thought by denying its opposite | 6 | |
5127857205 | anaphora | repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or phrases | 7 | |
5127860477 | synecdoche | when a part represents a whole | 8 | |
5127862760 | metonymy | the substitution of an object closely associated with a word for the word itself | 9 | |
5127865090 | apostrophe | a figure of speech where someone (usually absent or dead), an object, or a nonexistent person is addressed as though present or real | 10 | |
5127868701 | parallelism | similarity of structure in a pair or in a series of related words, phrases, or clauses | 11 | |
5127870589 | antithesis | opposite or contrast of ideas or words in a balanced or parallel construction | 12 | |
5127873601 | soliloquy | a long speech given by a character alone on a stage revealing his or her innermost thoughts or feelings | 13 | |
5127875865 | oxymoron | a self-contradicting combination of words | 14 | |
5127877270 | stock epithet | a term or phrase used repeatedly to characterize a person or thing | 15 | |
5127879310 | didactic literature | literature meant to instruct or give advice | 16 | |
5127881086 | hamartia | the error, mistaken judgement, or misstep through which the fortunes of a tragic hero are reversed | 17 | |
5127888633 | paradox | something that at first seems contradictory but, in fact, reveals a truth | 18 | |
5127890658 | allusion | a brief reference to a historical or literary person, place, object, or event | 19 |