AP literature part two Flashcards
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6612460610 | Emaciated | Abnormally lean. From starvation or illness | 0 | |
6612460611 | Imminent | Likely to happen very soon | 1 | |
6612460612 | Importunate | Annoyingly persistent. Insistent | 2 | |
6612460613 | Emissary | A person sent on a special mission. An agent | 3 | |
6612460614 | Premeditated | Planned beforehand | 4 | |
6612460615 | Inimical | Hostile. In opposition | 5 | |
6612460616 | Veneration | Profound respect | 6 | |
6612460617 | Abomination | Something hateful and disgusting | 7 | |
6612460618 | Hypocrite | One who pretends to be what he/she is not | 8 | |
6612460619 | Impalpable | Not perceptible to the touch. Too subtle to be grasped by the mind | 9 | |
6612460620 | Scurrilous | Coarse. Vulgar | 10 | |
6612460621 | Pristine | Pure. Unspoiled. Of an earlier condition | 11 | |
6612460622 | Pestilence | Infectious disease | 12 | |
6612460623 | Calamity | A disaster. An extreme misfortune | 13 | |
6612460624 | Extort | To get by force or threats. | 14 | |
6612460625 | Deleterious | Harmful to health or well being | 15 | |
6612460626 | Propensity | Inclination. Tendency | 16 | |
6612460627 | Asperity | Sharpness. Harshness of temper | 17 | |
6612460628 | Loquacity | Excessive talkativeness | 18 | |
6612460629 | Transfiguration | A radical change in form or appearance | 19 | |
6612460630 | Solace | Consolation. Comfort | 20 | |
6612460631 | Inured | Accustomed to something painful or difficult | 21 | |
6612460632 | Vicissitude | Unforeseeable change | 22 | |
6612460633 | Affliction | Something causing pain and distress. A misfortune | 23 | |
6612460634 | Probity | Integrity | 24 | |
6612460635 | Indefatigable | Untiring | 25 | |
6612460636 | Transitory | Temporary. Not enduring | 26 | |
6612460637 | Appalled | Filled with dismay. Shocked. | 27 | |
6612460638 | Conjectural | Based on guesswork or incomplete evidence | 28 |