Lit Terms AP Literature Flashcards
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6202789801 | Dramatic Monologue | Composition in which a speaker reveals his or her character, often in relation to a critical situation or event in a monologue addressed to the reader or to a presumed listener. Talks about himself as if someone else were present-reveals something about himself. | 0 | |
6202801688 | Escape Literature | Literature written purely for entertainment, with little or no attempt to provide insights into the true nature of human life or behavior | 1 | |
6202805655 | Etymology | The study of the roots of words and their meaning. Linguistic history and origins of a word | 2 | |
6202808737 | Extended Figure | Figure of speech sustained or developed through a considerable number of lines or through a whole poem | 3 | |
6202813391 | Fable | A brief story illustrating a moral truth most often associated with the ancient Greek writer Aesop | 4 | |
6202817671 | Farce | A play that is characterized by broad humor, wild antics, and often slapstick pratfalls or other physical humor; Humorous play; highly improbable plot and exaggerated characters | 5 | |
6202828072 | Figurative Language/Speech | Words and expression that conform to a particular pattern or form, such as a metaphor, simile and parallelism; language employing figures of speech; language that cannot be taken literally or only literally | 6 | |
6202837989 | Melodrama | A type of drama related to tragedy but featuring sensational incidents, emphasizing plot at the expense of characterization, relying on cruder conflicts and having a happy ending in which good triumphs over evil | 7 | |
6202847721 | paradox | a statement of situation containing apparently contradictory or incompatible elements | 8 | |
6202855980 | Realism or Verisimilitude | the use of true lifelike or probable situations and concerns; representing an object as it exists in the real world | 9 | |
6202859511 | rhetoric | the art or study of using language effectively and persuasively; language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere or intellectual vacuous verbal communication; discourse | 10 | |
6202864559 | syntax | word choice. Way that words are put together to form clauses; study of the rules for formatting grammatical sent; systematic orderly arrangement | 11 | |
6202870485 | Tall tale | a type of folk literature characterized by humorous exaggeration and outlandish plot detail | 12 | |
6202874918 | tenor | the ideas conveyed in a metaphor or simile | 13 | |
6202877237 | tone | the techniques and modes of presentation that reveal or create attitudes the writers' or speaker's attitude toward his subject his audience or himself; the emotional coloring or emotional meaning of a work | 14 | |
6202885794 | Tragedy | A play, novel, or other narrative depicting serious and important events, in which the main character comes to an unhappy end. The main character is usually dignified, courageous and often high ranking; downfall may be caused by a tragic flaw | 15 | |
6202895968 | Vernacular | dialect; a way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people | 16 |