AP World History Vocab Flashcards
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7206624145 | Abolition | Movement to end slavery | 0 | |
7206624146 | Absolutism | A political system in which a ruler holds total power | 1 | |
7206624147 | Anarchism | a political philosophy that opposes government in any form | 2 | |
7206624148 | Anti Semitism | Prejudice against Jews | 3 | |
7206624149 | Apartheid | government policy of racial segregation once practiced by the Republic of South Africa. | 4 | |
7206624150 | Appeasement | Accepting demands in order to avoid conflict | 5 | |
7206624151 | Arable | Suitable for growing crops | 6 | |
7206624152 | Archaic | ancient; old-fashioned | 7 | |
7206624153 | -archy | government | 8 | |
7206624154 | Aristocracy | a form of government in which power is held by the nobility. | 9 | |
7206624155 | Asecticism | severe self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons | 10 | |
7206624156 | Authoritarianism | the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom | 11 | |
7206624157 | Barbarianism | a person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person | 12 | |
7206624158 | Border | The line between two countries. | 13 | |
7206624159 | Bourgeoisie | French middle class | 14 | |
7206624160 | Bureaucracy | A system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials | 15 | |
7206624161 | Caliph | successor to Muhammad as political and religious leader of the Muslims | 16 | |
7206624162 | Capitalism | An economic system based on private ownership of capital | 17 | |
7206624163 | capitulate | to surrender | 18 | |
7206624164 | Cartel | an association to fix prices, set production quotas, or control markets | 19 | |
7206624165 | Casualty | A person killed or injured in a war or accident | 20 | |
7206624166 | Chivalry | Code of conduct for knights during the Middle Ages | 21 | |
7206624167 | City state | a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state. | 22 | |
7206624168 | Civilization | A complex, highly organized social order | 23 | |
7206624169 | class struggle | conflict between different classes in a community resulting from different social or economic positions and reflecting opposed interests. | 24 | |
7206624170 | Classical | 1750-1820 | 25 | |
7206624171 | Colony | a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation | 26 | |
7206624172 | Colombian Exchange | trade of goods and ideas between Europe and the new world colonies. | 27 | |
7206624173 | Communal | used or shared in common by everyone in a group | 28 | |
7206624174 | Conjuncture | a combination of circumstances; a particular state of affairs | 29 | |
7206624175 | Conservatism | A movement to preserve the old social order and governments. | 30 | |
7206624176 | Constitutionalism | Basic principle that government and those who govern must obey the law; the rule of law | 31 | |
7206624177 | Consumerism | the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers. | 32 | |
7206624178 | Corporation | A business that is owned by many investors. | 33 | |
7206624179 | Currency | Coins and paper bills used as money | 34 | |
7206624180 | Darwinism | the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection advanced by Charles Darwin. | 35 | |
7206624181 | Debt peonage | A system that bound laborers into slavery in order to work off a debt to the employer | 36 | |
7206624182 | Deity | god or goddess | 37 | |
7206624183 | Deism | religious belief based on reason | 38 | |
7206624184 | Democracy | A form of government in which citizens govern themselves | 39 | |
7206624185 | Demographic | related to population balance | 40 | |
7206624186 | Determinism | The assumption that behavior is caused by heredity and environment | 41 | |
7206624187 | Diffusion | the spread of ideas from one culture to another | 42 | |
7206624188 | Diplomacy | Negotiation between nations | 43 | |
7206624189 | Diversity | Variety | 44 | |
7206624190 | Domestic | relating to issues within a country | 45 | |
7206624191 | Dualism | seeing mind and body as two different things that interact | 46 | |
7209030030 | Empire | A group of states or territories controlled by one ruler | 47 | |
7209030031 | EntrepĂ´t | commercial center where goods are received and reshipped | 48 | |
7209030032 | Ethic | A system of moral principles. | 49 | |
7209030033 | Ethnic | A social division based on national origin, religion, language, and often race. | 50 | |
7209030034 | Fascism | dictatorship | 51 | |
7209030035 | Feminism | Women should be equal to men | 52 | |
7209030036 | Feudalism | A system of government based on landowners and tenants | 53 | |
7209030037 | Foragers | People who search for food | 54 | |
7209030038 | Free trade | international trade free of government interference | 55 | |
7209030039 | Frontier | a zone where no state exercises complete political control | 56 | |
7209030040 | Genocide | Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group | 57 | |
7209030041 | Global south | Africa Asia Latin America (third world countries) | 58 | |
7209030042 | -graphy | recording | 59 | |
7209030043 | Guild | a group of merchants or craftspeople | 60 | |
7209030044 | Hegemony | domination over others | 61 | |
7209030045 | Imperialism | Control of territory already occupied and organized by an indigenous society. | 62 | |
7209030046 | Indenture | written contract | 63 | |
7209030047 | Independence | Freedom | 64 | |
7209030048 | Industrialization | process of developing machine production of goods | 65 | |
7209030049 | Laissez-faire | Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs. | 66 | |
7209030050 | Legitimacy | right and proper | 67 | |
7209030051 | Liberalism | A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity. | 68 | |
7209030052 | Malnutrition | Lack of sufficient nutrients in the body | 69 | |
7209030053 | Mandarin | an influential person | 70 | |
7209030054 | maritime | A humid air mass that forms over oceans | 71 | |
7209030055 | Medieval | Middle Ages | 72 | |
7209030056 | Mercantilism | belief in the benefits of profitable trading | 73 | |
7209030057 | Metallurgy | science of working with metals | 74 | |
7209030058 | Middle class | made up of small planters, independent farmers, and artisans | 75 | |
7209030059 | Migration | the movement of people from place to place | 76 | |
7209030060 | Minister | the superior of some religious orders | 77 | |
7209030061 | Modernity | Related to recent times or the present | 78 | |
7209030062 | Monarchy | A government ruled by a king or queen | 79 | |
7209030063 | Monasticism | The practice of living the life of a monk | 80 | |
7209030064 | Mono- | one | 81 | |
7209030065 | Monogamy | Having one mate at a time | 82 | |
7209030066 | Monopoly | A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller. | 83 | |
7209030067 | Mortality | death | 84 | |
7209030068 | Nation | a politically organized body of people under a single government | 85 | |
7209030069 | Nation state | A state that is independent of other states | 86 | |
7209030070 | Nationalism | pride in one's country | 87 | |
7209030071 | Neo- | new | 88 | |
7209030072 | NGO | Non-governmental organization | 89 | |
7209030073 | Nomadic | wandering from place to place | 90 | |
7209030074 | Optimism | hopefulness and confidence about the future | 91 | |
7209030075 | Pagan | A follower of a polytheistic religion in ancient times. | 92 | |
7209030076 | Paleo- | Old/ancient | 93 | |
7209030077 | Paternalism | the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest | 94 | |
7209107859 | Patriarch | Male head of the family | 95 | |
7209107860 | Pessimism | gloominess; a belief that the bad guys always win | 96 | |
7209107861 | Poly- | many | 97 | |
7209107862 | Polygamy | Having multiple mates at a time | 98 | |
7209107863 | Proletariat | Working class | 99 | |
7209107864 | Protectorate | a state that is controlled and protected by another | 100 | |
7209107865 | Protestant work ethic | Hard work + material success = signs of goods favor | 101 | |
7209107866 | Proto- | first | 102 | |
7209107867 | Psycho- | mind | 103 | |
7209107868 | Racism | Belief that one race is superior to another | 104 | |
7209107869 | Rebellion | open defiance of authority | 105 | |
7209107870 | Reincarnation | The rebirth of a soul in a new body | 106 | |
7209107871 | Republic | system of government in which officials are chosen by the people | 107 | |
7209107872 | Revolt | rebellion | 108 | |
7209107873 | Revolution | a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. | 109 | |
7209107874 | Rural | Country | 110 | |
7209107875 | Scholasticism | a way of thinking that combined faith and reason | 111 | |
7209107876 | Segregation | Separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences | 112 | |
7209107877 | Serfdom | Quality of being a serf or slave | 113 | |
7209107878 | Shamanism | belief in gods and spirits | 114 | |
7209107879 | Skepticism | the idea that nothing can ever be known for certain | 115 | |
7209107880 | Slavery | the practice or system of owning slaves | 116 | |
7209107881 | Social Darwinism | survival of the fittest | 117 | |
7209107882 | social democracy | a hybrid system combining a capitalist economy and a government that supports equality | 118 | |
7209107883 | Socialism | a system in which the government owns and operates a country's means of production | 119 | |
7209107884 | Sovereignty | the authority of a state to govern itself or another state. | 120 | |
7209107885 | Sphere of Influence | A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities. | 121 | |
7209107886 | State | a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. | 122 | |
7209107887 | Syncretism | a combination of different forms of belief and practice | 123 | |
7209107888 | Terrorism | targeting random people who are usually civilians with violence for a political purpose. | 124 | |
7209107889 | The west | the noncommunist states of Europe and North America, contrasted with the former communist states of Eastern Europe | 125 | |
7209107890 | The left | a group or party favoring liberal, socialist, or radical views. | 126 | |
7209107891 | The right | a grouping or political party favoring conservative views and supporting capitalist economic principles | 127 | |
7209107892 | Theocracy | government run by religious leaders | 128 | |
7209107893 | Third world | Developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America | 129 | |
7209107894 | Totalitarianism | government control over every aspect of public and private life | 130 | |
7209107895 | Trust | A group of corporations run by a single board of directors | 131 | |
7209107896 | Unanimity | complete agreement | 132 | |
7209107897 | Union | organization to help workers achieve a common goal | 133 | |
7209107898 | utopian | idealistic or visionary, usually used to describe a perfect society | 134 | |
7209107899 | Veneration | great respect | 135 | |
7209107900 | Working class | A social class broadly composed of people working in blue-collar, or manual, occupations. | 136 | |
7209107901 | World Systems Theory | Explanation for dominant societies exploiting weaker ones | 137 | |
7229182532 | Pastoralism | Raising livestock | 138 |