AP Literature Vocab 2 Flashcards
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7328890117 | blank verse | unrhymed iambic pentameter; metrical verse with no ending rhyme | 0 | |
7328918232 | bombast | elevated language, often pompous and overdone | 1 | |
7328921915 | cacophony | a combination of harsh, unpleasant sounds which create an effect of discordance. | 2 | |
7328934101 | caesura | a pause for effect in the middle of a line of poetry | 3 | |
7328950609 | canon | works considered by scholars & teachers to be the most important to study/read, constitutes "classics" | 4 | |
7349764229 | carpe diem | a latin phrase which translated means "seize (catch) of the day" | 5 | |
7349768259 | catharsis | aristole's word for the pity and fear an audience experiences upon viewing the downfall of a hero | 6 | |
7349771173 | cause and effect relationships | a dominant technique in which the author analyzes reasons for a chain of events | 7 | |
7349779047 | characterization | the method a writer uses to reveal the personality of a character in a literary work | 8 | |
7349789504 | chiasmus | repetition in successive clauses which are usually parallel in syntax | 9 | |
7349812562 | classicism | an approach to literature which emphasizes reason, harmony, clarity, and the imitation of ancient writers and philosophers | 10 | |
7349816485 | climax | the turning point, or crisis, in a play or other piece of literature | 11 | |
7349819052 | colloquial expressions | informal, not always grammatically correct expressions that find acceptance in certain geographical areas and within certain groups of people | 12 | |
7349832012 | comedy | a work which strives to provoke smiles and laughter | 13 | |
7349839290 | comic relief | something of humor interrupts an otherwise serious, often tragic, literary work; a humorous scene or incident that alleviates tension in an otherwise serious work | 14 | |
7349847584 | complication | the part of a plot in which the entanglement caused by the conflict is developed | 15 | |
7349849526 | conceit | an extended metaphor, two unlike things are compared in several different ways | 16 | |
7349903967 | concrete poetry | where the actual typeset layout of the poem suggests the topic | 17 | |
7349907454 | conflict | a struggle between opposing forces | 18 | |
7349908155 | connotation | emotional implications that a word may carry; implied or associated meaning for a particular word | 19 | |
7349914062 | consonance | repetition of consonant sounds with differing vowels in words near each other or in a line or lines of poetry | 20 | |
7349917022 | couplet | pair of rhyming lines written in the same meter, may be a separate stanza | 21 | |
7349919086 | crisis | climax or turning point of a story or play (may have more than one) | 22 | |
7349923489 | dactyl | three syllable foot consisting of an accented syllable followed by the unaccented syllables | 23 | |
7349927105 | denotation | the specific, exact meaning of a word; dictionary definition | 24 | |
7349933519 | denouement | resolution of a plot after the climax | 25 | |
7349934410 | deus ex machina | unexpected, artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly to resolve a situation/untangle a plot | 26 | |
7349943209 | dialect | speech peculiar to a region; exhibits distinctions between two groups or even two persons | 27 | |
7349945506 | dialogue | conversation between two or more characters, usually set off with quotation marks | 28 | |
7349949588 | diction | an author's choice of words | 29 |