AP Literature Vocab Flashcards
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7659056357 | allocation | (noun) distribution, portion, share | 0 | |
7691870022 | ascetic | (adjective) self-denying, disciplined, abstinent | 1 | |
7691875773 | beguile | (verb) to fool or decieve | 2 | |
7691878386 | crass | (adjective) coarse, insensitive, rude | 3 | |
7691880297 | defray | (verb) to pay, finance, fund | 4 | |
7691881828 | dint | (noun) impression, dent or a blow | 5 | |
7691883848 | enjoin | (verb) to order, command, or forbid | 6 | |
7691885454 | envoy | (noun) deputy, delegate, diplomat | 7 | |
7691888012 | interloper | (noun) intruder, meddler, tresspasser | 8 | |
7691889869 | vicarious | (adjective) done or felt for another, on behalf of someone else, indirect | 9 | |
7691893955 | alliteration | turn of expression, rhyme, or repetition (ex. peter piper) | 10 | |
7691895158 | allusion | indirect reference, hint, implication (ex. garden = eden) | 11 | |
7733801640 | amplification | enlarging upon, adding detail and information | 12 | |
7733801641 | anacoluthon | a sentence or construction that lacks grammatical sequence (ex. while in the garden, the door banged shut) | 13 | |
7733865772 | admonish | (verb) to warn or reprimand someone firmly | 14 | |
7733865773 | akimbo | (adverb) flung out widely or haphazardly, or hands on the hips | 15 | |
7733894227 | lassitude | (noun) a state of physical or mental weariness, lack of energy | 16 | |
7733915552 | licentious | (adjective) promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters | 17 | |
7733933269 | muse | (noun) person who is source of artistic inspiration, (verb) to be absorbed in thought | 18 | |
7733956225 | pecuniary | (adjective) relating to or consisting of money | 19 | |
7733969253 | plight | (noun) dangerous, difficult, or unfortunate situation | 20 | |
7733975636 | presumptuous | (adjective) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate | 21 | |
7734002414 | subversive | (adjective) seeking to disrupt an established system or institution | 22 | |
7734029346 | vacuous | (adjective) lack of intelligence, mindlessness | 23 | |
7810005067 | analogous | reasoning or explaining from parallel cases (analogy) | 24 | |
7810058285 | anadiplosis | repeating a word at the end and beginning of clause (ex. I am Sam, Sam I am) | 25 | |
7812301799 | avocation | (noun) hobby or minor occupation | 26 | |
7812312605 | capricious | (adjective) given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior | 27 | |
7812314794 | disparity | (noun) a great difference | 28 | |
7812317469 | efficacy | (noun) the ability to produce a desired or intended result | 29 | |
7812317470 | epistle | (noun) a letter or series of letters | 30 | |
7812322349 | hospice | (noun) a lodging for travelers, or home providing care to the sick | 31 | |
7812322350 | impetus | (noun) motivation, stimulus | 32 | |
7812325467 | moribund | (adjective) at the point of death | 33 | |
7812325468 | reticent | (adjective) reserved, introverted | 34 | |
7812328602 | vacillate | (verb) to be indecisive | 35 | |
7884373299 | anaphora | repetition that occurs when start of sentences or clauses all begin with same word/phrase (ex. Love is patient, Love is kind) | 36 | |
7884373300 | antanagoge | a negative point is balanced with a positive point | 37 | |
7884385709 | akin | (adjective) of similar character | 38 | |
7884385710 | corroborate | (verb) confirm or give support to (a statement, finding, or theory) | 39 | |
7884390735 | inexorable | (adjective) impossible to stop or prevent | 40 | |
7884390736 | insipid | (adjective) lacking flavor | 41 | |
7884395276 | nefarious | (adjective) wicked or criminal | 42 | |
7884395277 | physiognomy | (noun) judging a person's character by their facial features or expressions | 43 | |
7884398748 | retinue | (noun) group of advisors or assistance | 44 | |
7884398749 | suppliant | (noun) person making a humble plea to someone in authority | 45 | |
7884401783 | tedium | (noun) state of being tedious | 46 | |
7884401784 | torrid | (adjective) very hot/dry, passionate, or full of difficulty | 47 | |
7975590590 | antimetabole | reverse order sentences (when the going gets tough, the tough get going) | 48 | |
7975590591 | antiphrasis | obvious ironic phrasing (ex. take your time, we've got all day) | 49 | |
7975622099 | ribald | (adjective) referring to sexual content in a rude or irreverent way | 50 | |
7975627293 | affront | (noun) an action causing offense, (verb) to offend the modesty or value of | 51 | |
7975627294 | blasé | (adjective) unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before | 52 | |
7975630948 | cajole | (verb) persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery | 53 | |
7975634265 | choleric | (adjective) bad-tempered or irritable | 54 | |
7975634266 | encumber | (verb) to restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult | 55 | |
7975639471 | feckless | (adjective) lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible | 56 | |
7975639472 | impasse | (noun) a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock | 57 | |
7975642464 | indolent | (adjective) wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy | 58 | |
7975642465 | lugubrious | (adjective) looking or sounding sad and dismal | 59 | |
8038145284 | antithesis | contrast or opposition between two things | 60 | |
8038145285 | apophasis | the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it (ex. I don't want to say anything bad about another doctor, especially one who is a useless drunk) | 61 | |
8038259344 | adulation | (noun) flattery; excessive admiration or praise | 62 | |
8038259345 | censure | (verb) express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement | 63 | |
8038263563 | dissemble | (verb) conceal one's true motives, feelings, or beliefs | 64 | |
8038265852 | dissimulation | (noun) concealment of one's thoughts, feelings, or character; pretense | 65 | |
8038265853 | droll | (adjective) curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement | 66 | |
8038268703 | expectorate | (verb) cough or spit out (phlegm) from the throat or lungs | 67 | |
8038268704 | palpate | (verb) examine (a part of the body) by touch, especially for medical purposes | 68 | |
8038271981 | peremptory | (adjective) not open to appeal or challenge; final | 69 | |
8038274808 | pusillanimous | (adjective) showing a lack of courage or determination; timid | 70 | |
8038277104 | surfeit | (noun) an excessive amount of something, (verb) to no longer desire | 71 | |
8038277105 | allay | (verb) relieve or alleviate (pain or hunger) | 72 |