AP Literature Vocabulary 1.6 Flashcards
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8538799803 | flippant | (adj.) lacking in seriousness; disrespectful, saucy | 0 | |
8538799804 | exuberant | (adj.) high-spirited, enthusiastic, unrestrained; filled with energy | 1 | |
8538802073 | desultory | (adj.) aimless; random; disconnected; rambling; jumping from one thing to another; disconnected | 2 | |
8538803269 | garish | (adj.) gaudy; glaring; tastelessly showy or overdecorated in a vulgar or offensive way | 3 | |
8538803270 | precariously | (adv) unsteadily; insecurely; dangerously; precipitous | 4 | |
8538805664 | levity | (noun) a moment of light-heartedness, comedic relief, lack of seriousness | 5 | |
8538805665 | indolent | (adj.) wanting to avoid activity or exertion; habitually lazy; idle | 6 | |
8538807014 | nefarious | (adj.) wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards; heinous, criminal | 7 | |
8538807015 | immutable | (adj.) not subject to change, constant | 8 | |
8538808494 | impecunious | (adj.) poor; having little or no money | 9 | |
8538808495 | raucously | (adv) loudly and recklessly; harshly | 10 | |
8538809568 | redolent | (adj.) fragrant, smelling strongly; tending to arouse memories or create an aura; nostalgic | 11 | |
8538809569 | facetiousness | (noun) humor; a joking manner; sarcasm; clever yet light-hearted humor; lacking serious intent | 12 | |
8538811199 | fester | (verb) to grow embittered over time; to rot; to generate pus; to become a source of resentment or irritation | 13 | |
8538811200 | didactic | (adj.) intended to teach or instruct, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive; instructive | 14 | |
8538812896 | symbiotic | (adj.) involving a close relationship of mutual dependence; mutually beneficial; supporting one another's life | 15 | |
8538812897 | looming | (adj. or verb) appearing large and scary; ominous and awe-inspiring; appear as a shadowy form | 16 | |
8538814612 | nonplussed | (adj.) perplexed, puzzled, not knowing what to do, at a loss, flabbergasted | 17 | |
8538814613 | eccentricity | (noun) oddness, strange and unconventional behavior; idiosyncrasy. | 18 | |
8538815990 | abrogate | (verb) to repeal, cancel, declare null and void; to annul; to abolish | 19 | |
8538815991 | erudite | (adj.) scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic | 20 | |
8538817895 | loquacious | (adj.) very talkative, wordy; fond of talking | 21 | |
8538817896 | disingenuous | (adj) insincere, not genuine; not straightforward; crafty | 22 | |
8538819727 | ubiquitous | (adj.) present or existing everywhere; being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent | 23 | |
8538823835 | specious | (adj.) deceptively attractive, apparently good or valid but lacking real merit; seeming to be logical, truthful and sound, but not really so | 24 | |
8662219537 | sanguine | (adj.) ruddy, red; cheerfully optimistic, even in a bad situation | 25 | |
8662224355 | scrutinize | (v.) to examine closely; to observe carefully; to inspect | 26 | |
8662231637 | labyrinthine | (adj.) intricate, maze-like; complicated; highly convoluted; puzzling | 27 | |
8662237212 | protuberant | (adj.) bulging out beyond the surrounding surface; protruding; projecting | 28 | |
8662241515 | fulminating | (verb) to explode with a loud noise; detonate; to issue denunciations against; speaking against something; to flash; to protest (adj) thundering; loud | 29 | |
8662252619 | orthodoxy | (noun) authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice; traditional or established religious beliefs, codes, and customs | 30 | |
8662258600 | irrepressible | (adj.) incapable of being controlled or held back | 31 | |
8662263195 | edified | (verb) to instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually | 32 | |
8662273533 | proliferated | (verb) to grow by rapid production of new parts; increase rapidly in number | 33 | |
8662277850 | sinecures | (noun) an office or position that requires little or no work and that usually provides an sustainable income | 34 | |
8662283207 | axiom | (noun) a self-evident truth requiring no proof; universally or generally accepted principle | 35 | |
8662353875 | niggling | (adj.) bothersome or persistent especially in a petty or tiresome way; troublesome | 36 | |
8662356514 | fatuous | (adj.) stupid; silly; foolish in a self-satisfied way | 37 | |
8662360911 | effigies | (noun) a crude, mocking figure representing an unpopular individual; a statue of someone | 38 | |
8662366595 | febrile | (adj.) feverish; pertaining to or marked by fever; frantic; passionate | 39 | |
8662369920 | perilously | (adv.) involving or full of grave risk or peril; hazardous; dangerous | 40 | |
8662375221 | credulous | (adj.) too ready to believe, easily deceived; too trusting; gullible | 41 | |
8662378405 | execrate | (verb) to denounce as vile or evil; to curse; to detest | 42 | |
8662382894 | ruminant | (adj.) contemplative; meditative; chewing the cud (like a cow); (noun) a person who chews cud or contemplates often | 43 | |
8662388045 | oligarchies | (noun) a small group of wealthy people having control of a country, organization, or institution | 44 | |
8662392732 | ossified | (adj.) changed to bone; hardened, often figurative; becoming fixed and rigid; | 45 | |
8662401325 | solipsism | (noun) the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist | 46 | |
8662407092 | obliquely | (adv) indirectly; deviously; underhandedly | 47 | |
8662419628 | panegyric | (noun) formal or elaborate praise; a tribute; an elaborate eulogy | 48 | |
8662427731 | perfidy | (noun) faithlessness, treachery; betrayal of trust; disloyalty | 49 | |
8662437110 | dalliance | (noun) non-serious involvement; toying or playing with something; a casual romantic or sexual relationship; a trifling away of time; amorous toying; flirtation | 50 | |
8662448270 | valorize | (verb) to exalt; to give value or validity to; to give credence/believability to | 51 | |
8761853754 | euphonic | (adj.) having a nice sound; pleasant combination of sounds in words | 52 | |
8761853755 | archaic | (adj.) very old or old-fashioned. | 53 | |
8761855647 | cacophonous | (adj.) harsh-sounding, raucous, discordant, dissonant | 54 | |
8761855648 | litotes | (noun) ironical understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary | 55 | |
8761858076 | usurp | (verb) to take over; to seize power; to hold a position by force or without right | 56 | |
8761858548 | harbingers | (noun) indicators; bringers of warnings; things that precede and forecast | 57 | |
8761860841 | auspicious | (adj.) favorable; fortunate; promising success | 58 | |
8761862059 | mirth | (noun) gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter; amusement | 59 | |
8761862060 | dirge | (noun) a funeral hymn or mournful speech; eulogy | 60 | |
8761862738 | impotent | (adj.) powerless; lacking strength; helpless; unable to take action | 61 | |
8761862739 | visage | (noun) face; facial expression; appearance; aspect | 62 | |
8761863712 | filial | (adj.) of, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter | 63 | |
8761863713 | obsequious | (adj.) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery; overly submissive and eager to please | 64 | |
8761864538 | jocund | (adj.) merry; cheerful; lighthearted | 65 | |
8761864539 | countenance | (noun) appearance, especially the look or expression of the face | 66 | |
8761865388 | credent | (adj.) believing or willing to believe; gullible; giving authority or weight to something | 67 | |
8761866026 | libertine | (noun) a free thinker, usually used disparagingly; one without moral restraint | 68 | |
8761866027 | beguile | (verb) to deceive, to mislead, to persuade with charm; to enchant | 69 | |
8761866509 | enmity | (noun) hatred, ill-will, hostility | 70 | |
8761866510 | pernicious | (adj.) extremely harmful; deadly, fatal | 71 | |
8761867146 | ambiguous | (adj.) doubtful or uncertain; can be interpreted several ways; unclear | 72 | |
8761867147 | expostulate | (verb) to argue earnestly in an attempt to dissuade or show strong disapproval | 73 | |
8761867778 | pastoral | (noun) a literary work idealizing the rural life (especially the life of shepherds); (adj) having to do with the country | 74 | |
8761868239 | diadem | (noun) a jeweled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty | 75 | |
8761868240 | offal | (noun) waste parts of a butchered animal; refuse; garbage; rubbish; trash | 76 | |
8761872669 | orison | (noun) an earnest wish or request, a prayer | 77 | |
8761873688 | termagant | (noun) a harsh-tempered, aggressive, or overbearing woman; (adj.) Violently abusive and quarrelsome. | 78 | |
8761873689 | cuckold | (noun) the husband of an unfaithful wife, usually derogatory | 79 | |
8761874370 | circumvent | (verb) to get around; to bypass; to avoid | 80 | |
8761875316 | sexton | (noun) one who is in charge of the cemetery; the caretaker of a church in charge of property and sacred objects. | 81 | |
8833471043 | capacious | (adj.) able to hold much, roomy; spacious, large in capacity | 82 | |
8833472066 | fastidious | (adj.) very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail, especially cleanliness | 83 | |
8833472917 | indefatigable | (adj.) tireless, incapable of being fatigued | 84 | |
8833473661 | sublime | (adj.) lofty or grand; exalted, noble, uplifting; inspiring awe | 85 | |
8833473662 | predilection | (noun) preference or predisposition towards someone or something | 86 | |
8833474374 | averred | (verb) to assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or peremptory manner | 87 | |
8833474375 | folly | (noun) lack of good sense; foolish action or undertaking | 88 | |
8833475034 | palpable | (adj.) capable of being touched or felt; easily seen, heard, or recognized | 89 | |
8833475035 | zeal | (noun) great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective; passion | 90 | |
8833475870 | paroxysm | (noun) a sudden outburst; a spasm, convulsion; a periodic, sudden attack | 91 | |
8833475871 | ameliorate | (verb) to improve, to make better; to correct a flaw or shortcoming | 92 | |
8833476496 | pittance | (noun) a woefully meager or small allowance, wage, or portion | 93 | |
8833476497 | fervently | (adv.) passionately; showing intense feeling, great emotion, or zeal | 94 | |
8833477081 | chimerical | (adj.) absurd; wildly fantastic; impossible; unreal, imagined | 95 | |
8833477693 | galvanism | (noun) electricity produced by chemical action; the therapeutic application of electricity to the body; electrocution; the idea that there is a natural electricity and that inanimate parts could be 'shocked' to life | 96 | |
8833477694 | imbibed | (verb) to take in, to absorb, or assimilate; to drink | 97 | |
8833478467 | turmoil | (noun) a state of great confusion or disorder; mental strain or agitation | 98 | |
8833478468 | erroneously | (adv.) mistakenly, inaccurately | 99 | |
8833479803 | repose | (verb) to rest; lie; place; (noun) relaxation, peace of mind, calmness | 100 | |
8833479804 | adversity | (noun) hardship; misfortune; an unfavorable turn of events; great trouble or difficulty | 101 | |
8833481404 | penury | (noun) extreme poverty; barrenness, insufficiency; destitution | 102 | |
8833481405 | ignoble | (adj.) mean, low, base; dishonorable; shameful having low moral standards; not noble in character; mean | 103 | |
8833482227 | repined | (verb) feel or express discontent; fret; complained; yearned | 104 | |
8833482228 | ardently | (adv.) eagerly, passionately, intensely, enthusiastically | 105 | |
8833482793 | benevolence | (noun) kindness, generosity, charity; desire to do good to others | 106 | |
8833482794 | mien | (noun) demeanor; air, manner; appearance; expression | 107 | |
8833483360 | pedantry | (noun) excessive concern with minor details and rules | 108 | |
8944564945 | exhort | (v.) to urge strongly, advise earnestly | 109 | |
8944564946 | minute | (adj.) very small; tiny; infinitely or immeasurably small | 110 | |
8944564947 | pertinacity | (noun) stubborn persistence/determination or act of refusing to yield on an opinion or belief | 111 | |
8944562060 | odious | (adj.) loathsome; evil; revolting in a disgusting way; extremely unpleasant; repulsive; hateful | 112 | |
8944555820 | antipathy | (noun) a strong dislike, hostile feeling | 113 | |
8944555821 | salubrious | (adj) healthful, healthy, promoting health or well-being | 114 | |
8944562061 | convalescence | (noun) time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation; recovery period | 115 | |
8944553259 | brooding | (adj.) preoccupied with depressing, morbid, or painful memories or thoughts; serious; sober; grim; unsmiling | 116 | |
8944547454 | ignominious | (adj.) deserving or causing public disgrace or shame | 117 | |
8944547455 | timorous | (adj.) fearful, afraid, timid, shy, full of apprehension | 118 | |
8944543933 | superfluous | (adj.) exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess, unnecessary, overflow | 119 | |
8944538539 | obdurate | (adj.) stubborn, unyielding, resistant to persuasion | 120 | |
8944538540 | perdition | (noun) eternal damnation; ruin; hell | 121 | |
8944535953 | lament | (verb) to mourn; to grieve; to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner | 122 | |
8944535954 | malice | (noun) mischief; evil intent; ill will; desire to hurt others | 123 | |
8944531405 | abhorrence | (noun) a feeling of extreme repugnance or aversion; utter loathing; abomination | 124 | |
8944531406 | pretentious | (adj.) pompous, self-important; intended to attract notice and impress others | 125 | |
8944559616 | writhe | (v.) to make twisting or turning movements in a way that suggests pain or struggle | 126 | |
8944555998 | diffident | (adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved | 127 | |
8944528628 | gambol | (verb) to frolic; to romp, dance, or skip about playfully | 128 | |
8944553258 | verdant | (adj.) green in tint or color; immature in experience or judgment | 129 | |
8944528629 | homage | (adj.) honor or respect shown publicly | 130 | |
8944525453 | abate | (v.) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit | 131 | |
8944550779 | melancholy | (adj.) sad, gloomy, unhappy; (n.) sadness, gloominess | 132 | |
8944550780 | placid | (adj.) calm, peaceful, undisturbed | 133 | |
8944525454 | livery | (noun) a piece of clothing that identifies the wearer by occupation or rank; a uniform | 134 | |
8944525455 | extol | (v.) to praise extravagantly/highly, to valorize | 135 | |
9138595553 | impregnable | (adj.) invincible; invulnerable; unable to be captured or entered; impenetrable | 136 | |
9138595554 | disconsolately | (adv.) gloomily; very unhappily; cheerlessly; lonely | 137 | |
9138598463 | trenchant | (adj.) incisive, keen; forceful, effective; cutting, caustic; distinct, clear-cut | 138 | |
9138598464 | augment | (verb) to enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity | 139 | |
9138598465 | rimy | (adj.) covered with frost or ice | 140 | |
9138600756 | imprecations | (noun) acts of cursing and invoking evil; spoken curses; cuss words; foul language | 141 | |
9138600757 | fetter | (verb) to chain, restrain, or tie; (noun) a shackle for the ankles or feet | 142 | |
9138602435 | blithe | (adj.) cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned | 143 | |
9138602436 | divulge | (verb) to tell, reveal; to make public; to expose | 144 | |
9138604631 | vicariously | (adv.) indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute; felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another; imagining one in another's position/situation | 145 | |
9138604632 | regale | (verb) to feast, delight, or entertain agreeably | 146 | |
9138604633 | goad | (verb) to drive or urge on; (noun) something used to drive or urge on | 147 | |
9138606724 | prodigal | (adj.) wasteful; reckless with money; extravagant; lavish | 148 | |
9138606725 | contumaciously | (adv.) stubbornly disobedient; rebellious; willfully not following directions | 149 | |
9138608756 | imperious | (adj.) overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling | 150 | |
9138608757 | vivaciously | (adv.) in a lively manner; animated; excitedly; attractively happy | 151 | |
9138610720 | pilfer | (verb) to steal in small quantities; to sneak | 152 | |
9138622279 | exonerate | (verb) to clear from a charge or accusation | 153 | |
9138624085 | perspicuity | (noun) clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity | 154 | |
9138626381 | retort | (verb) to answer quickly; to reply sharply or angrily; to jab; (noun) a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one) | 155 | |
9138626382 | sagaciously | (adv.) intelligently; wisely; keenly perceptive; in a shrewd manner | 156 | |
9138628174 | callous | (adj.) emotionally hardened, unfeeling, harsh, cold, unemotional, insensitive | 157 | |
9138639922 | reticence | (noun) reserve; inclination to silence; restraint in communicating | 158 | |
9138641774 | felicitous | (adj.) appropriate, apt, well chosen; marked by well-being or good fortune, happy | 159 | |
9138641775 | derision | (noun) scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment; degrading behavior; rejection | 160 | |
9138645620 | supercilious | (adj.) proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority; arrogant; pretentious | 161 | |
9138645621 | fortitude | (noun) courage in facing difficulties; strength | 162 | |
9138649565 | depreciatory | (adj.) devaluing; criticizing; meant to belittle; expressing disapproval | 163 | |
9138649566 | mollify | (verb) to calm or make less severe; to make soft | 164 | |
9138651209 | vagary | (noun) an erratic notion or action; an unexpected change | 165 | |
9138651210 | abject | (adj.) degraded; base, contemptible; cringing, servile; complete and unrelieved | 166 | |
9138655029 | propitiation | (noun) appeasement; the act of placating and overcoming distrust and animosity | 167 | |
9138655030 | latent | (adj.) hidden, present but not realized Ex. latent potential | 168 | |
9138657540 | vex | (v.) to annoy, anger, exasperate; to confuse, baffle | 169 |