AP Language Unit 1 Vocab Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
4909191247 | acquisitive | able to retain ideas; concerned with acquiring wealth | 0 | |
4909194112 | arrogate | to claim or take without right | 1 | |
4909198730 | banal | trite, commonplace | 2 | |
4909201492 | belabor | to work excessively; thrash soundly | 3 | |
4909204299 | carping | nagging at small things, petty criticism | 4 | |
4909207408 | coherant | holding or sticking together | 5 | |
4909209606 | congeal | thicken, liquid to solid, coagulate | 6 | |
4909213092 | emulate | imitate with intent of equaling | 7 | |
4909222462 | eschew | to shun or avoid | 8 | |
4909223818 | germane | relevant, fitting | 9 | |
4909228317 | insatiable | not able to be satisfied | 10 | |
4909232694 | encomium | expression of praise | 11 | |
4909238504 | intransigent | refusing to compromise | 12 | |
4909240037 | invidious | offensive, hateful | 13 | |
4909243109 | largesse | generosity | 14 | |
4909244905 | reconnaissance | survey for military purposes | 15 | |
4909254442 | substantiate | prove | 16 | |
4909256662 | taciturn | quiet | 17 | |
4909256663 | temporize | delay | 18 | |
4909258631 | tenable | capable of defense | 19 |