AP Language Vocab Section 8 Flashcards
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5362940770 | Chimerical | Definition: existing only as the product of unchecked imagination; wildly fanciful POS: adj Synonyms: absurd, fantastic, fictional, imaginary, unfounded, fabulous, absurd, Utopian, fabulous Antonyms: actual, existent, existing, real, feasible, plausible, possible, rational | 0 | |
5362940771 | Debacle | Definition: a sudden violent event that brings about great loss or destruction POS: N Synonyms: apocalypse, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy Antonyms: victory, success, triumph | 1 | |
5362941985 | Denigrate | Definition: to attack the reputation of; to deny the importance or validity of POS: V Synonyms: belittle, deprecate, derogate, diminish, discount, dismiss, criticize, berate, calumniate, traduce Antonyms: acclaim, applaud, exalt, glorify, magnify, praise, laud (applaude), praise, extol | 2 | |
5362941986 | Efficacious | Definition: having the power to produce a desired effect POS: adj Synonyms: effective, efficient, operative, productive, puissant, strong Antonyms: fruitless, ineffective, ineffectual, inoperative, unproductive, useless, impotent, abortive | 3 | |
5362943072 | Engender | Definition: to be the cause of a situation, action, or state of mind; to bring something into existence POS: V Synonyms: beget, breed, bring about, bring on, catalyze, yield, induce, insight, generate Antonyms: impede, limit, restrict, crush, destroy, demolish, annihilate | 4 | |
5362943073 | Esoteric | Definition: intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest POS: adj Synonyms: abstruse, obscure, arcane, rarefied, recondite, abstract, mystical, deep, secret, occult Antonyms: common, familiar, known, obvious, public, unmysterious, understandable, comprehensible | 5 | |
5362945220 | Factotum | Definition: an employee who does all kinds of work POS: N Synonyms: handyman | 6 | |
5362945221 | ken | Definition: one's range of knowledge or sight POS: N Synonyms: knowledge, awareness, perception, vision, understanding, grasp, comprehension, realization, appreciation, consciousness, horizon, range, perception, understanding, comprehension, esoteric Antonyms: blindness, misconception, misinterpretation, mistake, misunderstanding, stupidity, unconsciousness | 7 | |
5362945222 | Malinger | Definition: exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work POS: V Synonyms: pretend, feign, fake Antonyms: fulfill | 8 | |
5362948355 | Peremptory | Definition: insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way; allowing no denial or refusal POS: adj Synonyms: abrupt, commanding, dictatorial, autocratic, authoritarian, absolute, imperious, brusque, bossy, domineering, imperative Antonyms: humble, meek, modest, unassuming, acquiescent, resigned, submissive, indefinite, subordinate | 9 | |
5362949231 | Perspicuity | Definition: clearness or lucidity; ease in being understood POS: N Synonyms: lucidity, plainness, precision, prominence, clarity, opacity, Antonyms: ambiguity, imprecision, inexactness, inaccuracy, obscurity | 10 | |
5362951037 | Plenary | Definition: complete in every respect; full; not lacking in any way POS: adj Synonyms: comprehensive, entire, full, grand, intact, integral, perfect, complete, total, whole Antonyms: incomplete, partial, lacking | 11 | |
5362951038 | Specious | Definition: superficially plausible, but actually wrong; appears to be true, but actually false; false sense of truth POS: adj Synonyms: misleading, deceptive, false, fallacious, unsound, spurious, deceptive, showy, counterfactual, pretentious, apparent, inaccurate, ostensible, erroneous Antonyms: accurate, correct, genuine, honest, real, right, true, truthful, valid, credible, profound | 12 | |
5362951039 | Spurious | Definition: not being what it purports to be; false or fake; not coming from the right source POS: adj Synonyms: bogus, fake, false, counterfeit, forges, fraudulent, sham, artificial, illegitimate, artificial, Pseudo, inauthentic, counterfeit Antonyms: genuine, actual, real, true, authentic | 13 | |
5362952787 | Supercilious | Definition: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others; patronizingly haughty POS: adj Synonyms: arrogant, haughty, conceited, disdainful, overbearing, pompous, condescending, insolent, superior Antonyms: humble, modest, inferior | 14 | |
5362954220 | Urbanity | Definition: suavity, courteousness, and refinement of manner; state of being very polished and polite POS: N Synonyms: politeness, refinement, sophistication, elegance Antonyms: coarseness, crudeness, lowliness | 15 |