AP World History Chapter 5 Flashcards
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3000903509 | What statements best describes the relationship between Daoism and Confucianism, as understood by Chinese elites? | Daoism and Confucianism were regarded as complementary rather than contradictory. | 0 | |
3000910046 | In the four centuries following Jesus' death, Christianity | excluded women from leadership roles in the Church | 1 | |
3000913367 | Both the Buddha and Jesus | were transformed by their followers into gods. | 2 | |
3000916011 | What may have played a role in the decline of Buddhism in India? | Buddhism was absorbed into a reviving Hinduism | 3 | |
3000918927 | Confucianism had a long-term effect on Chinese culture in what ways? | The Confucian-based examination system allowed some social mobility for talented young men who were able to afford an education. | 4 | |
3000921346 | What is true of the religious and philosophical traditions that developed in Eurasia in the centuries surrounding 500 B.C.E | They all sought to define a single source of order and meaning in the universe, all reacted in some way to an earlier polytheism, and all emphasized personal moral or spiritual transformation. | 5 | |
3000933274 | What was a distinctive feature of the Greek way of thinking in the classical era? | Confidence in human reason. | 6 | |
3000935045 | The cosmic struggle between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu lies at the heart of which religion? | Zoroastrianism | 7 | |
3000959564 | Which cultural tradition is particularly noted for its emphasis on logic and relentless questioning of received wisdom, without giving much role to the gods? | Greek Philosophy | 8 | |
3000961264 | Christianity and Zoroastrianism are similar in that both | Believe in a savior or central figure | 9 | |
3000962694 | Which was primarily a religion focusing on the supernatural, rather than a philosophy? | Zoroastrianism | 10 | |
3000968691 | Which systems of thought provided inspiration for the harsh reunification of China under Shi Huangdi and the Qin Dynasty? | Legalism | 11 | |
3000970364 | Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in that they both | offered hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth. | 12 | |
3000972215 | Zoroastrianism most probably influenced which philosophical or religious traditions? | Judaism | 13 | |
3000975465 | Which of the following classical religions and philosophies focused more on affairs of this world than on the realm of the divine and its relationship to human life? | Confucianism | 14 |