AP World History Vocabulary Flashcards
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7146249283 | Abate Absolutism | The suspension of complete and unrestricted power in government. | 0 | |
7146258134 | Adjacent Agrarian | Someone who supports the advancement of agriculture. | 1 | |
7146258135 | Agriculture | The practice of raising crops or livestock on a continual and controlled basis. | 2 | |
7146258603 | Anthropomorphic | Resembling human attributes. | 3 | |
7146258604 | Aristocracy | A government led by the privileged upper class. | 4 | |
7146259325 | Avarice | Insatiable greed for riches. | 5 | |
7146259702 | Bias Buddhism | Prejudice for or against the religion based on the teachings of the Buddha in which the way to end suffering is through enlightenment. | 6 | |
7146260044 | Bureaucracy | A system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials rather than by elected representatives. | 7 | |
7146260330 | Capital Capitalism | An economic system based on private ownership of capital accumulation. | 8 | |
7146260586 | Capitulate | To surrender. | 9 | |
7146260848 | Centralized | Concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority. | 10 | |
7146261131 | Charlatan Chattel | A person that is referred to as property. | 11 | |
7146261432 | Chiefdom | Form of political organization with rule by a hereditary leader who had power over collection of villages and towns. Less powerful than kingdoms and empires, chiefdoms were based on gift giving and commercial links. | 12 | |
7146262295 | Christianity | A religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. | 13 | |
7146262296 | City-State | A city and the land it controls | 14 | |
7146262747 | Civilization Clergy | A new form of human society with religious leaders. | 15 | |
7146262748 | Coerce | To compel, force. | 16 | |
7146264431 | Colonialism | The expansion and preservation of an empire. | 17 | |
7146264432 | Colony | A group of people in one place who are ruled by a parent country elsewhere. | 18 | |
7146265296 | Communism | The idea that society should be based on public ownership and communal control of property. In practice, a single authoritarian party controls both the political and economic systems (dictator). | 19 | |
7146265694 | Confucianism | A belief system based on the ideas of the Chinese thinker Confucius. | 20 | |
7146266109 | Copious Culture | An abundance of culture(s). | 21 | |
7146266110 | Daoism | a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with the Dao, the guiding force of all reality. | 22 | |
7146266381 | Deforestation | The action of clearing a wide area of trees. | 23 | |
7146266382 | Demography | Scientific study of human populations, their characteristics, and changes. | 24 | |
7146266930 | Derive Diaspora | Obtain something from a scattered population. | 25 | |
7146267543 | Divine Dynasty | To foretell or know by inspiration a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group. | 26 | |
7146267544 | Economic Edict | A decree issued by an authority related to the production, buying and selling of products and services. | 27 | |
7146268092 | Egalitarian | The principle in which all people are created equal. | 28 | |
7146268093 | Empire | A large territory that included diverse cultural groups. | 29 | |
7146268493 | Encroach | To trespass. | 30 | |
7146268494 | Epidemic | Outbreak of a rapidly spreading disease. | 31 | |
7146268774 | Equitable | Fair | 32 | |
7146268775 | Ethnocentrism | Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group. | 33 | |
7146269708 | Feudalism | The dominant social system in medieval Europe in which people received land and protection from a Lord when they worked and fought for him. | 34 | |
7146269709 | Forage | To rummage, scavenge, graze for food. | 35 | |
7146270101 | Fundamental | Basic; primary; essential. | 36 | |
7146270102 | Genocide | Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group | 37 | |
7146270396 | Globalization | The process of countries becoming more open to foreign trade and investment. | 38 | |
7146270397 | Hegemony | The domination of one state or group over its allies. Domination over others. | 39 | |
7146271123 | Hierarchy | A group organized by rank. | 40 | |
7146271124 | Hinduism | A major religious and cultural tradition of South Asia, developed from Vedic religion. | 41 | |
7146271125 | Ideology | A consistent set of beliefs by groups/individuals. | 42 | |
7146271717 | Imperialism | A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. | 43 | |
7146271718 | Incursion | A sudden attack on another's territory; a raid. | 44 | |
7146271719 | Indentured | Legally bound to work for someone for a specified amount of time. | 45 | |
7146272731 | Servant Indignant | A person who performs duties for others that expresses a strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, or insulting. | 46 | |
7146272732 | Industrial | Big industries and big businesses, industrial complexes. | 47 | |
7146272979 | Inflation | A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. | 48 | |
7146273524 | Institution | An organization. | 49 | |
7146273525 | Intermediary | Acting as a go-between; mediator. | 50 | |
7146275990 | Judaism | The monotheistic religion of the Jews. | 51 | |
7146277182 | Lambast | To beat or whip severely; To criticize harshly. | 52 | |
7146277183 | Legitimate | Lawful, rightful; reasonable, justifiable. | 53 | |
7146277803 | Malfeasance | Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official. | 54 | |
7146278477 | Manufacture | To make something, especially on a large scale using machinery. | 55 | |
7146278478 | Maritime | On or near the sea. | 56 | |
7146279536 | Matriarchy | A society ruled or controlled by women. | 57 | |
7146279537 | Medieval | Of or relating to the Middle Ages. | 58 | |
7146279889 | Merchant | People who who buy and sell goods for a living. | 59 | |
7146279890 | Monarchy | A government ruled by a king or queen. | 60 | |
7146280373 | Monotheism | The practice of worshipping only one God. | 61 | |
7146281174 | Munificence | Generosity in giving. | 62 | |
7146281175 | Myriad | A countless or extremely great number. | 63 | |
7146281563 | Nation | A politically organized body of people under a single government. | 64 | |
7146282232 | Negligible | So unimportant that it can be disregarded. | 65 | |
7146282233 | Neolithic | "New Stone Age". The period of human culture characterized by the beginning of farming. | 66 | |
7146282626 | Nobility | A class of people having high birth or rank. | 67 | |
7146282627 | Nomad(-ic) | Wandering, moving about from place to place. | 68 | |
7146283416 | Pagan | A follower of a polytheistic religion in ancient times. | 69 | |
7146283417 | Pandemic | A worldwide epidemic. | 70 | |
7146283866 | Papacy | The office or authority of the Pope. | 71 | |
7146283867 | Parity | Equality, as in amount, status, or character. | 72 | |
7146284360 | Pastoral | Having to do with the country life. Shepherd life. | 73 | |
7146284361 | Patriarchy | Societies dominated by men. | 74 | |
7146284860 | Periodization Placate | To soothe or pacify the categorization of the past into named blocks of time. | 75 | |
7146284861 | Plethora | Excess. | 76 | |
7146285304 | Polytheism | The practice of worshipping many gods. | 77 | |
7146285305 | Prehistoric | Before written history. | 78 | |
7146285557 | Prevalent | Commonly occurring; widely accepted or practiced. | 79 | |
7146285558 | Primary Source | an original document containing firsthand information about a subject | 80 | |
7146285786 | Prolific | Abundantly productive. | 81 | |
7146285787 | Protestant | A member of a Christian church founded on the principles of the Reformation. | 82 | |
7146287169 | Prowess | Distinguished bravery; superior skill or ability. | 83 | |
7146287170 | Rational | Reasonable; logical. | 84 | |
7146288513 | Reform | To make changes in order to improve. | 85 | |
7146288514 | Regime | A government in power; a form or system of rule or management; a period of rule. | 86 | |
7146288515 | Revolution | 1. The overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. 2 A change in society over time. | 87 | |
7146288834 | Rural | Countryside. | 88 | |
7146288835 | Scribe | Individuals that were charged first with record-keeping and later with the writing of history and myths. | 89 | |
7146288843 | Secondary Source | Provides information gathered from or based on other sources | 90 | |
7146289293 | Secular | Non-religious; worldly rather than spiritual. | 91 | |
7146289294 | Serf | An agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate. | 92 | |
7146289295 | Shaman | People believed to have special abilities to cure the sick and influence the future. | 93 | |
7146290165 | Slave | A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. | 94 | |
7146290166 | State | A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. | 95 | |
7146290586 | Stratified | Arranged in layers. | 96 | |
7146290587 | Subjective | Based on personal opinions, feelings, and attitudes; not objective | 97 | |
7146297630 | Subjugate | To conquer by force, bring under complete control. | 98 | |
7146297678 | Surplus | An excess of supplies over demand. | 99 | |
7146298428 | Syncretic | A religion that combines several traditions. | 100 | |
7146298836 | Textile | Items made of cloth. | 101 | |
7146298837 | Theocracy | A government controlled by religious leaders. | 102 | |
7146300344 | Tumultuous | Noisy and disorderly. | 103 | |
7146301465 | Ubiquitous | Present or existing everywhere. | 104 | |
7146301466 | Urban | City or town areas. | 105 | |
7146301467 | Veneration | Great respect; reverence. | 106 | |
7146325172 | Xenophobic | Having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. | 107 |