Unit IV AP Government Flashcards
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8869279342 | incumbents | Those already holding office. In congressional elections, they usually win. | 0 | |
8869279343 | casework | Activities of members of Congress that help constituents as individuals; cutting through bureaucratic red tape to get people what they think they have a right to get. | 1 | |
8869279344 | pork barrel | The mighty list of federal projects, grants, and contracts available to cities, businesses, colleges, and institutions available in a congressional district. | 2 | |
8869279345 | bicameral legislature | A legislature divided into two houses. The U.S. Congress and every American state legislature except Nebraska's are this. | 3 | |
8869279346 | House Rules Committee | An institution unique to the House of Representative that reviews all bills (except revenue, budget, and appropriations bills) coming from a House committee before they go to the full House. | 4 | |
8869279347 | filibuster | A strategy unique to the Senate whereby opponents of a piece of legislation try to talk it to death, based on the tradition of unlimited debate. Today, 60 members present and voting can halt this. | 5 | |
8869279348 | Speaker of the House | An office mandated by the Constitution. This person is chosen in practice by the majority party, has both formal and informal powers, and is second in line to succeed the presidency should that office become vacant. | 6 | |
8869279349 | majority leader | The principal partisan ally of the Speaker of the House or the party's manager in the Senate. The majority leader is responsible for scheduling bills, influencing committee assignments, and rounding up votes in behalf of the party's legislative positions. | 7 | |
8869279350 | minority leader | The principal leader of the minority party in the House of Representatives or in the Senate. | 8 | |
8869279351 | standing committees | Separate subject-matter committees in each house of Congress that handle bills in different policy areas. | 9 | |
8869279352 | joint committees | Congressional committees on a few subject-matter areas with membership drawn from both houses. | 10 | |
8869279353 | conference committees | Congressional committees formed when the Senate and the House pass a particular bill in different forms. Party leadership appoints members from each house to iron out the differences and bring back a single bill. | 11 | |
8869279354 | select committees | Congressional committees appointed for a specific purpose, such as the Watergate investigation. | 12 | |
8869279355 | legislative oversight | Congress' monitoring of the bureaucracy and its administration of policy, performed mainly through hearings. | 13 | |
8869279356 | committee chairs | The most important influencers of the congressional agenda. They play dominant roles in scheduling hearings, hiring staff, appointing subcommittees, and managing committee bills when they are brought before the full house. | 14 | |
8869279357 | seniority system | A simple rule for picking committee chairs, in effect until the 1970s. The member who had served the committee the longest and whose party controlled Congress became chair, regardless of the party loyalty, mental state, or competence. | 15 | |
8869279358 | caucus (congressional) | A group of members of Congress sharing some interest or characteristic. Most are composed of members from both parties and from both houses. | 16 | |
8869279359 | bill | A proposed law, drafted in precise, legal language. Anyone can draft one of this, but only a member of the House of Representatives or the Senate can formally submit it for consideration. | 17 | |
8869279360 | impeach | the first step of the process to remove a president from office in which someone is accused of misconduct. It takes place in the House and is started by the Judiciary committee. | 18 | |
8869279361 | perjury | lying under oath | 19 | |
8869279362 | subpoena | legal order to appear in congress to testify | 20 | |
8869279363 | revenue bill | proposed law to raise money | 21 | |
8869279364 | appropriations bill | proposed law to spend money | 22 | |
8869279365 | veto | A president's attempt to kill a bill. It is a presidential check on the legislative branch | 23 | |
8869279366 | Examples of Denied powers | tax exports, suspend writs of habeas corpus, pass bills of attainder, pass ex post facto laws | 24 | |
8869279367 | taxing, spending, regulating commerce | three ways congress influences our market economy | 25 | |
8869279368 | Checks and balances | limits and controls each branch has on the other to keep one branch from gaining more power. | 26 | |
8869279369 | Where money bills originate | The House of Representatives | 27 | |
8869279370 | Library of Congress (LOC) | Support agency for Congress that is the largest library in the world | 28 | |
8869279371 | Government Printing Office (GPO) | Support agency for Congress that prints all government documents including bills. | 29 | |
8869279372 | Congressional Budget Office (CBO) | Support agency for Congress that coordinates the budget work of congress | 30 | |
8869279373 | 1 hour | Time limit for debates in the Senate IF Cloture is called. | 31 | |
8869279374 | 5 minutes | Time limit for speaking during debates in the House. | 32 | |
8869279375 | President Pro Tempore | The second in command in the Senate. they serve as a substitute when the Vice President is busy. The position is appointed by the majority party and is 4th in line for presidential succession. | 33 | |
8869279376 | President of the Senate | the Presiding officer of the senate. The position is automatically held by the Vice President. | ![]() | 34 |
8869279377 | Whips | leadership positions in both the House and Senate that primarily assists floor leaders | 35 | |
8869279378 | 218 Members | Number of House members needed for a quorum | 36 | |
8869279379 | quorum | minimum number of Representatives that must be present in order for a vote to take place in the House | 37 | |
8869279380 | Paul Ryan | Republican Congressman who is the current Speaker of the House. | 38 | |
8869279381 | Mitch McConnell | Republican Senator who is the Senate Majority Leader | 39 | |
8869279382 | Mike Pence | The current Vice President of the United States. | ![]() | 40 |
8869279383 | Nancy Pelosi | Democratic Congresswoman who is the current House Minority Leader. | 41 | |
8869279384 | 100 Members | total members of the U.S. Senate | 42 | |
8869279385 | 435 Members | total members of the U.S House of Representatives | 43 | |
8869279386 | 535 Members | total members of the U.S Congress | 44 | |
8869279387 | 25 years | Minimum age for a U.S. Representative | 45 | |
8869279388 | 30 years | Minimum age for a U.S. Senator | 46 | |
8869279389 | 2 years | Term of office for a U.S. Representative | 47 | |
8869279390 | 6 years | Term of office for a U.S. Senator | 48 | |
8869279391 | make laws | The Purpose of the Legislative Branch | 49 | |
8869279392 | 9 years | minimum number of years of citizenship required to be in the U.S. Senate | 50 | |
8869279393 | 7 years | minimum number of years of citizenship required to be in the U.S. House of Representatives | 51 | |
8869279394 | gerrymander | Cheating; an illegal form of redistricting in order to gain an advantage for one group. | 52 | |
8869279395 | reapportionment | The term for the distribution of House of Representative seats among the states based on census results | 53 | |
8869279396 | census | A formal count of the population every ten years. The results are used to determine the distribution of representatives for the House. | 54 | |
8869279397 | redistricting | The process of dividing a state into sections based on population in order to determine the constituency for a Representative | 55 | |
8869279398 | 8 | Number of Representatives that Missouri has in the U.S. House of Representatives | 56 | |
8869279399 | 10 | Total number of Congressmen (House and Senate) that represent Missouri | 57 | |
8869279400 | constituents | people represented by elected officials | 58 | |
8869279401 | district | constituency for a Representative | 59 | |
8869279402 | State | constituency for a senator | 60 | |
8869279403 | Roy Blunt | Republican Senator from Missouri. | 61 | |
8869279404 | Claire McCaskill | Democratic Senator from Missouri. | 62 | |
8869279405 | representation | The constitutional principle that allows people to select delegates to make laws on their behalf. It is used in the Legislative branch. | 63 | |
8869279406 | How a bill is introduced in the House | A representative places it in the Hopper and the Speaker assigns the bill to a committee | 64 | |
8869279407 | How a bill is introduced in the Senate | A senator stands and is recognized on the floor, then all senators vote to continue with the bill. | 65 | |
8869279408 | Pocket Veto | The President's option to set a bill aside for ten days. If Congress is out of session on the 10th day, then the bill dies. | 66 | |
8869279409 | Appropriations Bill | a proposed law that authorizes spending of money | 67 | |
8869279410 | lobbyists | hired by interest groups to persuade Congress to vote in favor of their ideas. | 68 | |
8869279411 | advice and consent | Terms in the Constitution describing the U.S. Senate's power to review and approve treaties and presidential appointments | ![]() | 69 |
8869279412 | appointment power | The authority vested in the president to fill a government office or position. Positions filled by presidential appointment include those in the executive branch and the federal judiciary, commissioned officers in the armed forces, and members of the independent regulatory commissions | ![]() | 70 |
8869279413 | cabinet | An advisory group selected by the president to aid in making decisions. The cabinet includes the heads of fifteen executive departments and others named by the president | ![]() | 71 |
8869279414 | chief diplomat | The role of the president in recognizing foreign governments, making treaties, and effecting executive agreements | ![]() | 72 |
8869279415 | chief executive | The role of the president as head of the executive branch of the government | ![]() | 73 |
8869279416 | chief legislator | The role of the president in influencing the making of laws | ![]() | 74 |
8869279417 | chief of staff | The person who is named to direct the White House Office and advise the president | ![]() | 75 |
8869279418 | civil service | A collective term for the body of employees working for the government. Generally, civil service is understood to apply to all those who gain government employment through a merit system | ![]() | 76 |
8869279419 | commander in chief | The role of the president as supreme commander of the military forces of the United States and of the state National Guard units when they are called into federal service | ![]() | 77 |
8869279420 | constitutional power | A power vested in the president by Article II of the Constitution | ![]() | 78 |
8869279421 | diplomatic recognition | The formal acknowledgment of a foreign government as legitimate | ![]() | 79 |
8869279422 | emergency power | An inherent power exercised by the president during a period of national crisis | ![]() | 80 |
8869279423 | executive agreement | An international agreement made by the president, without senatorial ratification, with the head of a foreign state | ![]() | 81 |
8869279424 | executive office of the president (EOP) | An organization established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to assist the president in carrying out major duties | ![]() | 82 |
8869279425 | executive order | A rule or regulation issued by the president that has the effect of law. Executive orders can implement and give administrative effect to provisions in the Constitution, to treaties, and to statutes | ![]() | 83 |
8869279426 | executive privelege | The right of executive officials to withhold information from or to refuse to appear before a legislative committee | ![]() | 84 |
8869279427 | expressed power | A power of the president that is expressly written into the Constitution or into statutory law | ![]() | 85 |
8869279428 | federal register | A publication of the U.S. government that prints executive orders, rules, and regulations. | 86 | |
8869279429 | head of state | The role of the president as ceremonial head of the government | ![]() | 87 |
8869279430 | impeachment | An action by the House of Representatives to accuse the president, vice president, or other civil officers of the United States of committing "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors | ![]() | 88 |
8869279431 | inherent power | A power of the president derived from the statements in the Constitution that "the executive Power shall be vested in a President" and that the president should "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"; defined through practice rather than through law | ![]() | 89 |
8869279432 | kitchen cabinet | The informal advisers to the president | ![]() | 90 |
8869279433 | line-item veto | The power of an executive to veto individual lines or items within a piece of legislation without vetoing the entire bill | ![]() | 91 |
8869279434 | national security council (NSC) | An agency in the Executive Office of the President that advises the president on national security | ![]() | 92 |
8869279435 | office of management and budget (OMB) | A division of the Executive Office of the President. The OMB assists the president in preparing the annual budget, clearing and coordinating departmental agency budgets, and supervising the administration of the federal budget | ![]() | 93 |
8869279436 | pardon | A release from the punishment for or legal consequences of a crime; a pardon can be granted by the president before or after a conviction | ![]() | 94 |
8869279437 | patronage | The practice of rewarding faithful party workers and followers with government employment and contracts | ![]() | 95 |
8869279438 | permanent campaign | A coordinated and planned strategy carried out by the White House to increase the president's popularity and support | 96 | |
8869279439 | pocket veto | A special veto exercised by the chief executive after a legislative body has adjourned. Bills not signed by the chief executive die after a specified period of time. If Congress wishes to reconsider such a bill, it must be reintroduced in the following session of Congress | ![]() | 97 |
8869279440 | reprieve | A formal postponement of the execution of a sentence imposed by a court of law | ![]() | 98 |
8869279441 | signing statement | A written declaration that a president may make when signing a bill into law. Usually, such statements point out sections of the law that the president deems unconstitutional | ![]() | 99 |
8869279442 | state of the union message | An annual message to Congress in which the president proposes a legislative program. The message is addressed not only to Congress but also to the American people and to the world | ![]() | 100 |
8869279443 | statutory power | A power created for the president through laws enacted by Congress | ![]() | 101 |
8869279444 | 12th amendment | An amendment to the Constitution adopted in 1804 that specifies the separate election of the president and vice president by the electoral college | ![]() | 102 |
8869279445 | 25th amendment | A 1967 amendment to the Constitution that establishes procedures for filling presidential and vice presidential vacancies and makes provisions for presidential disability | ![]() | 103 |
8869279446 | veto message | The president's formal explanation of a veto when legislation is returned to Congress | ![]() | 104 |
8869279447 | war powers resolution | A law passed in 1973 spelling out the conditions under which the president can commit troops without congressional approval | ![]() | 105 |